*MAY* 100 lb challenge

hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
Okay it's MAY!!! This post had so many people that decided to join last month I was amazed. I hope most of you will stick with it and we will see each other through at least 100lbs lost.
We have many people trucking along losing weight consistently so congrats to; fitnessluvr, blazin emerald, me_im_2b, kathy r, pammyb3130, rayneenie, debbie 010, bonkers5975, pjhamilton, sunibc, eriny, baukel, icupfunny, margie m and auntkaren
Then we have a few who have kicked it into high gear and have been inspirations to us all: skinny dreams, tamim1974 and diegelsmansm.
We have many new people that we haven't heard a lot from but wish all the luck to and hope to see more posts from. Bruise violet, craighamilton, ophedian, butterfly2008, goddessintraining, mrsksanchez, mom2morgan, jpwarner,sweetand stormy, dragonscapes, dustin_wed
We all have well wishes and high hopes for ellelit who is struggling with her demons and I hope she can utilize the strength here to help fight them.
And the encouragement, support and advice from bee power, dragonscapes, eriny, debbsherenow, pmkelly409 are appreciated.
PMkelly had an unfornunate issue with her father and that should make every one take a step back and evaluate if you are truly doing this healthy and to consider consulting a doctor.
Anyway I am all glad you decided to join and I feel with this support we can see some big losers I will hopefully be here to the end of my weight loss journey and hope to see you through
Ps. This support group is open to new members who have around 100 or more lbs to lose until they hit their goal. New members are always welcome and the support here is free! So join us!


  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Okay it's MAY!!! This post had so many people that decided to join last month I was amazed. I hope most of you will stick with it and we will see each other through at least 100lbs lost.
    We have many people trucking along losing weight consistently so congrats to; fitnessluvr, blazin emerald, me_im_2b, kathy r, pammyb3130, rayneenie, debbie 010, bonkers5975, pjhamilton, sunibc, eriny, baukel, icupfunny, margie m and auntkaren
    Then we have a few who have kicked it into high gear and have been inspirations to us all: skinny dreams, tamim1974 and diegelsmansm.
    We have many new people that we haven't heard a lot from but wish all the luck to and hope to see more posts from. Bruise violet, craighamilton, ophedian, butterfly2008, goddessintraining, mrsksanchez, mom2morgan, jpwarner,sweetand stormy, dragonscapes, dustin_wed
    We all have well wishes and high hopes for ellelit who is struggling with her demons and I hope she can utilize the strength here to help fight them.
    And the encouragement, support and advice from bee power, dragonscapes, eriny, debbsherenow, pmkelly409 are appreciated.
    PMkelly had an unfornunate issue with her father and that should make every one take a step back and evaluate if you are truly doing this healthy and to consider consulting a doctor.
    Anyway I am all glad you decided to join and I feel with this support we can see some big losers I will hopefully be here to the end of my weight loss journey and hope to see you through
    Ps. This support group is open to new members who have around 100 or more lbs to lose until they hit their goal. New members are always welcome and the support here is free! So join us!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    After all that I guess I should do my check in.
    Started MFP december 6th at 258
    April 1st 231
    April 15th 229
    May 1st 226
    32 lbs down 86 lbs to go!!
  • diegelmansm
    diegelmansm Posts: 90
    February: 260lbs
    May 1st: 230lbs
    30 lbs down, 80 to go!
    I've been stuck on 30 for like 2 weeks now and I'm getting frustrated:cry:
  • kmcnary
    kmcnary Posts: 2
    I have been on this on and off since January. I can't seem to get motivated, but I know that I need to lose about 100 pounds. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and I'm worried that when I get pregnant I will gain a lot more weight than necessary.

    So, I guess I'm asking for advice. I would love to participate in the challenge, but I feel like I won't be able to do much if I get pregnant. Thanks!
  • Teria
    Teria Posts: 36
    Hey, I am a newbie to the message boards, what exactly is this??
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I have been on this on and off since January. I can't seem to get motivated, but I know that I need to lose about 100 pounds. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and I'm worried that when I get pregnant I will gain a lot more weight than necessary.

    So, I guess I'm asking for advice. I would love to participate in the challenge, but I feel like I won't be able to do much if I get pregnant. Thanks!

    Stay healthy and motivated for the baby's sake. while you are trying to get pregnant start eating right and you will surely lose weight. you body will respond better if you are healthy and if your stress level is as low as it can possibly be!

