Couch to 5k



  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Week 1 Day 2 (2) - Great run this morning. My breathing was ok and it finally feels like my ankles are loosening up. Im feeling really good about thsi.
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    tried a while ago and had to quit due to pain but after reading this thread in the middle of the night decided to do the program again starting today--new life plan don't put it off if its worth doing then do it now so we'll see how i do this time
  • edieness
    edieness Posts: 9
    I love the program. I just finished it a few weeks ago and as previously mentioned I was only running 2.5 miles in 30 mins. The good news is that after some work I can do a 5k in 36 mins.

    I was never a runner before starting the c25k program.
    when I finished I felt like a super hero.
    When I started I was running to fast at 7 miles per hour.... crazy. So I broke it down to a jog and it was a lot easier.
    Last week I ran 3.5 miles and that also made me feel like super hero. LOL
    My sister is a runner (by a few years) and she is a good support system - find a buddy.
    Music makes everything easier. When I run without it, the run is harder.
    The treadmill is easier than running outside, run outside it's not as boring and you feel stronger after.
    Put a goal in front of you. I signed up for my first 5k before I could finish... that kept me with it until I got addicted.
    Treat your body right, take breaks as needed - when I first started I would only run every other day.
    I can run one mile in 8.5 mins but as miles are added I get slower. Each day I add a little distance to my current speed, hoping that one day I can do all my miles at that speed.
    Once you are finished you will feel awesome.
    I was never ambitous before this, now I am considering running a 10k in Aug, and a half marathon in Oct.
    My sister says if you can run for 5 mins than you can run all day... LOL I am starting to believe her.
    Stick with it, the rewards are awesome.
  • edieness
    edieness Posts: 9
    PS if you have a dog, start the dog on the program with you. My mistake was attempting to start my dog in the middle of the program. Needless to say after 10 mins she sat down and wouldn't move. So now my dog is currently doing the c25k program and she really likes it. :)
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    I absolutely love this program. I used it in 2010 and from there on started running 5Ks, then 10Ks, and completed my first half marathon this past April. I'm training for a sprint triathlon now and another half marathon in November. I owe it all to Couch to 5K.
  • edieness
    edieness Posts: 9
    I absolutely love this program. I used it in 2010 and from there on started running 5Ks, then 10Ks, and completed my first half marathon this past April. I'm training for a sprint triathlon now and another half marathon in November. I owe it all to Couch to 5K.

    That's awesome!
  • amandal00
    amandal00 Posts: 59 Member
    Good luck to all of you!! C25K is amazing! I completed the program last May and just signed up for my first half marathon. You can do this!! :)
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    Like everyone else said.. repeat weeks if needed. That is what my running group is doing.. and also.. start a running group! So much easier to stay motivated!!
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Starting Week 2 tomorrow!!!
  • Hello everyone. Ive just recently started a "Couch to 5k" program. I could use some motivation to help me through it. Please share your successes and your progress.
    That is so funny. I was just going to post the same thing..I am going to start it tomorrow..Feel free to add me as a friend, and we can help each other out...Good luck......As for me...I haven't run in 30 years.......
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Good luck boys4girls1!!! I just finished my first day of week 2.
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    W2D2 - Todays run was agony!!! Tried some new shoes designed for running and it definitely used muscles I hadnt previously used. I think its because it forces a different landing pattern. Anyways, if day 3 goes well I will move on. If not I will be repeating week 2.
  • aemoomoo
    aemoomoo Posts: 70 Member
    My dog and I started the program last week's hard on both of us!
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Well welcome to the program!!! I cant take my dog on my runs. Hes part beagle so hes got to sniff everything. Drives me nuts.