stomach hurts really bad after running?

i'm on the cross country team, and about 30 mins after practice,/conditioning my stomach hurts, feeling like i have to throw up. i never throw up, and the pain usually goes away in 10 mins or so. I don't eat breakfast before I run, which the coach said we didn't have to since it's so early (7 am) and plus i'm not hungry. I drink about 1 and 1/2 water bottles in between exercises while i'm at conditioning there. Should I be drinking more water or eat a little bit before I run?? Thanks for your help :)


  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    I think it might benefit you to try having a little snack first...hard boiled egg or a little bit of oatmeal. Nothing big. If it helps, it helps.

    You're not drinking coffee or anything before, are you?
  • kuhayetee
    kuhayetee Posts: 41
    nope, just a few sips of water.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Try having a little more water, even the night before. You may be dehydrated.