30 day shred and soreness

OK lets start by I am VERY out of shape! I have had this video and decided I need to do it with eating better of course and have alot to lose....

Today was my third day in a row and my quads are beyond sore like I have to force myself to do it but how long does this last till it gets better? LOL Should I take a break or just keep going.....from what I read its best to keep going so thats what I have done so far! My plan is 5 days a week taking 2 off...I do feel better after working out but my goodness I feel so pathetic . I am a CNA so must lift patients and I am so sore! LOL

ALSO I log the exercise as 20min circuit training do you think thats right?

Any help appreciated so much!!!


  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    It can take up to day 5 to feel normal again, you can take a rest day now and give up the 2 in a row if it feels like too much.

    I also log it as circuit training for 20 min. Some people feel this is too high but it is close to the number I got on several different sites, I take off 40-50 calories since I modify and I don't always eat them all back.

    Hope this helps (I'm on level 2 day 8)
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    Day 3 is the worst -- hang in there :)
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I was pretty sore when I first started it, but after the first few days, it got better. I made the mistake of taking a couple days off after I started Level 2, though, and when I started up again, it was so difficult. I wish I would've just powered through it.

    I log it as 20 minutes of circuit training as well. I want to get an HRM, though, so I know the amount of calories burned is accurate.

    Hope your soreness eases up soon - good luck!
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    After the 3rd or 4th day the soreness gets better. I made it to day 5 with my hubby and then things came up and we stopped. I started up again but I only do it on the days that I don't do C25K. When I get stronger running then I will do both but for now I decided to do it this way so I don't over do it on my shins and calf muscles and hurt myself.

    I use an HRM and my calories comes out to about 220-240 depending on how hard I work. C25K can burn between 260-300 for me. A lot of people log it as circuit training. I made my own exercise and just use that when I log and put in my HRM amount.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    30 Day Shred has proven results for many people and its a great toning/cardio workout.. I did it and remember being SO SORE. Sounds silly but try stretching a little more. I think any time your muscles aren't used to an activity then you shock em, they are going to be a little mad at you. :) Stretching before and after helps. And don't just rely on the stretching they do in the video.. if need be focus more on where you are having the most soreness.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I always take a rest day if I'm that sore. Just one day to give my body a chance to rest and build.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I was incredibly sore for the first week or so...it gets much better! I had pretty good toning results....little weight loss... but overall...inches lost...shoulders are much tighter... Hang in there...it does get better!
  • Bstefka
    Bstefka Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new on the forum and on listing exercises. How do you enter calories burned rather than listing time you exercise? I used exercise equipment at my local park and rec which listed the calories I burned. The system would not let me just enter calories burned. Am I missing something?
  • I just did day two level one and I'm so sore! I can hardly move my legs. I'm going to keep with it - it feels good to be sore and active.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If you're super sore, don't worry about taking a day off between workouts. Your muscles need time to heal, especially when you first start out - they aren't used to the new activity yet.

    30DS was where I started and I jumped right in the first day...and then took three days off because it hurt SO BAD to move! :tongue: Never been so sore in my life!
  • Don't stop!! Don't stop!!! The best way to get rid of the soreness is to keep moving. The reason you're sore is because of lactic acid building up in and around all your muscle fibers. The best way to get rid of it is to keep working out. Do not stop!!! I wouldn't even take one day off because it will be hell to get started back up. Tomorrow is day 8 for me, and it feels more like a habit or routine than a monumental chore at this point. It takes 21 days to create a habit, so the longer you stick with it, the easier it will get. I PROMISE!!!
  • baroquetrained
    baroquetrained Posts: 4 Member
    Make sure to drink a lot more water than usual- & that u r getting plenty of protein. Helps muscles get repaired faster. Don't push too hard- being very out of shape can mean u will b injured easier if u push too hard. U have to experiment with ur own levels of soreness over time to b able to differentiate a good kind of sore from a bad kind. I agree with frequent stretching- even hours after exercise can improve your functioning from excessive soreness. Good luck & keep up the good work!
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    thanks for all the helpful replies...I don't plan to do 30ds everyday like some though. But I appreciate all the replies!!!
  • elmarko123
    elmarko123 Posts: 89
    I ditched 30 day shred as didn't seem to develop any muscle & the calorie deficit could be gained by just eating less (after 24 days).

    It's good to increase cardio fitness levels, but not that great for weight loss I found.

    Switched to heavy weight training & started to see the pounds fly off.

    Weight training -> Cardio