Starting C2 5k anyone wanna join me?

I decided that I need to do something with myself and give myself some NSVs to reach because I'm a slave to my scale, after getting some advice from runners I seem to hear alot about the Couch 2 5k app so I downloaded it and I'm going to start today when I get off work (better sooner than later right) anyone feel like joining me? I'd love to have someone to check in with and compare notes.. BTW I am brand new to this running thing, I'm a speed walker and swimmer but not in shape at all right now so this is gonna be a uphill battle for me but I need something to challange myself with :-)


  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to join you! I ave the app and used it once lol so I need the push. I have never ran in my life but would love to!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If you have the app I have then you can choose the music that plays while you run. My advice is prepare a KICK *kitten* playlist. like, every song that motivates you and keeps you moving.

    Keep your pace SLOW. Especially at first.. You're going to feel really strong at first but near the end of the run is when things get dicey, so conserve your energy until you learn your limits and/or until your body gets stronger.

    The first set will be 8 runs. Dunno if that will help you but counting down how many times I would be running helped me. :D The second week is different but for the first week you can count down your way to the finish line! Remember... 8. ;)

    Good luck! I just started again last night and I LOVE this program. It is the best thing ever.
  • evansproudmama
    I would love to join you! I ave the app and used it once lol so I need the push. I have never ran in my life but would love to!

    Ya!! I will send you a friend request :-) I was gonna wait untill Sat. but if I put it off I prob wont sooo why not today :-) I'm gonna head over to the track as soon as I get off work so I dont chicken out on myself hehe
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    I'll join in! I've completed C25K once before but I did it all on the treadmill. I can run 3miles on the treadmill, no problem. But once I get outside I look like I've never ran a day in my life. It's bad. So...I'm going to start today(also when I get home from work) and focus on only running outside!
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    I decided that I need to do something with myself and give myself some NSVs to reach because I'm a slave to my scale, after getting some advice from runners I seem to hear alot about the Couch 2 5k app so I downloaded it and I'm going to start today when I get off work (better sooner than later right) anyone feel like joining me? I'd love to have someone to check in with and compare notes.. BTW I am brand new to this running thing, I'm a speed walker and swimmer but not in shape at all right now so this is gonna be a uphill battle for me but I need something to challange myself with :-)

    i downloaded the app a few days ago, going to start it tomorrow morning! cant run at all (hurts my boobs!) so should be fun! add me if you like, we can check each others progress!
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member
    I'll join you! I have the app and did the first session yesterday. It's not as bad as I thought it would be :smile:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm on week 4 (day 1 today) . LOVE the program. Almost wish I could run every day at this point, but my knees won't take it!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    Which app are you guys using? I use the Zen labs free one. Start my music, then launch the app. The voice over comes in over the music. LOVE IT.

    I got through week 1 and into week 2 but had to stop due to terrible shin splints. I am starting tonight on W1D3.

    Have fun everyone! Remember, if while running, it's super hard, SLOW DOWN...Yes you may feel like you're crawling, but we're working to build endurance at this point, NOT speed. :)
  • howie4four
    howie4four Posts: 54 Member
    I'm starting today. A trainer/cross country coach in the town where I work is leading a group on this program starting tonight.:happy:

    I too can run a 5K on the treadmill (albeit SSSSLLLLLOOOOWWWW), but haven't been able to do it outside!
  • rmillsaps04
    I'd also like to know which app you guys are using...a free one or did you pay? There are so many, not sure which one to chose!
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I use a free app called runkeeper. It lets you set up interval training and tells you when to start running and when to walk. It maps the run with GPS and records your pace for each interval and total distance. It also plays music from your own playlist off your phone.
  • yallcallmedeb
    I am on week 6 and it is a really amazing program. There is a group on here for C25K and people are joining in at all times. There is an amazing sticky thread on advice for newbies that I highly recommend you read (and then read it again every few weeks!) I would add to that.....journal your progress. I did not do that and wish that I had.

    I've been amazed that I have actually completed each and every day as designed. I really liked the 1st few weeks because the program was the same for 3 days and I could definitely find that I made improvement each day. Now, the program is different (last week and this week) each day.

    While it is in the sticky thread, I will add......STRETCH!!!! Before your run and after your run. is the site that was recommended and I've been using. When I started, I dismissed the program as not being a real run and so I skipped the stretching. I was finding that my knees were really aching and I was majorly sore. If you are not a runner, then this program will require that you act like a runner and actually stretch! I have started walking to the track (1 mile) and then doing my warmup stretch. I then turn on my music and my C25K app (I'm using Run Double) and start my warmup laps.

