SparkPeople vs. MyFitnessPal? Help...



  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I used Sparkpeople for a short time. MFP has the best food database that I've found out of several similar sites. I think it's also a lot more user friendly. I still log onto sparkpeople occasionally for recipes. The layout of sparkpeople is very confusing to me and I waste a lot if time trying to navigate. That being said, they do have some great information and recipes.

    Tried getting another quote in here but it did not work.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    MFP much more user friendly.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I used Sparkpeople before I started MFP. I liked the variety of exercises and the fact that there were demos and videos, but I couldn't find a supportive bunch of friends to save my life and it just wasn't working. If you feel all alone it's so much harder to do this than if you have people pushing you and and congratulating you on your successes. I LOVE MFP

    Still have not figured out how to get 2 quotes at once in a reply.

    I started with the SF site moved to Sparks and then found MFP. Best site in my eyes. Yeah, I still sneak over to Sparks for the recipes.
  • carinphillips
    carinphillips Posts: 1 Member
    I used SparkPeople (sporadically) for three years prior to joining MFP. In those three years, I lost as much as 35-40 pounds...which was thrilling! There are features I enjoyed on SP, but overall, I have found that SP takes too much time to navigate and participate in. SP is a great resource of information, and I still revisit the site now and then when searching for specific information concerning diet and/or exercise.

    But, ultimately, I have found MFP to be much more convenient, practical and helpful in working toward my goal. In my first six weeks, I have already lost nearly 16 pounds!!!! MP gives me the information I NEED to see and not a lot of extra fluff. I am also using a fitbit (which syncs with MFP) and attribute my success to the combination of these two tools.

    I still have another 35 pounds to lose, but it feels like much less of a challenge with MFP and the fitbit supporting my efforts.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    Spark < MFP
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    MFP is Simpler. I didn't like Spark's.

    Same here.

    I've used Sparks in the past as well.... never stuck with it for more than a couple of weeks; too busy, too many ads, and unless I'm really stupid, I could never figure out how to add some foods.
    More support here as well.
    I'll echo this, also - however I do still get Spark emails with recipes and exercises. I've got no plans on discontinuing those. I can't stand the site layout and functionality, and never found a supportive group or usable tool there like I have here.

  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    Agreed, 100% spark was good but this database is much better. but sparks does have some good recipes though :)
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    Enjoy MFP much better. Spark people - I spent more time fiddling around with redundant things like spinning the wheel and trying to find out how to get more points. Well that's not the point! MFP is way easier and the focus is on US and helping each other out and we're here for a reason to get healthier and/or lose weight . I'm having much more fun and success here!

    Yeah, what's with the points thing?? Do you get to redeem them for additional weight loss or something?? :laugh:
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I have been a Spark memeber for over five years, I have a great group of friends on Spark, and it helped me reach my goal when I first joined and helped me with maintanence , I loved the challenges and variety, the fact that most of the foods I eat are saved under my favorites( the one thing that kept me from utilizing MFP was I did want to creat a new list of food)
    Spark was ideal for me because it started me from the begining and provided education on the different stages of weight loss and different challenges to keep it intresting.
    My husband encouraged me to try MFP, I resisted at first but then I thought I will give it a try for 30 days, this is day 20 so far so good. but I dont think I will ever completly leave Sparkpeople.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    I have used Spark when I first started and I must say there was an old vibe about it like there was no positive happy energy there. And most folks would go mia so quickly. However here I have lost weight 70lbs to day so the truth is in the pudding here..I like that I can be a bit more relaxed here and can see what folks are doing.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Spark People is too hard to navigate and too cluttered for my attention span. I did like the menu options and the exercise info. MFP would be perfect if they provided that.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    I use both.
    I use MFP more because the phone app is more user friendly & more food in the database.
    I like the points & the awards you get on Sparkpeople, like unlocking an achievement in a video game. :laugh:
  • 40Club
    40Club Posts: 47
    I tried Spark People before and have to say for me that MFP is simpler. Maybe I just didn't utilize it much. The best thing I liked was the daily recipes & motivational messages sent to my e-mail box.
  • elsnyc
    elsnyc Posts: 3
    I REALLY appreciate everyone's feedback! I didn't even get to read the replies until now. I created an account and looked around the Spark site for only a few minutes, and found myself confused and frustrated. I also looked up a few of the things I log regularly on here, and they didn't have them in their database. I'm glad I saw what I WASN'T missing, and I'm getting back to MFP full time. :)
  • elsnyc
    elsnyc Posts: 3
    And congrats to everyone on your amazing weight loss successes!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have an account at both. SparkPeople is quite impersonal. If you want help and encouragement from others than MFP is the way to go.
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 176 Member
    I check out sparkpeople for recipes and exercises & other info but I log and keep track of my food and exercise with MFP coz its simple and coz of the phone app
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    I agree the video, recipes, also the map your route is excellent for me as I walk everyday. I too find it a bit fussy but I am just using what I need at the moment. I find the food database as good as MFP but I search what others have entered and generally find what I want. I prefer MFP for logging food from my phone as I can scan in which is much easier, however only a small percent of food here in France can be scanned so the benefit is negated. I will decide in a month and see which is the most helpful. I would hate to leave all my friends here.
  • rhe280
    rhe280 Posts: 71
    I tried spark and lost 0 pounds in two weeks. Here I have lost 13 pounds in two weeks. There is an excellent community here from supportive friends to the kind people who are willing to answer your questions in the forums and give advice. I love MFP! :blushing:
  • mdmccowan
    mdmccowan Posts: 20
    MFP is WAYYYYYY simpler. I only go to spark people for exercise and nutrition ideas