Tommy Europe: the 10 Pound Shred

i am currently on day five of Tommy Europe's ten pound shred. for those of you who don't know who he is, he is a Canadian fitness trainer and TV personality (he has two shows: 'Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp' and 'Bulging Brides').
I am SORE and i am started to HATE this man for torturing me... but i am seeing GREAT results!!
I am using the daily workouts outlined in his book (and keeping to my usual vegan diet).
my legs are tighter, my belly is more compact, and my arms actual have a bit of muscle now! woohoo!
has anyone else tried any of this shreds or workouts?



  • raylenel
    raylenel Posts: 41
    I just ordered his book. I'm curious what the diet portion is like...something has to quick start my weight loss!