Anoreixia Recovery and Period

DreamingDasies Posts: 5
edited December 2024 in Motivation and Support
I am trying to recover from anorexia, and the past few months Ive been eating between 700 - 1500 calories per day, for about 3 months now. Still no period. any suggestions?

I eat healthy, and I dont let myself exercise as much as i used to. (I used to run at least 2 -3 miles a day, when i was at my worst.)
I do eat peanut butter a few times a week, and I try to get my protein in somehow. The past 3 weeks, i have been binging more and more (which isn't good for my anorexia state of mind, however i know its probably good for recovery) is this a sign that i will be starting soon?

Any ideas / thoughts / suggestions?



  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    I don't recommend eating below 1200 cals unless you are ridiculously short. But I would keep up the fats, good sources are nuts ( peanuts, cashews, walnuts, etc.), olive oil, flax, as for protein either fish or chicken with your meals is good. Might also want to look into taking vitamins as well..
  • Yeah, with my Anorexia im struggling to even make it to 1000 calories a day. Thats an accomplishment..
    I will begin upping my nut intake again, I've heard they are great for period issues.
    What types of vitamins?
  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    I'd go for a multi-vitamin.
  • Ah, what type though?
    There is so many kinds! Prenatal, iron, vegetarian...

    I don't, and haven't eaten red meat, pork, or dairy for a long time.
    I eat fish and chicken... Almond milk, vegan cheese. I can eat greek yogurt, due to the probiotics in it (allows my tummy to digest it)
    but... regardless im still missing something important somewhere. i eat plenty of fruits and veggies..
  • i have/have had this problem - gaining 5 lbs still didn't bring my period back when i thought it would so it's about finding the weight that your body is comfortable with :) hope that doesn't put you off and i'm sure you'll do fine!

    good idea on the nuts and peanut butter :) afraid i don't have experience recovering from anorexia, however, a couple of things that might help intake:

    1. try adding a couple of squares of dark chocolate - calorie dense, tasty and has health benefits in small amounts
    2. a cup of coffee? such as a latte? plenty of protein and calcium in the milk and even skimmed milk can make it quite a dense calorie drink
    3. if you're eating things like breads, pick higher calorie brands, perhaps with seeds or that include nuts. adding healthy fats like avocados to salads,(i love nuts on my cereal!) might help too

    hope this helps and good luck!
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I lost my period too when I was under-eating (I still am sometimes but I try not to). Eating at 700-1500 calories won't help, you need to eat much more than 700, preferably stick to 1500. Your period will come faster if you eat at maintenance and your body will function better. Also increase your fat intake so moniter your fat intake and make sure you are getting a lot of it. Nuts is a great source of that.

    I completely understand how hard it is to eat more but good things come with hard work. I know you can do it, just push yourself little by little every day and I'm sure you'll get there and live a happy life. If you ever feel like you can't do it just think about your period and how you can't have kids if you eat too little, that helps me sometimes. Take care xx
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Eat lots of avocados! They are in season now and so yummy. Women especially need more fat in their diets than men, and because you don't seem to eat much dairy or meat, I'm guessing your fats are low. Load up the guacamole girl!

    Also eggs are a good go-to for protein, you can hard boil a bunch at the beginning of the week so you always have an easy snack ready.
  • Kelseyyyy22
    Kelseyyyy22 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been recovering for about 6 months now and I went from about 800 cals a day to about 2300 now...You just kind of have to force yourself to get there. I was stuck at 1550 for a couple months--I felt great, but I didn't look any better and none of the outward symptoms were better. Then one day I was just like, "F*** it, I'm eating today". And ate maintenance+exercise and after you do it once every other day is a lot easier. You can do it!

    I also am a "peskavegan" (no red meat, dairy, eggs, or chicken, but I do eat fish) plus I'm allergic to gluten and soy. So you might look at my diary for ideas about getting enough cals. I'm still a little low on protein some days though.

    Good luck!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    see a doctor, and maybe they can do some blood work. maybe its another issue?
    will birth control help you start a cycle?
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Please see a doctor, but until you build your muscle stores back up, you may not get it for awhile. When you are in the starvation period of anorexia, your body stops all non-essential functions. It can take years to for your body to recover enough to start those functions back up. It's okay that you are not having it as long as you are getting the right nutrients and following up with your doctor for regular bloodwork. As far as vitamins, given how malnourished your body is...check with the doctor, but he may recommend a pretanal vitamin since you are in your reproductive years. Even without a period, you can still get pregnant, so be sure to take precautions if you are sexually active.

    Oh, and good for you for recovering! People don't realize that is just as hard if not harder than trying to lose weight.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I didn't see much results until I started eating a lot more. I was eating closer to the 2000 mark. It might come on fast but eventually it evens out and your body works properly at it's healthy weight. My period came back after I reached a healthy bmi as well as my circulatory issues clearing up and other problems.You definitely should not be going so low in calories if you are in recovery. That sounds more like your fighting the recovery rather than actively recovering. Not trying to sound mean because I was the same way when I first started. I thought upping my calories by just a bit would be sufficient but it wasn't. Recovery did not start until I started really eating.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    i understand where you are coming from been ill for a longggggggg time, i didnt get my first period till i was 19 because of anorexia. i have been told by doctrors in the past optimal weight to begin menstration tends to be around 45kgs.... as a general overview. id say try upping protein if you can. and add in some good fats, but yeah it will come when its ready. ermmm yeh thats pretty much all i can say to help, i know some people dont get it back for a couple years but.... just hang in there and keep up the good work :)
  • cyn4him
    cyn4him Posts: 83 Member
    It took me about 6 before mine came back the first time I lost it. And it took 4 the last time, while I was in a treatment center. Just keep going......Up your calories as much as your can, pay attention, it is very easy to "forget" to eat. It will come in time. I am sure it took a while before it stopped too. Just be patient.
    Definitely more than 700 a day though. Fight and get to 1500. Then add from there. I know it's not always easy to "just eat more". Sometimes even made me feel very ill setting off another of my problems. But it will come. But 700 a day is not going to get you to "recovered" by any means.

