5'3 main goal- lifestyle change!

Bn331 Posts: 11 Member
Hey! Im totally new here so heres my story!

When I was in high school I was the girl with an athletic build, was good at sports and could eat anything that I wanted to. Well five years, two kids, and 50lbs later I found myself being ashamed of just that, myself! Its hard to believe I thought I was over weight then, now I would love to.be even close to that! I started about a month ago really watching what I eat amd walking a couple times a week. I also just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred three days ago! Im so sore but I'm starting to enjoy it! I already feel more confident! I eat my exercise calories and stay at 1200 calories a day, sometimes a little under:(. My motivation to lose this weight is first of all my two girls. Who doesn't want to be the hot mom? Of course be healthy! Third my younger brother is my inspiration, he is an extreme athlete and has high hopes/expectations to play division 1 football. I see the sacrafices and healthy choices he makes at 16 years old and realize there is NO reason I cannot do the same! Well I wish all of you the best and hope we all end up healthy confident people! Add me if you would like so we can stay motivated together!

GW-130ish depending on how I feel!


  • meljofield
    meljofield Posts: 79
    You should be proud of yourself for deciding to make a change. You can add me as a friend. I am just getting started as well! I am 5' tall so I understand being petite. :happy:
  • squirrleydoodle
    squirrleydoodle Posts: 58 Member
    good luck!! i'm 5'3 too and it seems like every extra pound shows up as 2!!
  • Bn331
    Bn331 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree! I just tell myself that they come off like that too! lol
  • spellbindme
    spellbindme Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'4 and agree about each pound looking like 2. It's hard work! I fell off the wagon after I hurt myself but am back on! Good luck! please add me! i need support! :)