Wii Fit For Health

So I am a huge Nintendo gamer and while the original didn't keep my interest for too long, the new Wii Fit Plus has been. I'm just asking around to see who else uses Wii Fit, or the Wii in general, in some capacity for their exercise/weight loss/strength training regimen.


Tonight I knew I wanted a certain kind of tea while watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, but I then saw it was putting me over my Carbs budget for the day. So an hour before the show, I did only fifteen minutes of Wii Fit exercises and got myself back in line. Sure I could have just not cared about the small amount I was over, but it's something like Wii Fit that allows me to make adjustments like that quickly and still get something out of it. I certainly try to use weights and standard cardio but Wii Fit has helped me a bit. And it's my official scale, even for when I input into this site.


  • Biggestloserfan
    I love Wii Fit. I just got it about a week ago and have done it every day that I have been home for at least 25 minutes. I usually do it for at least 35 to 40 minutes. I actually enjoy the basic run and actually finally unlocked the long run and will be doing that one tomorrow. I have asthma so to be able to do this much cardio without it feeling like cardio is wonderful. I have even lost 7 lbs the first three days I started using it. I have the Wii Fit Plus and I love the Island Cycling and the Rhythm Kung Fu my whole body was sore for two days from doing those but I realized I was over extending when I was doing my punches so corrected that real quick. Just wanted to tell you that I love doing it. I usually incorporated it with my walking DVD's as well. I usually do my 2 mile walking DVD of some sort in the am and another one in the pm and my Wii Fit in the evening. However, on the weekends I am running so much that I don't always have time to do my walking DVD's but I make sure that I get my dose of Wii fit in and my hubby and I play a lot of games together.
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    I have the wii fit too!! I highly recommend My fitness coach for the wii!!! The workouts are great...you will break a sweat in no time!! At first I was doubtful, but after doing in for a week or so I was like WOW!! I love the wii!!!
  • anthonybc
    I use wii fit too. It's good for everything.
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    I absolutely love My Fitness Coach. She's sassy and she's nice and she kicks your butt! I love her! I've lost 4 pounds off in 2 weeks of primarily using my Wii. I tried the biggest loser and it was good, like the workouts were good, although they didn't explain how to do the moves and I totally over extended my back. You should try it, but be warned, they aren't good about explaining the workouts. Wii Fit is good, although I don't have Wii Fit Plus YET! =] I'm hoping to get it for Christmas. Has anyone tried Gold's Gym out yet? I also tried EA Sports Active and that's better than My Fitness Coach and I need to get that equipment too.

    Alright, let me know!