    As a note... I eventually gained far more than I wanted to (treatment). Now the fun is losing back to my "healthy" in a healthy way.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    When I was full blown, even at 250 cals a day (pack of cheese crackers a day split into 2 meals) I always had some time of period, even if it was every other month. I was taking a GYN prescribed pre-natal vitamin with iron, though. Can't remember how long after I started eating 1000 cals a day that it took to get back up to monthly 2 days periods which is what doc felt was right for me.

    BTW, good job on the 1000 cals a day, better on the 1500 cal days. Wondering, how many 1500 days do you have? For me, I didn't jump from 250 up to 1500. It was little increases, still controlling everything. Once I got one number to stick, then I went to the next.

    And your body is so going to thank you!! The sooner you start recovery, the better you'll be long term.

  • EffaJane
    EffaJane Posts: 17 Member
    You already made the first big step by coming here and asking for help....YOU GO GIRL and get healthy again...

    Good support here.!!! everything we find is about weight loss and not weight gain in the is hard when
    you have gone thru this illness and that is all y ou hear...I've noticed this in the media/news/tv shows/magazines..everywhere
    we look..we almost need to send a message that all people don't want to lose your circumstance....

    so stay healthy and take GOOD CARE of you and your needs..good luck to you..
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I would see a nutricianist for sure, they would know exactly how much ( considering your recovery) and what to eat that wiill help get your system back in check, It may take some time for sure, good luck!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    After working towards recovering from anorexia, I was at a healthy weight of 150 before I started getting my period again. It took me 3 years and even after 7 years without relapsing, my period is more like spotting than menstruating. I've just started getting it every month in the last year or so and I had to put on an additional 45lbs to get that. Just focus on the mental part...keep eating and remembering that you are beautiful and you can win this battle! Your period will come back in time.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    seriously well done for trying to get better and taking your first steps into recovery.
    a lot of people on here are not aware of how hard an ED can be and the mental processes that come with it.
    i would recommend sticking at it - trying to eventually bring your calorific intake up to a higher level if possible, and taking female related supplements.
    take every day one at a time and don't let yourself slip back in, your worth more than that.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Ah, what type though?
    There is so many kinds! Prenatal, iron, vegetarian...

    I don't, and haven't eaten red meat, pork, or dairy for a long time.
    I eat fish and chicken... Almond milk, vegan cheese. I can eat greek yogurt, due to the probiotics in it (allows my tummy to digest it)
    but... regardless im still missing something important somewhere. i eat plenty of fruits and veggies..

    This is very common, so just keep in mind that you're not alone!

    Your body fat percentage just sounds like it must be too low still.

    I'd recommend a prenatal vitamin so that you're getting enough iron and the proper nutrients to help speed things up down there again. This is also very helpful if you're not getting enough iron naturally.

    Have you been to your doctor lately to see if maybe you also have any other vitamin deficiencies?
    My doctors had to run a bajillion different tests and I ended up being deficient in a bunch of vitamins. Your potassium may also be quite low, it wouldn't be a bad idea to maybe start taking a supplement for that as well.
    I had to have my period kick-started by going on birth control.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    By eating 700-1500 calories a day, you probably aren't even breaking even with calories burned daily unless you literally lie there all day.

    Did you lose a lot of weight during those three months? I would assume so, but can't be sure unless you say so. If you did, you'll need to start gaining some weight back, and your period with probably start back up when you do.
  • I'm in early recovery and struggling with intake but I just got my period back last month, due almost entirely to my gaining back some of the weight I had lost. Everyone is different. I am EDNOS because I don't meet the weight criteria for AN but I didn't menstruate. Some women will be significantly underweight and still get their period. The rule I've heard over and over is to try and remember the weight you were when you first got it, that will give you a ballpark of where you should aim to be. Some days will be better than others, and if possible I would recommend (though I'm not able to do it myself) using exchanges instead of calories to monitor your progress. The goal should be reaching and maintaining a healthy weight for your height, getting your period is a wonderful mark of our successes in recovery but isn't the ideal benchmark. Stay safe, stay strong and ask for help when you need. Most of all try and be gentle with yourself.
  • Wow,
    First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of this support. Wow. You are all so amazing, and I appreciate it SO MUCH.

    Ill give out more info :
    I first got my period back in 2009, and i was about 107 lbs then, and a bit shorter, many 5'5,
    After that, I gained some weight, so my 'average' was about 112 at 5'7. Then my binge eateng disorder kicked in which put me at a high weight of 132. From October 2011 - Current, Ive had anorexia. My weight is anywhere from 97-105 the past few months. I'm 103 right now.
    My calorie intakes were RARELY over 700 (that would be considered a binge day) while i was at my worst, however i usually ate 300 calories a day. The past few months I've been eating no more then 1500, which is a big step for me, however i hate going over 1000 calories, and I'm still afraid of gaining.

    For me recovery is eating. Any time i eat i consider it a win.

    I know I'm not eating enough to gain, BUT regardless, I've gained 7 pounds in the past month while eating like this!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND.

    Do you know how hard it is to eat at the minimum daily requirements and be gaining? It isn't good for my recovery...
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