How do you deal with your cravings?

The reason I gained so much weight in the first place is because I constantly have these mad cravings for chocolate/cookies/chips etc.. Now that I am counting calories, eating one of these items will easily put me over my calorie limit so I have been avoiding them altogether. It's been hard though... when someone mentions chocolate, or I smell cookies baking i just want to go eat some! How do you guys deal with your cravings?
I try to think about how eating the fatty foods will only give me maybe 20 seconds of satisfaction whereas losing weight will keep me happy for a lifetime.


  • habsco99
    habsco99 Posts: 2 Member
    well I don't know if you JUST started counting calories and trying to cut out junk... but if so then,


    Takes 30 days to create a new habit. Right now, your cravings are because you are addicted to that food. After 30 days, you will create a new healthy habit, and those cravings won't be as intense.
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    It's possible certain cravings are there because your body requires certain things. A craving for chocolate could indicate a need for more iron. So either a supplement or an alternative source of food rich in it. As for other things, finding out just what kind of alternatives you need could be the hard part.
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    Here's what I did and I'm really seeing it working--not that it wasn't hard at 1st!

    1. No nutra sweet
    2. Eat real whole foods--amazing how they fill you right up and you don't want food that has no nutritional value.
    3. Do a cleanse--I only did that at first after I gave up nutra sweet--I figured it couldn't hurt-- not sure how much it helped;)!
    4. When I'm hungry for something sweet, I eat something with stevia or xylitol.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    The first few weeks are hard but after awhile you get used to it. i started having a Yoplait Light every morning, they have many flavors like key lime pie, strawberry shortcake and red velvet cake. Its great because i have have something sweet and its only 100 calories.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I promise it to myself later. =D A limited amount. That's when I'm being good. Otherwise I binge eat it like nobody's business. =(
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I give it some time to see if it's a passing urge, but if the craving persists, I make room for it in my day. This is much easier to do since I am eating at TDEE. Attempting to cut something out completely has only led to bigger binges in the past for me.

    There will always be cookies, you have to remember that, too. There is no magic about it - it's just a cookie. Not the last one on earth, nor the last one you'll be faced with. If it works in your day, then go for it, but you should try to take the mystique out of it too.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Originally whilst losing weight I allowed myself one treat a week (affectionately known as Treat Friday) and throughout the week i'd think about what I really really wanted, whether it was a slice of cake or chinese take out etc. and i'd allow myself to have it, knowing that I would be over my calories for that day. Then when it would get to Tue/Wed and my cravings would be really bad, I'd remind myself of the coming treat. You have to be pretty disciplined, but this worked for me.

    Now I'm at goal and eating more, I save about 100 cals a day for a little chocolate treat and a hot chocolate before bed (a fun size chocolate bar or something similar), It's enough to keep my cravings at bay and I don't feel deprived in the slightest!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i quit cold turkey.
    i have cravings, but i ignore them, because know they will throw me off track.
    i do cheat days maybe once a month. birthdays, holidays, stuff like that.
  • Take a walk. Find something to do. Get your mind off of it if possible. You find that cravings die down and it gets easier to not give in. It isnt easy but it has helped me. And if it is a strong craving ill drink a protein shake and that helps alot. Most of the time it kill it altogether.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Try not to give into the craving (brush your teeth, chew a piece of dessert-flavored gum, go for a walk, do a household chore to take your mind off of it). If you must have something sweet, have an alternate ready to eat, like low-fat chocolate pudding or a skinny cow 100 cal treat instead. If all else fails, eat just a tiny bit of a cookie...maybe just one bite, then move on. All calories add up, so just remember your ultimate goal will be derailed or delayed if you don't take your journey seriously. Another trick I use is to picture myself at my goal and try to figure out if my future (skinny) self would want me to eat the cookies/cake/etc. Odd but effective. Good luck.
  • aliOop18
    aliOop18 Posts: 26 Member
    If I start to get a craving, I will drink water or maybe have a cup of hot tea. I will try to busy myself and ignore the urges. But if I've been having a craving for a few days and it keeps coming back up, I will try to find a healthier alternative and enjoy something. I've really been trying to find a balance in my life. I don't think that any food should be "off limits". But you can't allow yourself to do this every day....and if I screw up, I remember that each meal is a new opportunity to get back on track, I don't throw in the towel.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Everything is good, in moderation. I still allow myself the occasional cookie or ice cream or wine...

    I found out for me the key is to exercise the calories that I know I'm going to consume. If it's a spur of the moment consumption, then I make sure I do exercise later to counter effect the calorie intake.

