Mental breakdown on the rise! :)

Hi, I have been on this "program" for quite awhile I just never really too it seriously. I am looking to add friends to help me through the tough days. Lately I feel like I am gonna snap with all the mental energy I spend thinking about food, working out, my body... it's exhausting! My struggles come to me from post baby weight. I am still 30 lbs heavier than pre baby... and my baby is almost 2! I pretty much still weigh the same as I did after I delievered. I feel like since turning 30 (last fall) and having a baby I cannot get my weight under control. My BMI is out of control and I need to get it in check or I'm destined for a future of heart probs and cancer like my predecessors. I am also a stay at home mom and I have become lazy and out of shape!

If you are on the verge of the same mental breakdown and ready to eat yourself into oblivion, add me as a friend, perhaps we can help each other !! :)



  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    Hi lovely,

    I'm a mother of one and I waited a full year to start worrying about what I looked like after I had my son. I am a lover of food and when I was on maternity leave I gained weight. For some reason staying at home made me comfortable so I gained weight that had nothing to do with my son. I've lost it but it was tough. I just joined this site last week in hopes of losing another 15 pounds. Don't beat yourself up! You brought a life into this world. Be proud of that. Now's the time to take care of you. Eat and enjoy your food but don't eat too much:-) You can do anything you set your mind to. Just do it! Btw, I'm addicted to food. Lol!
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    I am also sick of thinking about the food, exercise, and obsessing over it more than actually doing something about it!! I am 32 and I want to look and feel amazing in my 30s! I have two daughters. I lost all the weight with my first one when she was about 2 and then had my second baby. My baby is 7 now and somehow I never made my way back (even though I got close a few times). It's been a rough couple of years and I am a big-time stress eater. So I sympathise!:smile:
  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    Hey ladies! I'm with you all. It's easy to get discouraged when we're so focused on every day life, then food and exercise... it's enough to drive you bat**** crazy. LOL. With friends that help hold us accountable and motivate us (especially on those rough days), we can do it. Right? Right?!?! :) Feel free to add me. I love having friends to chat with, to help motivate me, and that I can help motivate in return. :)
  • I almost had a mental breakdown last week. My daughter's wedding was on June 9th. My goal (which of course I did not meet) was to be thin for her wedding. When I saw the pictures of me I was devastated to the point that I am going to try and survivie mostly on liquids only---protein shakes, etc. Honestly it seems to make this process work you have to live it 24-7 and I get so tired of it all so quickly. It is enough to stress anyone out and give out---another weight gainer---stress!! Geeze. You guys are smart though to get it off from the beginning. My mid-30s is when I started adding it on. Now in my 40's the weight just dont move off so quickly. Get a handle on it before you have a ton to lose. Although it seems 10 lbs is a lot these days to try and lose. I just don't get it!! Why does this have to be so difficult?
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I am with all also. My daughter just turned 1 last week and I'm still 40 lbs over what I weighed when I got pregnant. I am also going crazy. Its just the constant thinking about food, can I eat this, what if I eat that, then what can I eat later and do I even want to eat at this point. Its driving me nuts!!! I like the P90X program that I'm doing and the extra walks I take with my girls but even just tracking those some days I go nuts. And then when I forget to push the done entering for the day button . . . Grrr!

    But I am determined to get this extra 40 off!!!

    Anyone can add me as well. Its nice to have people in the same bat crazy boat. :)
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    I am new to the site, so far I like it a lot, but I have no friends yet lol
  • Let me first say you're beautiful!!
    Like everyone else here, I've got some baby weight to lose...problem is, my baby is 12!! lol I'm 31 and currently a stay at home mom who became quite sedentary over the winter. My fiance and I started on the South Beach Diet about 5 weeks ago now. I'm down 23.5 pounds in that time. I just recently heard about this program and app and started it today. So while I can't weigh in much on this program, I can tell you about the south beach way of life. I've done it in previous years and lost nearly 125 pounds. I can honestly say it's a super easy way of life!! I honestly no longer crave sweets and junk food. Maybe switching the foods you eat will help. It sure has helped me just being aware of processed foods and what I'm putting in my body. Good luck!! :)
  • sacorner
    sacorner Posts: 45 Member
    I sent you a friend request.

    I am going through very similar challenges. My son is 20 months and as his second birthday creeps closer I think "ahhh!! I'm at my heaviest ever!" It bites the big one! But I'm on track and have taken the same stance as you. More support from people with similar goals will make this journey a little more bearable. And maybe even a little bit fun. :)
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    i've ha 3 kids, each 3 year apart oldest is almost 9 and i gained 60, 65 and 60 lbs each time. Lost most of the wt from first and last but none from the so desperate to lose wt and have spent thousands of dollars trying different things like WW, medical wt loss..and so on....I hope this site helps me with motivaton :)
  • I am right there with you, 25 lbs over my pre-baby weight and my "baby" is 4! I feel like the last two years all I have been trying to do is eat healthy and work out and lose weight and I have not really gotten anywhere! But for some reason I am still truckin' along trying!
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    My wife recovered pretty quickly with our first child, but she was 20 when she had him. Then we had the bright idea that it was time to have another baby. That was at 32. We had another boy. So, we thought, why not try for a girl? Which we had... less than a year after that. She's had a hard time recovery from the two in a row, but we've recently started eating more healthily, counting calories, and doing the Insanity workout. Thing about that is, she's got bad knees (has since Basic Training) and there is a LOT of jumping in the videos, so we're going to have to modify it a little for her. Still, I'm already seeing a change, even if she isn't.

