Fell off the wagon BIG TIME....

and having trouble climing back on. I am getting depressed and I just keep eating crap!! Tomorrow is a new day I keep telling myself and then the day turns to crap!! UGH..... ok tomorrow is it.... I will turn a new leaf and get this weight off once and for all!!


  • merisendabills
    Everyone falls off now and then. It's just a matter of picking yourself back up and carrying on. Don't let one setback stand in the way of making progress.
  • lilmama001
    Some of us on the message board is trying the 30 day shred. It just started yesterday. Hopefully you can start that with the group for support and motivation. I am starting tomorrow too. DON'T GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • bogle34
    bogle34 Posts: 107 Member
    I hear ya. I got bad news from my ex - long story short I fell of the wagon & gained more weight...but tomorrow is a new day & Lord willing will get focused and love myself more and take care of me for once & I will be ok....hang in there u can get back on track....
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    We are human! I fell off big time on Friday. I did fabulous until just after dinner. Then I went out for a night on the town. And KABOOM! I consumed TWICE my daily allowed calories and didn't work out at all. Just about 3000 calories total and you don't want to know the fat count. But the next day, I said, well I did it. It was fun. Now back to giving my body what it deserves. I cheat every week once and intentionally, though not anywhere near as bad as that. Usually just a cup cake or handful of pringles or chicken wings. I find if I plan on eating something yummy once in a while, I won't eat something yummy all day every day, which is how I got to where I am at. It's not the end of the world to get off course. You just have to get back on again!! Trust me, I know it is easier said than done. You can do this!! I know you can!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    Been there, done that! I've actually been in a rut for a few weeks now :explode: I will have a few good days and then multiple bad ones so I am just stuck in the same spot. However, I ran into a friend over the weekend and they mentioned a party at a lake the second weekend in August so now I have a goal! (bathing suits are always good motivation :blushing: )

    Anyways, it is very normal to fall off the wagon sometimes! It happens to everyone. I know it can be discouraging, but the best thing to do is realize it then jump right back in! I find that having a goal is a great way for me to get back into things and then stay motivated.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    I just love this site and all the support I get (DH isn't supportive and thinks I actually eat too much even when I am following my caloric goals!!).

    We can do this ladies!! Slow and steady wins the race!!!
    I hope everyone has a great day!!:wink: