from 400 to 200...the jouney

Jerkulez Posts: 32 Member

I hail from Egypt, 31, work as a COO in a tech company...and needless to say, I love to eat.
I always loved to eat, but used to burn far more than I could gobble not so much...

I have been increasingly gaining weight over the last 7 years, to the point of almost no return...I weigh at around 400 lbs...mostly in my stomach (high bone density and muscle mass though)...and I have always been very active (Bball, soccer and American Football). But as is with life, work become more important and sitting in front of computers and eating go well together like PB & jam.

After my gazillions try at doing a diet, I was on the verge of getting surgical intervention (a couple of friends did and worked great for them)...but I always believed that if I do get it this way..then it means I am not as strong as I thought I am.

So here I am, giving it one more try, doing it all natural, getting involved, getting inspired and even sharing and reaching out, maybe this time when I don't have to do it will succeed and maybe inspire others as well.

PS. this post comes a bit late from when I started using MFP but I am already showing some progress -18 lbs so far-


The big smiling dude on right


  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Options here to and fighting the fat that has been with me for decades. Tried WW and other forms of dieting. Went to 2 orientations for gastric lap banding, talked to family members who successfully lost going that route. I've never had surgery and really didn't want to start...I know there can be issues with the band and even with it, you can still manage to overeat and gain weight.

    I've had success twice with WW but I can't justify the cost & the meeting don't do a thing to motivate me. So I'm tackling things on my own at this point, watching the calories/carbs and seeing how that works for me. I too work on computers all day long (but don't snack as my dogs want some too and I know it's bad for them, lol) & then after work here I am , back on my own computer.
    It's an evil cycle.

    It's just hard when one has so much weight to loose, kinda seems impossible but thank goodness folks here are posting their success stories and that motivates me way more than paying to go to weight watchers meetings.

    Good luck on your journey as well...I'm rooting for you too.
  • Jerkulez
    Jerkulez Posts: 32 Member
    It always encouraging to find others that are willing to fight their own battles as well, it was mainly the reason I decided to get inspired and motivated... and get it done.

    Thanks for the reply and sharing your story... I'll be rooting for you as well.

    Feel free to add me on :)
  • RhianAlyssa
    Congrats on the weight loss so far :) glad you've chosen to fight this and not opt for the easy way out. I've seen people who've had the operation that can't eat certain foods after, and we all deserve nice things sometimes right! I'm always on my computer too as I do music production, but I force myself to take at least a ten minute daily walk outside, even if I'm tired. Even if you feel like it's not much, remember every minute counts :) good luck!
  • MalloryS85
    MalloryS85 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on what you've accomplished so far! Its a long hard journey...but well worth it I hear. Feel free to add me, the more support the better!
  • Jerkulez
    Jerkulez Posts: 32 Member
    The first couple of month is where I can capitalize on the weight loss, and gain enough momentum to get me through the harder stages...Once I am in better shape, I will want to start playing more sports actively and hopefully that should maintain the drive and progress me further down my path. I decided to let go of my pride and embrace the shame :)

    It's time for a change.

    I've even started a blog...for documentation purposes :)

    Thank you for the support and replies.
  • mi_lady
    mi_lady Posts: 17 Member
    I'm just getting started as well, and have 200+ lbs to loose. I've heard of others having success using this site and am dedicated to finding my own success as well. Congratulations on starting this journey, I wish you all the best!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    As someone who was looking at bariatric surgery (and decided against it) I can definitely relate to how you felt.

    Something inside me kept telling me that I was strong enough to do it on my own and I owed it to myself to find out it that was true. Plus after hearing the docs and nutritionists stress over and over that in order to be successful with the surgery you needed to change your eating habits... well I just figured if I needed to do that to lose weight without surgery too then I might as well just get on with the change!

    Here I am a couple years later and I am so glad I made the decision I did. You can ABSOLUTELY do it yourself. Good luck, welcome to MFP and thanks for sharing your story! :smile:
  • ultim8fury
    ultim8fury Posts: 42
    Good health om your journey. I'll gladly lend you moral support as a fellow tech guy who sits at a desk eating too much.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    You will get there! I'm looking forward to seeing your after pictures on here sometime later. The hard part was starting this journey.
  • betsz1
    betsz1 Posts: 81 Member
    I have no doubt that you can lose the weight without surgery! You already have a great attitude and you're physically active. I've only been on MFP a few weeks (stumbled across it while looking for nutritional info)...and I love it. I started out at 395lbs and I've lost 135lbs...with still 110lbs to go. I'm not following any program...just common sense and exercise. I would love to be along for your journey...I'll send a friend request and I hope you'll accept! In any case...good luck and have a fantasic time!!