    Two words of advice, which you can take or tell me to stuff it because I really am only a guy, anyway, and don't personally know what you are or have gone mentally, emotionally or physically:

    1) Don't give up, but 2) don't overstress yourself about it.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    I totally know where your coming from.. I also have a two year old... Basically a very long story short!!! Husband left 6 weeks after baby was born (we where together... 13 years).. I was devastated. didn't think I could go on.. but I did for my two girls... 6 months after he left I met and amazing man.. (He has 4 kids) after we met fell in love and all that mushy stuff then we got married last month.. so I work all day plus I drive over an hour everyday to get to and from work).. then come home and clean the house.. make supper and all the motherly stuff a mom has to do.. for six kids (this also includes a ton of laundry).. and then I struggle to find "me" time!!!! I'm am here completely to help support you if your willing to support me back! I'm always looking for new friends to help support each other.. sorry for being short but I wanted to get to the point I'm right there with you.. Oh side note my girls are 2 and 10 and his are 6, 9(boy), 11(boy) and 15.. so we have all ages in the family :)
  • Two words of advice, which you can take or tell me to stuff it because I really am only a guy, anyway, and don't personally know what you are or have gone mentally, emotionally or physically:

    1) Don't give up, but 2) don't overstress yourself about it.

    ^^ This. I agree with Zombie. The weight did not come on over night or over a month and it was easy. It will not come off that fast or come off that easy. I think planning has helped me and to focus on my priorities. My health and exercise come first. This will get me to a better state physically and mentally. <---- This is a key to helping with my mental state. Hope that helps. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    Your first line reads:” Hi, I have been on this "program" for quite a while I just never really too it seriously.” That to me is a red flag that something else is going on here. If you do not take the program seriously how can you expect it to work? It works if you work at it. It took me 2 tries when I finally realized that they only person who can make this work is me. That means it is up to me to do the meal planning, the exercise, maintain the food and exercise log. Go to the gym or work out at home. The days that I don’t do this my weight goes up and my attitude goes down. My husband is one of my biggest supporters. He knows when I am having an off day/week that I need a little guidance to get back on track. In fact he gave me 12 sessions with a personal trainer for my birthday! It was a great present. If you can afford one even for once a week for a few weeks it is worth it. My trainer has gotten me into a routine so that I know what I can do when I go to the gym and what I can do when I am away on vacation. Who thought you could do a push up using the kitchen counter. Certainly not me. But I do. Who knew you could do a squat just by trying to sit in a chair. Do that 10 times and tell me your butt and thighs are not going to be working.

    Don’t give up! Don’t give in. Make each day about what is best for you. Take it seriously.
  • glamazon
    glamazon Posts: 10 Member
    I have about 40 lbs to loose. My "baby" is now 3 1/2. I did not weigh myself prior to becoming preggers but I think I'm about the same as I was pre-baby. With that being said I have about 40 lbs to loose. I went to the Y last week and had my body fat tested. I suspected it would be bad news, and it was. The good news is I feel very committed to the process. I signed up ages ago for MFP but only after last week am I being diligent in tracking my food and exercise. My husband did this coupled with walking on his lunch hour and lost 50 lbs and has been keeping it off. I think staying diligent and tracking everything is part of the secret. I also struggle with finding time. I commute 1 hour each way (usually more like 2 as my commute home I get stuck in monster traffic). I also go to school at night. Couple that with spending time with hubby and little dude (which is my top priority) it can be very hard to find time. The Y I go to has child care so I'm committing to Sat. and Sun. morning for sure and then I know I can find one week night. Little dude likes going to the child care at the Y because there are always lots of kids to play with. I also walk with a co-worker at lunch. We take a nice 2 mile walk and are trying to do this every day. I am finding you have to take things one day at a time and be easy with yourself. Please feel free to add me. I would love to be a support system to other mom's. We can do this. :-)
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I feel you! I have a 3 month old and alot of weight to lose. Between feeling guilty when I leave him for the gym or just getting bored and eating while he is asleep, I keep finding excuses not to get it together. I am so tired of thinking about it that I just want to say forget it and find peace with my body...but I can't :(
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I have an almost 3-year old and I lost all of my baby weight plus 10 pounds in the first year, putting me at 225, and then I gained almost 25 lbs over the next year!

    So I'm with you. One think I've learned about motherhood is that it's hard to think you need to put your needs first before your children, but I'd rather take 2 extra hours a week away from my son if it will give me 10 extra years with him and his family in the end.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    First and foremost there is no need to stress over your body as long as your serious about getting weight off. So give that one up totally and deal with the others. Obsessing over food is a common dilemma we all have faced because we all have been where you are. You can still have what you like you just have to have less of it. Figure out where you want to be say in 6 months, make it realistic and reachable. Then you put that goal weight in here and figure out your calorie count for the days and stick to it. I could eat a whole cheesecake without thinking before January and now I don't even crave it. Husband bought one and I took two pieces to my daughter and didn't even lick my fingers to taste it. You can do this but it won't happen overnight and you'll have setbacks as long as you remember to get back on track. I don't have cheat days or meals because it just ticks me off to have to lose the same lbs over again after I worked so hard to get them off the first time. Remember your weight will vary from day to day so try and stay away from the scales, I weigh every day but it keeps me motivated to know if I lost or not so I know what I'm doing the next day to compensate.
  • gonnabeme
    gonnabeme Posts: 3
    Can you help me please
    I have a step counter on my phone and it says the cals burned and all
    But today I walked 2hrs and it says I only burnt 83cals and when I put on here I walked that long it says 544 what do u think is the right one?