bad times

ahhh been donig really rubbish latley eating lots of junk and not gonig gym, finding it hard my bf sabotages me all time just not very supportive he can eat anything n never put on a pound. im trying hard and he doesnt get it like i wanna feel pretty and stuff but he doesnt get that.
anyways cant really blame him fully.
so devised a new plan see as this is what helped me shed weight in the past
high protein diet two shakes plus one healthy meal a day
my workout
20mins cycle 20mins cross train 20mins walk/run (interval training) 5 times per week
whole body muscular endurance training 3 times per week
been having problems on treadmill as it really hurts my joints even if i warm up properly.
am i doing enough exercise to start with??
im 10st(roughly 145 lbs) and 5ft5
also how have other dealt with bf s in the past coz if i try to talk to him about it it starts a row he moans about me gonig the gym(even tho he comes to)
yesterday he asked me how much i weighed so i told him was soo embarrased and he pulled like this really shocked face like :O :O
he s no donig it intentionally but its upsetting :( Xx
p.s sorry for the rant


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Strong wall of text. Anyway, if he is not supportive, then drop the loser. Plain and simple. You only have one life. I

    Create a diet that is based around protein, carbs, and fats. If you can't use the treadmill, then don't use it. Use other equipment like the elliptical. You're doing way too much cardio. Losing weight is like peeling the layers of an onion, if you start peeling off too much in the beginning, you won't have nothing to "peel" when you get deeper into your cut.

    So let's recap.

    1. Drop the loser boy"friend"
    2. Create a diet based around protein, carbs, and fats.
    3. Weight train.
    4. Start off with only 20 minutes of cardio post workout 3x times a week.
    5. Profit.
  • fibecky
    fibecky Posts: 15 Member
    didnt really know u could do too much cardio i guess it makes sense coz i am always tired and drained will try that thanks for the advice :D x
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I agree with Fitness Social. Eat RIGHT, dont rely on silly shakes or you'll just put it back on when you start eating properly again. Eat healthily and workout sensibly and you'll be fine :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Try to avoid the trap of deciding to lose weight, going to extremes, and then fizzling out. You might find you have an easier time if you make one or two small changes at a time.

    As for the SO, try sitting him down in a calm moment and explaining how you feel when he does things that sabotage your weight loss. If he feels bad that you feel bad, there is hope. If his attitude is that it's not his problem, then you have a larger issue that has nothing to do with weight loss.