Couscous.. my new best friend! Recipe ideas please ?

Discovered couscous, something I've had in pre-made salads bought in tubs, or had at other people's BBQs, never really thought to cook it myself. I say "cook" - you just pour boiling water over it !!! So quick, easy, tasty and surprisingly low in cals, compared to pasta and rice.

So.. any ideas what I can do with it ? Currently I've made up some couscous, stirred in salad veg I've had leftover (red pepper, celery, jalopenos, spring onion, cucumber etc) and then mix with tuna or leftover chicken. Just a splash of sweet thai chilli sauce to give it some moisture and taste - love it.

Any other ideas ????

Thanks all,
Mel x


  • lisav6
    lisav6 Posts: 56
    bump, want to keep an eye on this to resolve my consistently soggy cous cous making!
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    I love to make Couscous with anything. It is one of my go to grains, that and quinoa.
    I have been told to put lavender honey and some cinnamon and nutmeg on it for a morning cereal meal.
    I like it more savory so I like to add a small amount of flavored EVOO and sauteed veggies like red onion and yellow zucc. squash.
    Or I roast some red peppers and tomatoes in the oven and slice those up and put them on it.


    14 oz baby carrots
    224 g Natural Chicken Breast
    6 cups Light Premium Orange Juice
    2 tbsp Rosemary, Dried
    3 cups Couscous, Cooked
    1/2 cup dried cranberries
    2 tsp Bread Flour

    1. Cook the chicken cubes in a skillet using cooking spray to keep if from sticking to the pan
    2. Remove the chicken from the pan and save for later
    3. Add the orange juice to a large pot or skillet. Cooking time decreases if you use a larger pot with more surface area. Heat the pot on medium-high heat. Stir occasionally.
    * The juice will start to reduce (the water evaporates) and will yield about 1 cup of sauce.
    * This may take about 30- 40 minutes depending on the level of heat you use.
    * You may be able to reduce cooking time by using condensed OJ but I have never tried it and it may contain more sugar.
    * Small bubbles are ok but violent boiling is not recommended because it will burn the sugars in the OJ.
    * The OJ is fully reduced when it forms a syrup-like coating around your spoon. See below.
    4. Mean while cook the baby carrots in a microwave safe dish with a small amount of water until tender and fully cooked (about 6-8 minutes). Set aside for later.
    5. Once you notice the OJ thickening you can slowly sprinkle a small amount of flour (like 1 teaspoon) while stirring. If you add it all at once it will clump.
    6. Stir for another minute or 2 then add the chicken and carrots and continue to cook until they are reheated.
    7. Add the rosemary to the chicken mixture.
    8. Cook the couscous according to the directions on the box it will take less than 10 minutes, you can omit the oil or butter.
    9. Add the dried cranberries and nuts to the couscous.

    Other Tips:
    This dish goes well with steamed broccoli or a side salad.
    The above method of mixing the reducing OJ with cooked carrots makes a great side dish.
    Follow the plate method when serving this dish!
    (1/4th plate is the orange chicken, 1/4th plate is couscous, and 1/2 plate is veggies which includes the carrots)

    Read more:
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    my fav is

    1/4 cup dry couscous cooked
    1 tomato
    1 small (95g) tin of tuna (any flavour, whatever works for you)

    mix altogether. Yummo!
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I always have wholewheat couscous as it's even better than the normal.

    I stir in a spoon full of red pesto and while it's "cooking" I microwave some frozen veg - usually garden peas, sweetcorn, broccoli and green beans, then add a portion of tinned of salmon or mackerel.

    It's filling, delicious and very quick to prepare when I need a quick meal.
  • Hey there,

    I often serve it as a main dish for dinner. Warm with chicken and soup. It takes a bit of cooking time but tastes great and always impresses our friends. Especially on rainy days its great.
    For two you need:

    2 whole chicken legs
    1 onion
    4 carrots
    0.5 of a parsley root
    1 small red pepper or yellow if you prefer
    2 tbsp of tomato paste or 1 small can of chopped tomatoes
    1 heaped tsp of whole pepper corns
    2 small dried chilies or not if you don't like spicy things
    2 bay leaves
    salt to taste
    a bit of parsley or coriander to garnish with
    AND of course the couscous (I go with a cup per person)

    Start with the stock:

    First rinse all the veggies and chop them into big chunks.
    Take your chicken legs and remove the skin and excess fat, if there is any.
    Add the spices but hold the salt for now.
    Place all of that in a deep pot and cover it with water.
    Now let it simmer away, half covered till the chicken is tender and the meat easily comes of the bone. Should be about 30-40 minutes.
    In which you can easily ignore the pot and do something else.

    Once that is done carefully fish out the chicken legs and the veggies. Then send the remaining soup through a strainer. So you get rid of the pepper corns and the bay leaves.

    Put the soup back in the pot and add the tomato paste and stir well, and add salt to taste. This is what you pour over the couscous instead of water. Add enough so that it is nice and moist. (My husband likes it if it swims - me not so much)
    Garnish the chicken and veggies on top and sprinkle with a bit of parsley or coriander.
    Voila, great dinner for two on a rainy day.

