200+ girls / guys



  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I started in October 2011 at 315.5 and in the past 8 months I have brought myself down to 235.5. I have lost 80 pounds and 82.5 inches off my body. I began using couch to c25k and am able to run longer than I would have imagined. I don't cut anything out completely, and I do have days that I don't log/ do go over calories. This process is not going to happen overnight, and you can't let it rule your life. My goal is to weigh between 145 and 155 pounds and I am going to enlist in the military. It has been an aspiration of mine since I was young, but I have always been too heavy.

    Taking measurements and before/progress pictures has been a key part of my motivation. I have one person outside of MFP who truly supports me and has been there almost every step of the way. I have finally realized that I need to do this for myself, I am not losing the weight this time around to try and impress other people, I am losing it to better myself, my life, and my goals.

    Everyone has done an amazing job here! Good luck to all of you :)<3
  • MosierTim
    MosierTim Posts: 56 Member
    On Feb 3, 2011, I put my foot down and said “ENOUGH!” I decided I was tired of living the life I was. I was tired of not being able to go grocery shopping without getting winded. I was tired of being the butt of fat jokes by people I do not know (or that I knew). I was tired of keeping my wife from doing things because I had let myself go. I was tired of sitting on the sidelines while I watched my friends and family do things I could not. I was tired of not LIVING MY LIFE. It was then I started a journey that has changed my life. I started this blog to flush out the Man that was in the large shadow I projected. thus http://maninmyshadow.com/ was born. I have tracked the good and bad of my journey. I am a firm believer that I can not tell how far I came unless you know where you started. My starting weight was 383.4 (my heaviest was about 400), I wore a 5xl shirt and size 56 pants. I started with small changes and worked my way to now having a daily calorie intake of about 1830. I have reduced the amount of bad carbs I eat and track all of my food here on MFP. I also stared a facebook page for weightloss friends so that I could get encouragement and ideas from others trying to become healthier.

    Today I am 293.6 lbs, I wear a 2xl shirt and size 46 pants. I have gone from not being able to grocery shop with out being winded to running a 5k in 39:40 to celebrate my 44th birthday on June 9th of this year.

    One of the things that had helped keep me motivated is to recognize all of the little success. Things like: I am not getting winded as quickly as I used to when walking or working out, my pants fit better, I did 12 minutes on the eliptical instead of 10. These are all successes! Not to mention the BIG successes like I lost "XX" pounds or I ran a 5k. Remember that your one pound weight loss is better than no loss or a gain!
  • sabrina_stafford
    sabrina_stafford Posts: 29 Member
    No success here yet either. Well, I shouldn't say no, just not a big success here yet. I started in January at 280 lbs and am currently 254. I'm slowly getting there, but I have a long way to go. My goal I think is going to be 170. We''ll see when I get there I guess.
  • Spelcheck
    Spelcheck Posts: 2
    Here's my timeline;
    08/2009 = 218 slightly elevated blood pressure (BP). 37 yo
    07/2010 = 268 (the day I delivered my son) 38 yo
    11/2010 = 248 BP = 160/90 at allergist's, refused to test me because they were afraid I'd stroke out!
    07/2012 = 218. on BP meds, sleep apnea machine - what a diff 3 years makes!

    But I still see myself as a success, because 08/2009 I wasn't walking, I now walk 2 miles 4 times a week and I'm tracking on mfp and I have quit drinking alcohol forever. It's amazing how much better life looks, even if I'm just now squeezing back into size 16.
    ;-) .
    Anyone on here who has lost ANYthing is a success. All we have is today.
  • Kevinpcarey
    my current heaviest weight is 240. Being only 5'6" tall this is a huge number. While It may look only marginally bad on someone near six feet on my frame it looks like 350. My short term goal is obviously to crack 199 but my ultimate goal is 170. 4 years ago I was 170 and felt great physically, looked good and my health was great. Now I suffer from high blood pressure which is actually scary bad (180/101) but has gone down thanks only to medicine. My secondary goal is to ace the HBP down to the point I dont need medicine. I love the support of this site. When I get mad cravings for a donair ponzo I just spend the time reading the success stories until it subsides.
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I started years ago 236 the day I started Weight Watchers- got down to around 200 and maintained there for a few years- got motivated about 3 years ago and got down to 174- met my wonderful now husband- and gained back to 207!!

    Started on and off again last year- got to 196 just "watching it"- serious about it now at 184 and hoping to get to 140~ and then see how I feel and/or look at that point...

    feel free to add me if anyone wants a new friend for support- or if need support :)
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I too am looking to lose 50+ lbs. Starting at 212 and trying to get to 160ish. I am currently at 203.5, so I have a ways to go. Good luck on your journey. :happy:
  • Kevinpcarey
    Great outlook and attitude man. Even just 1lb a week in a year you will have lost 52 lbs and thats no small amount. Thats a big *kitten* bag of potatos. I used to be a bag boy and those potato bags were HEAVY.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I'm down 97 lbs since my high weight, 43 since joining MFP in March. Still have about 20 or so to go, when I get down to that I'll reassess and decide if I want to stop or drop another 10 or so. I actually don't know how low my body will let me go, if I get down the next 20 I'll be at 158 which is college weight. I'm athletic with strong muscles, especially in my legs so that may be as low as I can get...I'm 44 so we shall see!

    Good luck on your journey, I'm doing the same thing--dropping 5-10 below my goal so I don't have to be upset when I see the scale bounce up after a fun weekend or PMS water weight.

