
Can you eat too much protein on a weight loss plan?


  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Yes. If you're trying to lose weight too much protein can actually make you gain weight.
  • lwarren579
    lwarren579 Posts: 3 Member
    Any idea what range I should try to stay in? I usually have a protein shake for breakfast, then a grilled chicken salad for lunch - and normally by that time I have met my protein goal for the day.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Too much of anything can derail you. An excess of calories will cause weight gain. It would be difficult to eat too much protein.

    That said, the Protein Goals on here are really low, and you should look at them as a "minimum to strive for" - not as a max.

    Try to hit as close as possible to your recommended Protein, Fat and Carbs. That is how you'll get the best nutrition and give your body what it needs.
  • I try to stick to 1g/lb of body weight.
  • KDIrving
    KDIrving Posts: 7 Member
    You can eat too much of any nutrient--fat, carbs, or protein. Eating too much protein can put stress on your kidneys and your heart. However, defining "too much" for any given person is a bit tricky. For example, I have had surgery that makes it very difficult for me to absorb protein, so my daily protein minimum is 90g--much higher than most people's. If you're concerned about this, it might be a good idea to consult a registered dietitian with experience in weight issues, who can help you set up a plan that will work for you.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    There are a lot of ideas out there about how much protein you need to take in. Just keep in mind that too much protein does get stored just like any other energy source. But honestly, I don't think eating a normal, correctly proportioned diet is going to make you gain weight or take in too much protein. Your meat that you eat should be around 4 oz. and you can always just put less protein powder in your shake if you feel it's necessary. Protein is an energy source people stress out over but it's honestly not that big of a deal. The average person takes in plenty of protein per day and unless you're drinking multiple protain shakes a day, I think you'll be ok.

    I hope this helps.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Any idea what range I should try to stay in? I usually have a protein shake for breakfast, then a grilled chicken salad for lunch - and normally by that time I have met my protein goal for the day.

    The general recommendation is .8g-1g protein per pound of LEAN body mass (excluding your body fat.)

    The site default is low (go to your goals to see what it is) can change the percentages if you want.

    I have mine set at 30% Carbs, 25% Protein, 45% Fat. It's what works for me.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Can you eat too much protein on a weight loss plan?

    Eating too much period is generally the issue. To lose weight, you need to eat at a calorie deficit. The good news is it doesn't matter where your calories come from... you could eat almost all of your calories in the form of protein and, as long as you are within your calorie budget, you will lose weight.

    There really is no maximum value for how much protein you should eat. MFP's max is generally considered to be too low by most people here. I am 180 lbs and have manually set my protein level at 150 gms. This is because I am on a body build program, and trying to gain muscle mass.

    I would say unless you are trying to build muscles, ignore the MFP protein setting for now. You're doing fine with your protein shake and chicken. It does not hurt you to eat more.