Starting over again

I have two young kids and I lost about 20 lbs before getting pregnant with DD#1 and then went right back to pre-preggo weight, nursed for a year (with crazy strong sweet cravings), then joined Jillian Michaels' site and was diligent about writing down everything I ate, counting calories, and working out 5 days a week. I dropped another 15 lbs or so and felt great. Have a non-stop 3 year old in the mix now and have never really gotten into a good rhythm of losing the weight again. I think I struggle because I know how much work it takes to get it off again and it's hard to want to jump right in to that again? I'll get a surge of wanting to work out and eat better for a week or two and then I just drop off again. I weighed myself this evening and it was the highest I have ever been except for the times I was pregnant. :-P I don't like the way I look or the way I feel so why can't I just flip the switch and do what needs to be done?!

If anyone has gone through something similar and found a way to break through it, I'd love to hear about it.


  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Im here if you need support and motivation =)
  • mrsgokev
    mrsgokev Posts: 20
    Thank you! I've used the MFP app on my phone when I'm "on" and, of course, ignore it when I'm "off." I never utilized the forums on here until now and I'm hoping that having a support group like this will keep me on track. The other plus to this is when I lose weight, my husband loses too. I just looked at photos of him from a few years ago when he was at his lowest weight and he looked so good!! I was getting back into working out again when we decided to renovate our kitchen and the "two week project" turned into a month-long one. I literally had no sink, dishwasher, or counters for 2 weeks so we ate out a LOT and I packed on more pounds. *sigh*
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey there, I'm in the same boat, I'm on again off again. I think what happens is (1) I don't loose weight as quickly as I would like and (2) something in life always comes up. This past weekend I used the fact that we are moving next weekend as an excuse to not exercise or track...It doesn't make sense looking back at it, but this past weekend it made perfect sense b/c I was packing boxes all day and going up and down stairs, etc. I could have at least tracked what I ate, that wouldn't have taken hardly any time out of my day. It makes me angry at myself b/c I always come up with an excuse, but get down when I don't loose any weight (back to my first reason). I'm hanging in there more though this time, I keep on coming back after slacking for a few days. I just always come back to these message boards to find inspiration and others that are struggling.
  • kmckie79
    kmckie79 Posts: 2
    I'm right there with you. I'm at my heaviest since having my baby last year. I caught my reflection in a mall mirror this past weekend and was shocked by what I saw. I've never been thin, but had a flat stomach and small waist, now both are shot to heck!

    This is day 2 for me, we could motivate each other :)
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I got within about 15 pounds of my goal like about 7 years ago, then slowly, steadily packed on the 50 lbs I'd lost, plus another 10. In January, I started over, which was a totally crappy feeling, knowing I could have had 7 years of good habits and being at my goal weight, if I'd just stuck with it, instead of 7 years of being fat and miserable.

    I've found that the big help for me sticking with it now has been accountability, so I force myself to track my calories even when I know I've gone WAY over. So I have to look at those calories and acknowledge I ate them. I've got one day on my diary where I went 3k calories over my daily allowance. THREE THOUSAND!!!! Let me tell you, looking at that day helps me fly a little straighter. Even my cheat days are smaller as a result of seeing the calorie count for that particular cheat day.

    Having a couple of close buddies on here has helped, too. I know if I don't log in every day, one of them will call me on it. I've decided that MFP is part of my brain. If my own brain can't be relied on to track my consumption, I need an external brain.
  • mrsgokev
    mrsgokev Posts: 20
    Wowza on the 3000 OVER!!! I'm sure I've had days like that too, I just didn't keep track so I could live in denial. *grin* It makes sense to keep track on those days though to see just how far overboard I go. I know I tend to hide my head in the sand when those days come.
  • MommaMolly4
    MommaMolly4 Posts: 2 Member
    I was a fat kid (60-80 lbs over weight from age 8-14) and conquered it in High School-College. I have always been able to snap myself back to where I need to be. I had two babies back-to-back, but have always been able to come back to my norm- 5'7, 140, size 8. That is until NOW. I can't blame my babies they are now 5 & 4. On Mothers day (5/13/2012) I was 157, size 10 and I recommitted myself. I am eating 1,380 (myfitnesspal recommended) work out 5 times a week burning between 400-600 calories each time. I have gone over calories ONCE.... I should be losing right? Not my reality! I am now 165 wearing a size 13. It's discouraging.... I've taken control so many times before, why not now when I am trying harder than ever?