Newbie here but had weight probs all my life

Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
Hi there

Only just joined 3 days ago, as I have to try and get back on track. I have had problems for my entire life with weight, from the chubby child to the fat teenager, the skinny (but starved) bride, the Mum of 2 now grown up children etc etc.

I've been active all my life too, between walking, cycling, swimming and playing racquet sports but now these have taken their toll on me and due to various injuries, I have developed osteo-arthritis in my right foot and the arch has nearly collapsed. As you can imagine, this makes pretty much most exercise too damned painful to do for more than a few minutes (yes, even swimming can be painful, as when you kick the water away, it puts pressure on the foot). I've got medically prescribed bepoke orthotics in my shoes to stop my foot getting worse and am due to have steroid injections in the foot to try and combat the pain but even with being careful, I have reached 279 pounds, the heaviest I have ever been.

I really don't want to be 60 (in 2 years time) and be over 130 pounds overweight , so for the umpteenth time, I am trying to control my eating again. Having this app on my phone helps a lot but I need to stick to this for the next 18 months at least. It's gonna be tough but I know I can (and must) do it.


  • Hi there! I’m new too. I have 3 small children, so I completely understand what you have been through in the past because I’m living it now! LOL! It sounds like you have the desire to change (as do I), and you CAN do it!! I had to really think about me and food and my relationship with it. There is more to being overweight than “I just like chips and soda”. Ya know? Good luck!!