Need help figuring out my carb %, please! :)

Hey guys,

I have pcos ( polycystic ovarian syndrome ) and its been recommended that i eat a lower percentage of carbohydrates. I do not know what MFP has set my carb percentage as but my daily is allowance is 230 which i think is higher than needed. What i need help figuring out is : What is the total number of carbs, protein , and fat that i need to eat with a calorie intake of 1670 and percentages of 40% carbs 30 % protein and 30 % fat. AND if i lowered the carbs even more . 30 % carbs 40 % protein and 30 % fat.
Please help me out here i cant figure it out lol

please let me know HOW you figured it out as well . In case i chose to lower the percentage of carbs more.



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you can set the percentages you want at and it does the grams.

    For PCOS 100g of carbs might be a limit, that's 400 calories (*4) and 25% of 1600

    leave the protein at 30, the rest (45) has to be fat.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    If you go into Goals, change goals, custom, you'll be able to set the percentages and see what value in grams that will be before saving.
  • peekaabooo
    peekaabooo Posts: 19
    Thanks guys.

    Just a question though. Why would 100 grams be the limit? Im hearing such conflicting information. Thank you ! :) Also should protein be lower than fat?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    100g was a number that's higher than a ketogenic diet but still low carb. Above 100g isn't really low carb to my mind. If someone has recommended "less" you should really challenge them for a number. 100 g/day was used in I believe, with some success.

    Ketogenic diets have been tested successfully on PCOS sufferers, see

    On the other hand, the difference between 40% and 55% carbohydrate was not significant -

    If you go low carb then fat goes up. Protein is usually in the range 15-30% or maybe 35% of calories. So if you want low carb then yes fat is going to be more as a % of calories than protein. The grams per day of each may be similar.
  • mrswarrick
    mrswarrick Posts: 20 Member
    I read somewhere about 40% protein; 40% fat; and 20% Carb (not specifically for PCOS- just general)
    At 1500 calories thats
    150 g protein
    67 grams fat
    75 grams carbs
    This is really restrictive carbs but still not as low as phase 1 and 2 of atkins.

    I would say look at what you normally eat which you are saying is too much carbs and then subtract 30% or so from that for a 'cut' and try it out. See if you get some results. I feel there is no 'magic' number across the board for everyone. My friend can eat way more carbs than me and lose weight, I need to keep mine low. Protein is good for you and good fats are good for you too. Don't be afraid of the fats and protein.

    Good luck.