    My wedding is in 66 days, I had been trying to drop down a couple more sizes before it and I have, so even if I get "stuck" here til after the wedding I will be happy, when my dress comes they have to take it in, and even then I ordered it down a size. The shop owner was hesitant, she didn't want to--when I went back a month ago to talk to her she couldn't believe I lost as much as I did. I just said, "hey I'm determined!". :)
  • Weight_less
    Weight_less Posts: 102 Member
    I've started 10 months ago at 226 lbs. I lost 66 lbs. And I have 40 more to go... But I'm happy I left 200's... I feel much more comfortable, much more confident, much more beautiful. And of course healthier. I forgot what the high blood pressure is. I hope I will reach my goal weight. Even inspite of that plateau I've hit.

    Feel free to add me!
  • bighoppy1
    bighoppy1 Posts: 2
    So 3-4 months ago I decided to turn my life around. After having climbed on my home scale and seeing 399 lbs., I knew I had to change my life or I would end up losing it at 35. My family has a history of high blood pressure and I too was diagnosed with it at age 16. At that time I was only about 210-220. I am 6'5" so that wasn't a problem. After recently losing my father to a heart attack, it was time. I have cut down my calories drastically and record everything that I am eating and all of my exercise. So far I have lost about 20 lbs. and I am already feeling better. I have dropped 2 pant sizes and can walk a mile without being exhausted. I still have a super lot of weight to lose but I know that if I keep at it I can do it. My goal is to get to about 250-265 and see how things are then.

    20 down, 115 to go! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something that you put your mind to.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    Hey there! I started at 220 and now am down to 150-155. It definitely wasn't easy but completely worth the effort!

    I know it seems like it's an impossible to achieve... but it really is and I am living proof!

    The main thing I had to do was figure out WHY and HOW I let myself get to 220 pounds. I would eat any time I didn't want to deal with stress, problems, insecurity, rejection... the list goes on! So first thing first, I had to learn to deal with stress and not bottle up my emotions. Then came changing the diet, completely! I was eating more than double what my body actually needed. At first, don't trust your body to tell you how much to eat, because you've trained yourself to expect larger quantities of food than you actually are in need of. Follow MFP diligently, log everything! Eventually, you will realize that you feel perfectly fine at your goal level...

    Last but not least is exercise! To be honest, diet is the MAIN factor. The MOST important... I would guess it controls around 90% of the loss. But the exercise speeds up the process, boosts your confidence and allows you to learn that you can challenge yourself, accomplish things you never thought you were capable of and push your limits. It's an amazing tool and once you get into it you will probably be hooked! The exercise itself isn't always fun BUT the feeling afterward and changes you see in your body will keep you coming.

    Anyway I wish you NOT LUCK, but MOTIVATION! Luck is overrated!
  • WannaSmileAgain
    That is truly a success story and motivation. I was so unsure if I could loose what I needed too..I gained alot of wieght with my last pregnancy and after loosing the baby went into a "depression" eating eating eating. Im ready now and just needed that boost of encouragement. Thank you.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I'm rooting for you :). I'm so sorry about your loss. I can't imagine how that must feel. But I am so happy that you are doing better and willing to make a healthy change for yourself
  • MosierTim
    MosierTim Posts: 56 Member
    So 3-4 months ago I decided to turn my life around. After having climbed on my home scale and seeing 399 lbs., I knew I had to change my life or I would end up losing it at 35. My family has a history of high blood pressure and I too was diagnosed with it at age 16. At that time I was only about 210-220. I am 6'5" so that wasn't a problem. After recently losing my father to a heart attack, it was time. I have cut down my calories drastically and record everything that I am eating and all of my exercise. So far I have lost about 20 lbs. and I am already feeling better. I have dropped 2 pant sizes and can walk a mile without being exhausted. I still have a super lot of weight to lose but I know that if I keep at it I can do it. My goal is to get to about 250-265 and see how things are then.

    20 down, 115 to go! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something that you put your mind to.

    I have the same 250ish goal before I make a final decision! It is hard at 400 lbs to imagine what 250 will look like much less 200 or less! Keep up the hard work, you can do it!
  • Madam_Patrick
    Madam_Patrick Posts: 30 Member
    I started at 242, at 199 now. It took a year.
    Check out my post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/766187-one-year-with-pics
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm not a full success story yet, but I'm getting there. I started out at 276 pounds about 3 years ago. I am currently 173 pounds, and my initial goal is 150, and I'll just see from there.

    You can totally do this! It's a mindset and a change for LIFE, not a diet. I agree with the poster about finding healthy foods that you truly enjoy and eating mostly those. I have given up soda, fried foods, most pizza, cow's milk, and red meat (all by choice, because they just make me feel ill now, honestly - I don't miss any of them at all), but pretty much anything else goes, in moderation! Especially chocolate...om nom nom! lol...but BE HONEST with yourself about your logging, and stick with it! :flowerforyou:

  • Anamaere
    Anamaere Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 22, 5'8 and currently 117 kg (258 lb). After lots of half assing it or 'going strict' I've decided to actually take a sensible route and simply eat whatever i like/need as long as it's under my calorie limit. It means I have to choose between the crap i used to eat (and eating only once per day) or choosing sensible options that will satisfy my needs in a healthier fashion; and also prevents me overeating (my biggest problem). Have been on MFP for 4 days now and already noticing a difference in my mental attitude to food. I think it's because it's not a diet, it's just an education tool and in a way a game LOL My goal weight is currently 75kg (165 lb) but will revise as i get closer/reach my goals :)