Protein Shakes????? Help

Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
Quick question everyone, does anyone drink protein shakes. One of my biggest problems is not eating breakfast or lunch. Then I end up eating a large dinner or a small one and snacking late night. So I was thinking replacing my breakfast and lunch with protein shakes hoping it will satisfy me and stop the large and or snacking. Which have you tried if any?


  • allanm11
    allanm11 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been drinking "Pure Protein Shake" has 23g of Proteins and is only 110 calories, 1g of sugar, and 1g of fat...also a great source of calcium and potassium and they taste good. They help satisfy my appetite as well so im not as hungry....I use them as a meal replacement too.

    Detour also has a good tasting protein shake.
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    I agree!!! Pure protein shakes are awesome!! yummy and a great pre workout snack as well!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    have a look at body by vi, or isagenix....
  • Mustangsally33
    I have been doing the body by Visalus Shakes, its a protein powder that you mix with Milk, Water or Almond/Soy Milk and add your fruit or whatever you like , blend and go . They are tasty . Message me if you would like for info ;)
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    I drink most if not all of the Genuine Muscle Milk by Cytosport.

    Strawberries N Creme and Cookies N Creme are my favorites.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    On days that I really don't have any healthy food in the house for breakfast, and I have to work on the weekends, I will just mix some protien poweder with a cup of skim milk, and 6 ice cubes, and also take a multi vitamin, and it keeps me full at least until lunch, and is only 235 calories. I use the Bodyfortress Protein, which is good for the price.

    Oh and no need to message me, because I'm not trying to sell anything, and this is stuff you can just purchase at a store haha.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I make my own =)
    A cup of flavored yogurt, I use Activia or Yoplait..
    about 6 Strawberries (depending on how small they are)
    Half a Mango =D
    yesterday I added, half a cup of blueberries..SO GOOD!! =)
    Then put a scoop of protein powder in it.. it is very filling.. I drank one and wasn't hungry at all for a few hours! It doesn't have too many calories either.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 441 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Gold Standard Whey after my workouts, and I use their 100% Gold Standard Casein powder in the evening. I've tried the the chocolate and vanilla in the whey, and the "peanut butter and chocolate" and "cookies and cream" in the casein. All were good.

    The problem with using a protein shake to replace a meal is that they have almost no carbs and no fat, so you are only getting one of the 3 macros from them.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I use the Jillian Michael's mix (chocolate). It's really good. I use 1 c. milk, 1 tsp. instant coffee, and 1 scoop.

    I'm thinking you would be better off trying to eat something for breakfast and/or lunch instead of starving yourself until dinner. That might work better for you than using a shake. You can still stick to your calorie goals while eating regular meals. I log all of my food the day before so I can see how my calories and macros will fall. I only supplement with the shake if I'm low on protein.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    Matrix 2.0 has a great Mint Chocolate Cookie Shake. Very yummy. They have other flavors as well that are tasty. This is a company that you can get a sample of all their flavors to try (only place you can get a sample pack)

    I've tried Julian Michael's and didn't like it at all. Ended up throwing it out.

    I also use Quest All Natural Protein Bars for breakfast and at bedtime. ~160 calories, 2 net carbs and 17 grams of fiber. I have one in the car and one in my purse for "emergency meals." If you microwave the chocolate peanut bars, they taste like a hot brownies. It took me a bit to get used to the texture until I started to warm them. I like the cinnamon rolls for breakfast. They have a sample pack at I have only tried the All Natural bars not the Original bars. I like the chewing of a bar vs drinking a meal. With the shake, I don't feel like I really had a meal.

    Hope this helps. (((HUGS)))
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    I like them but they make me sick, im lactose intolerant, if anyone has any suggestions , im all ears
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I drink Advocare's meal replacement shakes for breakfast. I mix it with cold water. It is good. It has 220 calories with 24 grams of protein. The sugar is a little high with 12 grams.
  • kickboxgurl
    Body by Vi is definitely the best tasting shake out there ! I have never used a shake before because I just could not stomach the taste but these are sooooo yummy I mix mine with almond milk and they're very healthy and balanced and you can add in sooo many flavors the possibilities are endless. I'm a waitress adn I very rarely have time to stop and eat while at work so I take my shakes.
  • kickboxgurl
    I like them but they make me sick, im lactose intolerant, if anyone has any suggestions , im all ears

    Have you looked into Body by Vi ?? Im not positive but I think you'd be ok with them. My son is lactose intolerant and he drinks them. He is also autistic and the healthy balance of nutrients with no preservatives and fillers helps control some of his neurological symptoms.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I made a protein shake for breakfast this morning -- please feel free to check my diary (minus the prunes).

    I use IsoPure zero carb creamy vanilla powder (1 scoop), whey factors unflavored powder (1 scoop -- to make the more expensive creamy vanilla last longer), so delicious unsweetened almond milk plus (5g of added protein per serving) and either almond butter, unsalted cashew butter or soybutter (1 tbsp) & 1 packet of stevia. It's a good amount of cals for breakfast, high in protein, low in carbs and it tastes amazing!

    ETA: All of this is lactose free as well. I'm lactose intolerant too!
  • bekahvoight
    bekahvoight Posts: 5 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant, too. I use a vegetarian protein mix. There are quite a few of them on the market. I've heard that hemp protein is good but the current one I use is made from soy. It tastes pretty good when I mix it with half a banana, 76 grams of fresh strawberries, and 40 g of frozen blueberries, along with 350 mL of almond milk. It's a great breakfast that runs me about 350 cal and holds me until my mid-morning snack without causing the tummy upset I get from ingesting lactose.
    Hope you can find something that works for you!
  • zymbob
    zymbob Posts: 3
    Met-Rx - Protein Plus Powder - Chocolate, 1 scoop (31g) 110 calories 4 carbs 1 sugar 23 protein 1 fiber 41 calcium

    I have this at breakfast or when I'm in a hurry at any time of day if I feel hungry. Mix with water.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    I like them but they make me sick, im lactose intolerant, if anyone has any suggestions , im all ears

    Make them with Breeze unsweetened Almond Milk. And watch the type of protein they use. I googled protein shakes for lactose intolerant and found this as well as much much more.
  • me7342
    me7342 Posts: 1
    I like the GNC Lean 25 shakes. I mix it with water (less calories but you can mix it with milk) and drink it for breakfast and sometimes dinner when my family is having a high calorie meal. I have never liked replacement "shakes" but these are pretty good and I water it down some. Mixed with water, it is 200 calories.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating most of your cals at one point in the day. Breakfast or lunch are not necessary.