    I also give myself one day a week where I splurge too, so I have disciplined myself to know that if I eat bad on my not off day; then I can have my plate of uber nachos and an adult beverage or two on Friday nights...
  • lindseypro
    lindseypro Posts: 14
    For me, I know that if I try to ignore my cravings and NOT indulge just a little bit, I'll go binge on something even worse. So first, I will try to drink some water - much like the others - but then I will have just a bite or two of whatever it is that I'm craving. Most of the time, those few bits do it for me! There's no guilt, no over-indulging. Just a few bites. If I decide that I want more after those few bites (and after waiting a bit) then I try to go for a substitute. If I'm craving chocolate, I'll have some skim chocolate milk or a 60 calorie pudding. Although, don't withhold everything all the time because more than likely, eventually you'll give in and it'll be bad. It's ok to indulge sometimes. Have a piece of pizza or a slice of cake. Then go to the gym to work off some of the calories. Celery just doesn't cut it sometimes!!!
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    If I have a craving I will try and ignore it for a while. If it doesn't go away, I will have something a snack size candy bar or something around 100-150 calories. When I am craving something I am not actually hungry, but just want something sweet. Something small does it for me..and then I am good. I don't believe in quitting cold turkey. It is not sustainable in my opinion. I still eat what I want, but I have noticed that I am making healthier choices. It all becomes "natural" after a while, and not so much a "diet".
  • jinren
    jinren Posts: 7
    Originally whilst losing weight I allowed myself one treat a week (affectionately known as Treat Friday) and throughout the week i'd think about what I really really wanted, whether it was a slice of cake or chinese take out etc. and i'd allow myself to have it, knowing that I would be over my calories for that day. Then when it would get to Tue/Wed and my cravings would be really bad, I'd remind myself of the coming treat. You have to be pretty disciplined, but this worked for me.

    Now I'm at goal and eating more, I save about 100 cals a day for a little chocolate treat and a hot chocolate before bed (a fun size chocolate bar or something similar), It's enough to keep my cravings at bay and I don't feel deprived in the slightest!

    I really like this idea! having something to look forward to sounds like it could keep my cravings in check
  • EmaElizabeth
    EmaElizabeth Posts: 7 Member
    I know what you mean, nothing compares to eating chocolate or sweet things.
    and when i get cravings (usually after dinner later at night) all i want to do is pig out.
    This usually puts me over my calorie goal and then i get bumed out because i went over :(
    But what i do is either try to find something to do (watching TV does NOT help, coz if your cravings
    are anything like mine it wont take your mind off it) i usually try to talk to someone, either on the phone or in person.
    when i can be asked i do a bit of exercise on my bike. But most of the time i just drink water... and i end up drinking
    alot of water by the end of the night. this for some reason really works. it really fills you up, but in a comfortable way
    (makes you go to the toilet alot) but drinking water can only be good right?

    hope any of these suggestions help you sweety

    Need a friend or some motivation anyone add me :)
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    Water, 100 Calorie Nabisco packages, granola bars, fruit.

    If I really can't help myself, I try to eat 1/2 a serving of that "bad thing".
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    If I have a craving I will try and ignore it for a while. If it doesn't go away, I will have something a snack size candy bar or something around 100-150 calories. When I am craving something I am not actually hungry, but just want something sweet. Something small does it for me..and then I am good. I don't believe in quitting cold turkey. It is not sustainable in my opinion. I still eat what I want, but I have noticed that I am making healthier choices. It all becomes "natural" after a while, and not so much a "diet".

    That's pretty much what I do too.
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    I give in! (as long as I have enough calories for it) if I don't, I drink water like mad LOL

    when I do - I measure out my portion, but the goodies AWAY. Eat & savor slowly!
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I have figured out tasty/healthier swaps for a lot of my cravings

    Sugary sweet desert food = raspberry/orange juice smoothie; bowl of strawberries or peaches
    Salty chips or pretzels = popcorn popped on the stove with just a tsp of oil
    pizza = 8 in El paso burrito, slice of provolone cheese, liberal tomato, basil, oregano, garlic
    peanut butter = half a serving of almonds (I was seriously out of control with the peanut butter, the almonds seem to hit the spot for me)

    Also, I use my spice rack like crazy, cinnamon and nutmeg in my oatmeal, paprika on my chicken, cumin and chili powder on my veggies. Also balsamic vinegar and low fat italian dressing. When my food is bursting with flavor I seem to have less cravings, or crave the good stuff more.

    I still eat the an occasional individual wrapped chocolate or something, but I make myself earn it with extra workout calories and I never eat it without logging it in the food journal. Find healthier alternatives you love and keep those on hand.