can someone look at my food diary please?

I'm haven't lost weight, and don' know where i'm going wrong. My diary's a bit jumbled up (I need to start logging when i eat - you'll see what i mean!) I have nuts and lemon water at 6:30, then breakfast when i reach the office at 9-9:30, then lunch at 1, then snack at 4:30-5, then dinner at 8. i'm following the 'clean and lean' way of living.

Where am i going wrong for me not to lose? I'd be very grateful for any pearls of wisdom out there!! :-) Thanks.


  • Eadne
    Eadne Posts: 18 Member
    I'd say you're not eating enough carbs and you're probably eating too few calories. Work out your BMR using the tools on this site and don't eat less than that.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    One of two things: either you're not eating enough (you're usually 100 calories or so under your target) or your portions are off. Make sure that you really do know how much you're eating. It's easy to make the portions bigger than they are and that can sneakily bump up your caloric intake.
  • suemoony
    suemoony Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there,
    I have no wisdom, I've been losing weight by eating 3 meals a day and 3 snacks in between (plus exercise) but I'm intrigued by your diary.
    Do you work weird hours, looks like you eat loads of calories in the 1st part of your day then nothing later on?
    What sort of exercise do you do?

    I did notice that your fat is always in minus, maybe you could look to eating less fat, fill up on more veggies?
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    I know my diary is out time wise (oops!) as I was logging my food as i ate it, but not under snack, breakfast, lunch etc.

    What i'm having today is

    Snack: almonds, lemon water.
    Breakfast: clean and lean pancakes (cottage cheese,egg,oats) plus a little cottage cheese and 1/2 apple.
    Lunch: salad with quinoa, olive oil, 1/4 avocado, chickpeas, tomato and cucumber.
    Snack: houmous and pepper sticks.
    Dinner: salmon and veg.

    I commute into London, which takes ages. So i leave the house at 6:50 (thus the snack on the run), get to the office for about 9, leave the office at about 5, get home about 7. I cycle to and from the station (15 mins each way) and exercise in the evenings. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I do 30 mins intense strength/yoga etc which is a plan from my PT and Tuesdays I run miles, and Sundays I run 5 miles. I'm just scared of eating too much! But I guess I should try anything! :-)

    Thanks everyone!
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, you diet looks really good and I assume you are not gaining weight.

    How long have you been trying to lose weight? Weight loss is not linear and it can take a while in some people for them to see the scales move.

    How much do you have to lose. the less you have the longer it takes.

    Some people do better eating slightly more.

    Based on your dairy my only suggestion would be to up your protein as in the past I have found that without enough protein my weight loss stalls.
  • suemoony
    suemoony Posts: 25 Member
    I know my diary is out time wise (oops!) as I was logging my food as i ate it, but not under snack, breakfast, lunch etc.

    What i'm having today is

    Snack: almonds, lemon water.
    Breakfast: clean and lean pancakes (cottage cheese,egg,oats) plus a little cottage cheese and 1/2 apple.
    Lunch: salad with quinoa, olive oil, 1/4 avocado, chickpeas, tomato and cucumber.
    Snack: houmous and pepper sticks.
    Dinner: salmon and veg.

    I commute into London, which takes ages. So i leave the house at 6:50 (thus the snack on the run), get to the office for about 9, leave the office at about 5, get home about 7. I cycle to and from the station (15 mins each way) and exercise in the evenings. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I do 30 mins intense strength/yoga etc which is a plan from my PT and Tuesdays I run miles, and Sundays I run 5 miles. I'm just scared of eating too much! But I guess I should try anything! :-)

    Thanks everyone!

    Maybe you will take a little longer to lose as you are already so active.
    I ate Quinoa yesterday, boy does it have a lot of calories, it's healthy but doesn't fill you up like Cous cous.
    Have you thought of scrapping all diet following and just eating any healthy foods but within your calorie goal. It's really working for me to not have to worry about being on a specific diet as I've been on them ALL. Now I just eat lovely healthy meals and just stick within my calories. I have a pudding maybe once a week as a treat but I will have a small square of dark choc if I fancy a sweet. I can't believe how great it is not to have to follow a specific diet. ;o)))
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Have you ruled out any possible medical reasons, such as thyroid issues?
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    Have you ruled out any possible medical reasons, such as thyroid issues?

