New and Unsure

I am new to this and have been doing this for a week and a bit now.
It's a bit scary for me because I've never counted calories in my food. I've also started at the gym same time I signed up with this with a help of a cousin in law who I've yet to add.
My goal was to loose 20 kilos within 6 months and if I achieved that to set another goal.
However the gym I've joined, have a 12 week challenge which I was to say I was chicken **** to try it but after much thought I thought, why not challenge myself with this. The 12 week challenge starts at the end of June 2012.

I was told 80% food 20% excercise and my eating habits is ridiculous. I actually never really watched what I eat. But seeing that I go over my calories when I first started was shocking.
I'm still trying understand everything and learn more so I hope to accomplish my goals.
Any hints or help would be great :)

And these message boards look great, still learning though!


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Welcome Ann :-)

    Just keep at it and have faith in yourself. You know you can do this.

    Congrats on challenging yourself. You'll be so proud once you accomplish your goal.

    When I first started logging my food, I was shocked as well. I also didn't realize that my portions were so big and how many sweets I was putting away per day (not to mention all the fast food). And try to drink lots of water. This was the hardest thing for me to do as I hated drinking water (and all day long, too lol). But, eventually I learned to want it and now it's part of my life.

    Good job on signing up for the gym! You'll find exercise and weight loss go hand in had. There really is a difference between skinny fat (just a smaller version of you) and skinny fit (you with lean, long muscles). I've seen the difference with my own eyes!

    Good luck to you and congrats on your life change!
  • jaqsz21
    jaqsz21 Posts: 5 Member

    so happy your doing this...i want us to be fit and look great and love life even thank you for pushing urself...cos i know how hard it i said i'm still learning...i think i'll be learning something new for a very long times...but dats life!!

    i got ur back...and i'm so excited for you and for me...lmao...WATCH OUT NOVEMBER...hahahaaha...

    love u xoxox
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Welcome~ it's a great place for support, resources and help. I've been here about 6 weeks and loving it! I count all of my calories and work-out six days a week~ feel free to add me and I would be happy to support you throughout your journey :)

    you can do this- its a wonderful site with great information and its has really opened up my eyes to what I thought was healthy- and how much exercise I really do need!

    Good luck on that challenge- that is awesome! I'm training for a 4 mile race in September- we can do this togehter :)
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome Ann! You've made the first big step by just joining MFP and the gym....hooray for you! I too, never counted my calories, that's why I ended up overweight. I've found this site to be super helpful and the support is awesome. It takes some getting use to, the calorie counting and all, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a habit.......a good habit! The exercise is just an added plus, you will feel better and see your body changing and you'll be so happy!!!! Good job on the challenge! You can do it!! Best wishes on your can do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all :smile:
    I feel so much better with all your comments and giving me more confidence. I'm slowly trying to learn what to eat and even asking my husband and family members I live with to help out and don't cook food that's not as healthy which they are encouraging. And my work mates as well, as we sometimes have a social get together lunch, like today however they picked subway so that was a added bonus for me.

    And to my cousin Jaqzs21, yes I know you have my back and you are actually an inspiration! Love you :)

    Let's do this!!