How to get energy in the morning to workout?

I drink coffee and eat breakfast, but I find myself lagging halfway through my morning workout because Im so tired. I cant do anything about my sleep. I have 2 little ones, they get up early, and if they need me in the middle of the night, I have to get up,etc...

Energy drinks are bad for you right? Would drinking a shot of expresso right before be okay? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Im due for Dance Fusion in 45 minutes and I feel like Im falling asleep just sitting here typing this LOL

I am not a morning person :) zzzzzzz


  • js370
    js370 Posts: 140
    I agree on the energy drinks not being so good for you. An expresso could be a better option. I generally have my cup of coffee 30 minutes before I work out and try not to have more then the cup. I''m not sure why, but I tend to feel more tired if I drink more. Going to bed earlier could be helpful too.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My kids are teenagers now but I can recall several years of sleep derivation......

    What are you eating for breakfast? Maybe you could eat a banana and drink some fruit juice shortly before your workout (a quick hit of carbs)?
    5 hour energy isn't that bad for you, it is primarily a shot of liquid vitamin B. I find it helps me through the morning and afternoon slumps occasionally.
  • jmax68
    jmax68 Posts: 11
    I am the same way. I have to work out in the evenings. Yes energy drinks are bad for you. I use to drink them before my workouts. And just like everything else you get used to it and need more to be
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    Perhaps your husband could alternate nights with you? That's what my wife and I do. That way we each get a decent night's sleep every other night.
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    I know a lot my exhaustion is my lack of sleep. ive never been a good sleeper to begin with and then adding in the kids.... ugh

    After I turn out the lights and get in bed, it takes at least 2 hours before I fall asleep, then im a super light sleeper, so noises wake me up often. If I have to get up bc of one of the kids, it takes almost an hour to fall back asleep. Then the kids get up every morning around 6ish. I think I get like a total of 5 hours a night. zzzzzzzzz

    Usually for breakfast I have some type of quick sandwich. Egg or turkey.
  • mkatsanevas
    Theres nothing better than Endorush XS by BSN. Gets me through my 5am workouts. :laugh:
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I am not a morning person either and the very first thing I do is workout before I can think about it!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Are you having enough carbs at breakfast? Having a carb heavy breakfast might help you.
  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    I am a mom of three so I can totally relate.I am also in
    school so I understand sleep deprivation. Eat lots of green leafy veggies. Energy drinks have
    lots of caffeine and can prevent weight also acts as a duretic thus causing dehydration. Make sure
    your drinking plenty of water too. I juice kale,apple,carrot and ginger daily and drink it in the morning. By the next day I feel totally awesome.:wink: you wake up feeling less tired
    Even if you did not get as much sleep. But try to take naps when the kids are napping.30 minute nap helps me.