    Hope you like it. If something is unclear send me a message.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I always have wholewheat couscous as it's even better than the normal.

    I stir in a spoon full of red pesto and while it's "cooking" I microwave some frozen veg - usually garden peas, sweetcorn, broccoli and green beans, then add a portion of tinned of salmon or mackerel.

    It's filling, delicious and very quick to prepare when I need a quick meal.

    Ah now that sounds great, quick n easy too.
  • fionerr
    fionerr Posts: 1 Member
    I quite like mine plain so I just add a squeeze of tomato puree :) Yummy! Also have you tried putting in to a pita bread? Also very yummy!
  • vico1612
    vico1612 Posts: 18
    Try making a Taboulé with Couscous
    Here's a recipe >
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I make up the cous cous with some vegetable stock and add roasted vegetable to it. Spray a baking sheet with oil and put aubergine( eggplant), red onion, squash, peppers, mushrooms cut up and roast in the oven for about 30mins with a tsp of olive oil drizzled over and some crushed garlic. When the veg is done mix through the cous cous. Can also add chicken or salmon to the veggies in the oven or do it separate
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    I fry 1 chopped onion and 3 chopped garlic cloves in 1/2 tbsp olive oil until they are burnt, and I mean it, they have to be dark brown. Then add sliced tomatoes and fresh coriander. Then stir in 1 cup of couscous, the other half tbsp. olive oil and top with 2 cups of water or stock. Cover and let sit 5 min. Fluff up before serving. Yuuuum. This is a Palestinian recipe, to be really authentic add arabic spice mix "seven spices" and serve with 1 tbsp fresh yoghurt.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks all. Great ideas.

    I never think to use stock instead of just water to "cook" the couscous, but that might be a good idea. I like the mixture of textures, so crunchy red pepper, spring onions, sweetcorn etc.

    I just did very simply - couscous, red pepper, spring onion, sweetcorn, tuna, jalopenos and sweet thai chilli sauce.

  • I love it with roasted veg too but my absolute favorite is when my boyfriend makes it with spices and lots of nuts and some dried fruit. I'm not totally sure of his recipe but I know he dry fries the spices (cumin and cinnamon and maybe some others) and toasts the nuts which usually include pine nuts and almonds and then you just need to add the fruit. Dried apricots, rasins (better if you soak them a little first), dates, figs all work really well.

    I found this recipe online and it's a similar idea to give you an idea of quantities although we don't add sugar to ours. Once you've got the basic idea you can add whatever combination of fruit, nuts, spices and whatever else you fancy :)
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I make up the cous cous with some vegetable stock and add roasted vegetable to it. Spray a baking sheet with oil and put aubergine( eggplant), red onion, squash, peppers, mushrooms cut up and roast in the oven for about 30mins with a tsp of olive oil drizzled over and some crushed garlic. When the veg is done mix through the cous cous. Can also add chicken or salmon to the veggies in the oven or do it separate

    This, with a spoonful of harissa stirred in. YUM.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Bump :glasses:
  • mcjmommy
    mcjmommy Posts: 148 Member
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    Very traditional but simple recipe:
    Saute 1 onion add 4 cups chopped chard, spinach (big-not baby), parsley, kale in any proportion you have on hand.
    Add a small amount of water and cook untill wilted.
    Add just cooked couscous, cover pan and let steam.
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Bump :)

    I love the Ainsley Harriott Aromatic Thai Couscous sachet that serves 2 and I usually make it with a salmon fillet which I cook in foil for 14 minutes in a 180 degree fan oven and a salad of green leaves or asparagus! Yum...
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I am sooo buying some couscous today!!!
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    Lamb, potatoes, onions, acorn squash, carrots, chickpeas, with tomato paste+water and some spices IDK the names of (my ex brought them from overseas in plain plastic baggies).... I'm probably forgetting something... (((AMAZING!! the acorn squash is my favorite part.. other than the lamb.))) **IF anyone here knows what spices would be used with this... please let me know!! I've asked my ex before and he says he doesn't know the names of them either... :grumble:

    Near East mediterranean curry flavored couscous (boxed mix) is not too bad either.
  • i love making stuffed peppers with cous cous. Slice the top off the pepper, put pre made cous cous in put a couple of fresh tomato slices on and then sprinkle with cheese and then bake for about 20 minutes of 200 and done. Cheap, easy and yummy. Usually made with hme made wedges or just more salad.
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 583 Member
    Thanks for this thread!!!!! GREAT IDEAS!!!!! :drinker:
  • Norinella
    Norinella Posts: 31
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    I want ideas too!! :)
  • Stuffed peppers or mushrooms with couscous and low fat mozzarella!
    Cook the couscous and stuff whatever vegetable you are using with it, cook in the oven for about 15-20 minutes on 180 celsius and in the last 5 minutes of cooking put a slice of mozzarella on top until it has melted.
    Served with fresh salad and a few new potatoes is very nice!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    bump for later :)
  • pldg
    pldg Posts: 18
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Dribble dribble... I will be fed up of it by the end of the week! LOL.

    I have a tendency to love something and eat it "to death" and then get bored of it... hee hee.

    All fab ideas though thanks, gonna try roasted veg with it next time too.