    I read in one of the Mommy Journals that your body will go back to the weight it started at before you got pregnant.
  • wagon0619
    wagon0619 Posts: 38 Member
    Started May 13th at 325lbs. Last Sunday 315. On hiatus from scale for at least a week(got too addicting) but have at least 90 to go!
  • mamatusa
    mamatusa Posts: 40
    Hi everyone!

    I started April 16th at 262 pounds.
    Today I am 255 pounds.

    Went up a pound from last week, but hey, it was my birthday over the weekend.....too much good food and drinks. :drinker: :happy:

    I'm back on track again this week.:smile:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Started my new lifestyle on September 6, 2007: 270 lbs
    Weight as of last week: 193
    Weight as of today: 189
    Pounds lost this week: 4
    Pounds lost total: 81
    Goal weight: 135
    Pounds to get there: 54

    I'm not really sure how I lost 4 lbs this week, but I have changed things up a bit! I have been eating more of my exercise calories than I was (like close to 1800) and on the days I don't work out, I have been staying around 1450ish.... I also upped the level on the elliptical another notch which may have helped too.

    Either way, I am HAPPY!!!
  • spartysue
    spartysue Posts: 29
    I started in April. My scale at home isn't working correctly, so I'll get weighed next Monday at my doctor's appointment. I was approx. 319 when I started this (was heavier in January) and want to lose around 140#. I'm looking forward to my appointment--some of my clothes are looser! I LOVE this site--I have done so many programs, but always gained everything back. I am a "visual" person and like seeing the numbers in front of me. I keep track of everything while I am at work and go home knowing how many calories, etc., I have remaining for dinner. I turn 50 in August and I want to be healthier than I am today!

    Many thanks to the folks who put this site together!

  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    Hey, I am a newbie to the message boards, what exactly is this??

    Hey Teria! Welcome to the message boards. This particular board is for those of us with 100+ pounds to lose, or in some people's case, the remainder of 100+. We keep each other posted on our progress on the 1st and 15th of the month. You are welcome to join, even if you have less than 100 pounds to lose. It's a great way to stay accountable to yourself and others when you have to report in every couple of weeks (or even weekly)!

    BTW - there are a couple of these floating around for May... feel free to post on either one, or both!
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    Started MFP 2-19-08 @ 234 lbs

    4-1 224
    4-15 222
    5-1 221

    Only down one pound for the last part of April, but it could've been much worse. I need to exercise more. However, I am down a total of 22 inches since I started measuring on 2-27. My goal for May 15 is to be at 218, and for May 31 to be at 214.
  • Liana25
    Liana25 Posts: 31
    I'm new here and I have 108 pounds to lose.
    I started losing weight back in October 2007: I weighed 306lbs when I started.
    I weighed in on April 27, 2008 at 240
    My Goal is 132lb.
    I joined MFP a few days ago. I'd like to join but is it okay if I list measurements instead of pounds. I'm trying to build muscle for the next stage of losing weight and looking good and have decided to stay away from the scale until May 25.:smile:
  • kmcnary
    kmcnary Posts: 2
    Thank you! I am working on eating healthy.
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Hello Lovelies, Welcome to a new month. Good Luck to everyone !

    4/16 - 310 lbs
    4/16 - 303 lbs
    5/1 - 300 lbs

    1 lb to go and I can get rid of that ugly 3 !!!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Started this journey to regain my health and a positive self-image in January!

    Start weight 290 lbs
    Last week 222 lbs
    This week 221 lbs

    Only lost 1 lb this week, but have lost 69 lbs so far!!!! Only 31 more to go!!!!!!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Not sure if I decided to take part last month but I would love to join up with all of you this month.
    Start weight May 1 = 219.2
  • Teria
    Teria Posts: 36
    Thank You Margie!!!
  • llcoolj_pm
    llcoolj_pm Posts: 8 Member
    I've been on MFP for almost a month and a half now. I am 163 lbs and tryna make it back down to 140 lbs. 2 weeks afta I had my baby I had went down to 155 lbs and when I went for my 6 weeks follow-up I weighed in at 162 lbs. I started taking dePo shot and gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. OMG! I am so big now BUT I was so happy to see that I had went from 175 lbs to 163 lbs within 6 weeks. I don't care what anyone says: God is awesome!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I don't know what is with me these last few days. I just can't seem to stay 100% with it. I do well with breakfast and lunch then dinner and after dinner just seem to fall off the wagon and forget to measure what I am eating and start mindlessly consuming things.

    I am sure tommorow will be better, fiance is going to be away all night so it is easier to choose only what I want to eat.

    I am stArting to think my next weigh in will not be too good. I just needed to vent and be make myself accountable for my actions. I guess I will have to step it into hiGh gear this next week if I want my results to show.