insanity - shoes or no shoes?

i've been doing it with no shoes, do you think it matters at all?


  • suzyluzy
    suzyluzy Posts: 78
    i hope it does not matter. i do mine without shoes too.
  • hh6roberts2012
    I don't wear shoes when I do videos.. but that's just me.. I want to get vibrams soon and just wear those for my video work outs.. I do insanity and jillian Michael's.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Only if you're a runner and your feet are accustomed to high impact. If you've not been doing high impact exercise and jump right into Insanity barefoot, you're bound to have foot, ankle and/or knee problems.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I did Insanity and P90X with no shoes on as well as a bunch of Exercise TV On Demand videos and the ones they have on Netflix. No problems.