Maybe This Time: Starting A Healthy Lifestyle... Yet Again

lemondropdreams Posts: 43
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I did it AGAIN! So, this is the third time I'm trying to bounce back from what I can only describe as a relapse. I go through periods of time where I am so fed up with old habits and realize it's time for change, and I get all pumped up with motivation and determination. I stick with a solid diet and exercise regimen for let's say up to 4 week, but then SOMETHING happens. What? Oh, it depends. Maybe it's a special dinner out with the family. I think to myself, "Hey, I've been so good lately. I've lost some wait already. It's okay if I let loose for one evening, right?" Well, that would be true if I were able to leave it to that one evening. But NOOO, I can't! I then go out the following night, drink too much, get hungry, end up eating pizza and burgers and all the crap you can think of. And, you can see the snowball effect taking place. Well, that's been the pattern. I go up and down and up and back down again. When will the madness end? When will I finally have the self-control and discipline to stay on track? Not even "diet," but rather make healthy choices in my everyday life and STICK WITH IT. I mean, that's what it boils down to. I live a very active lifestyle as is, and I've actually been working out quite a bit lately. And, that's all fine and dandy, but not when I eat as much as Michael Phelps! Anyway, I really have to reevaluate things. Because I'm at that "breaking point." But, I've been here before. It's after stuffing my face so many times that I get disgusted with myself and think "I'm going to go on a strict diet." Problem is, history repeats itself, and I know it's just a matter of time that I'm going to get sick of "dieting." I need to start out just being healthy. Eating a healthy breakfast... actually just eating breakfast period. Eating small meals throughout the day, rather than holding off the whole day until my appetite can't take it anymore, next thing I know I'm stuffing my face with Chinese food for a family of 4 at 11pm, as I sit on the couch watching Two and a Half Men. It's so frustrating, because I know better! I know what to do and what not to do. That part isn't hard at all. It's that will-power. And, what blows my mind is that I'm so fed up with my old ways, but it's just so hard to break old habits. It really is. Anyway, bottom line, I'm back here and ready to start anew. Yes, it is yet again, but hopefully this time it will be different. I think I need to look at it differently. I need to quit the "dieting" aspect. I need to stop obsessing with the number on the scale. I need to focus on my life and just eat healthy in the meantime. I do love food, and I don't want to ever stop enjoying it, but I think I have to get back to basics and remember that we eat for nourishment, not just flavor or because we're bored or have an oral fixation. Alright well, I've been up and down and all around, but somehow this road always brings me back to this point. Maybe I can finally leave this Point A once and for all. Here it goes...


  • I could not have said it better!!! I have exact the same problem!!!! I wish you the best of success!!! Third time is a charm!!!! You can do it!!! You will do it!!! Good luck!!! Thank you for this post!!!
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