    I have PCOS which is a nuisance! Apparently my thyroid's fine...? (But my previous doc who did the tests was a nasty so and so who was incredibly unsupportive - but i guess she wouldn't lie to me!)
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    I know my diary is out time wise (oops!) as I was logging my food as i ate it, but not under snack, breakfast, lunch etc.

    What i'm having today is

    Snack: almonds, lemon water.
    Breakfast: clean and lean pancakes (cottage cheese,egg,oats) plus a little cottage cheese and 1/2 apple.
    Lunch: salad with quinoa, olive oil, 1/4 avocado, chickpeas, tomato and cucumber.
    Snack: houmous and pepper sticks.
    Dinner: salmon and veg.

    I commute into London, which takes ages. So i leave the house at 6:50 (thus the snack on the run), get to the office for about 9, leave the office at about 5, get home about 7. I cycle to and from the station (15 mins each way) and exercise in the evenings. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I do 30 mins intense strength/yoga etc which is a plan from my PT and Tuesdays I run miles, and Sundays I run 5 miles. I'm just scared of eating too much! But I guess I should try anything! :-)

    Thanks everyone!

    Maybe you will take a little longer to lose as you are already so active.
    I ate Quinoa yesterday, boy does it have a lot of calories, it's healthy but doesn't fill you up like Cous cous.
    Have you thought of scrapping all diet following and just eating any healthy foods but within your calorie goal. It's really working for me to not have to worry about being on a specific diet as I've been on them ALL. Now I just eat lovely healthy meals and just stick within my calories. I have a pudding maybe once a week as a treat but I will have a small square of dark choc if I fancy a sweet. I can't believe how great it is not to have to follow a specific diet. ;o)))

    Maybe....good idea! thanks. :-)
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, you diet looks really good and I assume you are not gaining weight.

    How long have you been trying to lose weight? Weight loss is not linear and it can take a while in some people for them to see the scales move.

    How much do you have to lose. the less you have the longer it takes.

    Some people do better eating slightly more.

    Based on your dairy my only suggestion would be to up your protein as in the past I have found that without enough protein my weight loss stalls.

    I lost about 2.5 stone about 8 years ago, put on 1/2 stone back on, and have been stuck here ever since, and have been trying to lose weight ever since. I'm stuck at 10.3st and it's VERY annoying!!
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    I would say increase your cals intake by about 100 with good carbs. You're diet is good but if your body is used to is and used to your exercise pattern you will plataeu. Sometimes I change my excercise regime and cal intake to kick start my metabolism again and it lasts about 4-5 months and then I plateau again so change it back to the regime before and BOOM lbs drop away again :happy:
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    As you have very little to lose, it will come off very slowly. Its recommended that you aim for 0.5 pounds at this stage, but thats a person choice. stick to it and it will come off eventually. I'm not sure how tall you are but 10.3st may be you body's naturally point and remember you are still 2 stone lighter. half a stone gain in 8 years is really good. I think you have got this in check.
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    As you have very little to lose, it will come off very slowly. Its recommended that you aim for 0.5 pounds at this stage, but thats a person choice. stick to it and it will come off eventually. I'm not sure how tall you are but 10.3st may be you body's naturally point and remember you are still 2 stone lighter. half a stone gain in 8 years is really good. I think you have got this in check.

    Thanks! :-) I'm 5'4'', so my BMI is 24 - i want it to be 22! But i'm fussy...........
  • melaniejoy82
    melaniejoy82 Posts: 42 Member
    I would say increase your cals intake by about 100 with good carbs. You're diet is good but if your body is used to is and used to your exercise pattern you will plataeu. Sometimes I change my excercise regime and cal intake to kick start my metabolism again and it lasts about 4-5 months and then I plateau again so change it back to the regime before and BOOM lbs drop away again :happy:

    Thanks for your advice, i'll give it a go! :-)