that nasty inner thigh fat

Hello all

I have a question on a certain part of my body that I have always cringed at when I look in the mirror. It's my INNER THIGHS I know some of you know what i'm talking about I hate it!! I wanted to know what are some good work outs to get rid of it fast. I've lost 45 pounds and it seems to stay the same..its gross.. it makes me feel unattractive HELP!!!


  • jc86
    jc86 Posts: 151
    Unfortunately we can't pick where we lose weight. Usually our problem areas are the last to go so just keep on losing and hopefully it will eventually come from there
  • LaRoux10
    LaRoux10 Posts: 19
    I feel for you as I have the same problem area. But it's true that you can't pick where you lose weight. I would recommend doing plenty of cardio to help you lose more weight.
    Good question, I was just talking about that to some friends at work. I look forward to when it goes AWAY! lol I absolutely hate to even look at it.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    adductor exercises... here are some, google for more
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I have a question on a certain part of my body that I have always cringed at when I look in the mirror. It's my INNER THIGHS

    So I tried to picture this.
  • NeverWantedToDance
    Well although it's true that you can't lose weight in a specific area you CAN tone the muscle there... try lying on one side and lifting your leg vertically as high as you can (but slowly) and then slowly lowering it back down. Make sure it stays in line with your other leg that is lying on the ground... and then do the other side. If you do about 10 or 15 of each leg a day you'll probably be able to notice a difference within a few weeks :)
  • 4lelito
    4lelito Posts: 90
    thank you for the suggestions I'm going to try doing a few sets a day along with my cardio at the gym