How do u mommys do it (or daddys)

I have a seven year old and a 1 year old and I can go for walks and stuff with my 7 year old but I can get about 10 mins in before the baby starts to want out of her stroller. How do u parents do the exercise thing. Im getting a bike from my mom so my son and I dont have to leave to go to the park to walk. I live in busy area and figured a bike would help me and him get out and spend some time together also. I am down 15 pounds i believe and need to lose alot more. I have small goals, 50 by march, 75 by july and the whole big 125 by feb of 2011. I want to do this right and am dieting but the exercise parrt always gets puched under the rug. Anyone have any suggestions for me. I am tired of being 300 pounds and I will get down to 175 if it takes me forever. lol


  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I have a seat that goes on the back of my bike that I put my baby girl in- it's got a 5pt harness so I know she's not going to wiggle out - my 3yo rides his little bike next to me - well we did in the summer anyway. I hear ya on the stroller part - my kids will not under any circumstances stay in those things longer than maybe 15 minutes. :huh: IDK why. Last night I found out that my little one will stay in her crib & play while I'm on the treadmill...when I run she jumps up & down & when I'm walking she'll just sit down & play, sometimes she'll talk to me but she stayed in it for over an hour last night w/o asking to get out. It was great. :flowerforyou:
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I get up at 5 while my husband and the little ones are still sleeping and walk briskly, sometimes run (but I had to work up to that and the most I can do is 10 min.) At night, after the kids are in bed, I do pushups and crunches, and sometimes lift 3 lb weights for a while. All together I do 20 min max in the AM and 10 min in the PM. If I miss my morning, then I add it to the night, and jog in place in front of the TV for my run/walk. I have 4 kids, youngest is 1.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Try getting a exercise video and popping it in when the little one naps or let them do it with you. My kids are a little older (3 & 4) and they love to exercise with me. They jump around and try to do jumping jacks, etc. They use me as a tunnel during plank moves:laugh: Plus I think it sets a good example for them which I love.
    Good Luck!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I have an 11mo. old. I wake up at 5AM and do workout videos.
    I'm a single mom so the only downside is if he wakes up in the middle of my workout I have to stop for a little bit.

    It can be really tough for the first week or so getting up so early, but you can used to it.
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old. I try to get them both to take a nap after lunch and I trade off between running on the treadmill and doing a pilates video. If They won't take a nap at the same time I try to get dad to watch them if he doesn't get home too late. I tried getting up early to run but then they just kept waking up earlier.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I have a 15 month baby and her sleep is very predictable now,and she mainly sleeps through the night.

    I also wake up at 5:00am and head to the gym while my husband sleeps and my baby is sleeping. The important thing is to go to bed early at night so that you have enough energy to get up in the morning. It's amazing how the body gets used to getting up in the morning.

    At night I put my baby to sleep and then I have 1 hour to myself. The sacrifice is worth it.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    If you go at nap time and have a reclining stroller, your little one can sleep while you walk/jog....

    You can pack snacks - if you put teddy grahams, cheerios, etc in the no-spill cups (they have a rubber cover that your baby slips their hand in and out of, but can see inside the whole cup so they *want* to get it.... once they get over that "wierd" feeling the first couple times they use it, and get rewarded by the treat inside, they love them.

    You can use those little plastic ovals that snap together or tether straps to attach toys, the snack cup, juice cups, etc... that way you're not constantly stopping to pick up "dropped" toys, etc.

    Fitness videos are good too, but sometimes our little guy and I just need the fresh air, and it seems like he "lasts" longer outside and looking at everything.

    Good luck, you're making great progress and you can do this!!!!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I am a single mom of a 3 y/o and a 10 y/o. I work so I use my lunch hour to run and swim. It work great for me.
  • steph1499
    Thanks ideas guys. I would love to work out to the videos but i live above my hubbys work so they hear everything. But I think once I get my bike this week I will TRY lol to get up in the early am and doing it in the pm too. Im not a morning person and have to really motivate myself to get up to exercise but I need to lose this weight for me. I am getting some weights to do while im in the house for toning and stuff. I love this site though. I have found it very helpful.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I get up at 5 while my husband and the little ones are still sleeping and walk briskly, sometimes run (but I had to work up to that and the most I can do is 10 min.) At night, after the kids are in bed, I do pushups and crunches, and sometimes lift 3 lb weights for a while. All together I do 20 min max in the AM and 10 min in the PM. If I miss my morning, then I add it to the night, and jog in place in front of the TV for my run/walk. I have 4 kids, youngest is 1.

    Great advice! bump
  • jzbaby626
    I work out for 30-45 mins in the morning while my 3 year old plays with toys. I know this would be hard with a 1 year old. At night me and my son have "dance parties" where we turn up the music and just dance for 30-40 mins. He loves it. It keeps him occupied and I burn a lot of calories at the same time. He even asks me "mom we have dance party today?" lol.
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    I work out for 30-45 mins in the morning while my 3 year old plays with toys. I know this would be hard with a 1 year old. At night me and my son have "dance parties" where we turn up the music and just dance for 30-40 mins. He loves it. It keeps him occupied and I burn a lot of calories at the same time. He even asks me "mom we have dance party today?" lol.

    That is soooo cute! My son would love something like that. My son is 18 months old, unfortunately we don't have that problem with the stroller, he absolutely loves the stroller, I have to hide it when I'm not using it cause he will whine and cry until I put him in it and take him for a walk. It's great motivation though when I know I need to go walking, I'll just leave it out the night before and he sees it first thing in the morning and doesn't stop whining until I take him. :smile:
  • jenna_83
    before i broke my leg (LOL) i used to take my daughter out on the bike in her bike seat and my son would bike alongside, he is 7 and we would do about 6 miles together. Also i used to to my exercise dvd's at night- im soooo not a morning person :laugh:
    but, you can get exercise in loads of ways- run up and down the stairs a few times, dance like crazy (we do that in the morning before the school run- even now im on crutches :wink: ) get a hula hoop- its REALLY good exercise and fun! do some toning exercises in the day time if you dont want to be jumping around, go swiming with the kids- you can get some really good safe floats for the little ones, when you are in even if you cant swim, pusing them around in their floats doing lunges etc all help.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I either get up early before the littel one's awake, or he watches a thomas video while I exercise.