    Good luck and if you'd like some support, please feel free to send me a friend request. I hope to see you over on the C25K group!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'd also like to know which app you guys are using...a free one or did you pay? There are so many, not sure which one to chose!

    On the Android I'm using an app called RunDouble. Free for the first 3 weeks of the C25K program and then you have to buy the program if you want to advance beyond that. It works like a charm, tracks my distance, speed... everything. So I love it. :D
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I am on week 6 and it is a really amazing program. There is a group on here for C25K and people are joining in at all times. There is an amazing sticky thread on advice for newbies that I highly recommend you read (and then read it again every few weeks!) I would add to that.....journal your progress. I did not do that and wish that I had.

    I've been amazed that I have actually completed each and every day as designed. I really liked the 1st few weeks because the program was the same for 3 days and I could definitely find that I made improvement each day. Now, the program is different (last week and this week) each day.

    While it is in the sticky thread, I will add......STRETCH!!!! Before your run and after your run. is the site that was recommended and I've been using. When I started, I dismissed the program as not being a real run and so I skipped the stretching. I was finding that my knees were really aching and I was majorly sore. If you are not a runner, then this program will require that you act like a runner and actually stretch! I have started walking to the track (1 mile) and then doing my warmup stretch. I then turn on my music and my C25K app (I'm using Run Double) and start my warmup laps.

    Good luck and if you'd like some support, please feel free to send me a friend request. I hope to see you over on the C25K group!

    I would never suggest anyone NOT stretch but I wanted to say that for the first week I never have to stretch, it's only when I hit week 2 and up that I have to start stretching.

    Also, be very careful about pre-stretching... I'm pretty sure the warm up walk is enough of a warm up and stretching is not needed before the run but I could be wrong. I just remember reading that cold stretching can actually encourage injury.
  • yallcallmedeb
    I'd also like to know which app you guys are using...a free one or did you pay? There are so many, not sure which one to chose!

    I am using one by RunDouble. There is a free 2 week trial and then it costs $1.60. I do not pay for apps but this one was worth it for me. I play my music and the app runs on top of my music. It tells me when to start running and when to start walking. It also gives me my pace and the distance traveled. The pace is really important to me as especially when I started, I tended to go too fast and couldn't keep up the endurance. I upload the results of my program to their website and can see how I did throughout each workout which I really like.

    I've also been curious about the various apps and the pros and cons of each.
  • kelceystevens73
    kelceystevens73 Posts: 36 Member
    Iphone or Android? and what it the exact title on search??? Thanks!!!!
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    Also, be very careful about pre-stretching... I'm pretty sure the warm up walk is enough of a warm up and stretching is not needed before the run but I could be wrong. I just remember reading that cold stretching can actually encourage injury.

    Scientifically speaking, stretching before you run a short run can be bad because you open up the strands between your muscles and lactic acid comes in easier which causes cramps. If you stretch lightly its ok, but hardcore stretching does worse for you. It'd be better to warm up with a brisk walk.

    Good luck! I start monday!
  • evansproudmama
    I'd also like to know which app you guys are using...a free one or did you pay? There are so many, not sure which one to chose!

    I am using one by RunDouble. There is a free 2 week trial and then it costs $1.60. I do not pay for apps but this one was worth it for me. I play my music and the app runs on top of my music. It tells me when to start running and when to start walking. It also gives me my pace and the distance traveled. The pace is really important to me as especially when I started, I tended to go too fast and couldn't keep up the endurance. I upload the results of my program to their website and can see how I did throughout each workout which I really like.

    I've also been curious about the various apps and the pros and cons of each.

    This is the one I just downloaded also RunDouble. It has trainers all the way up to a half marathon love it!!
  • evansproudmama
    Iphone or Android? and what it the exact title on search??? Thanks!!!!

    I have an Android, I typed in Couch 2 5k and I chose the free version called rundouble you pay after two weeks but only $1.60!!
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    I want to start this too! :) I downloaded the Run Double app for android today. I am going to start some day this week. I also started the 30DS so i am going to be exhausted I am only on day one of that so i want to get into it a bit before i add on the C25K. Maybe after day 3 or 4. I like how its only 3 runs a week so its easy to fit into your schedule. :)