Having trouble losing the weight

When i 1st came to mfp i lost 12lbs easily and kept it off for 4months, then i went to college and stopped using mfp because i didnt have the time, i also started playing volleyball i gained 16lbs during that break from here. I came back and have only lost 5lb the weight isnt coming off as easy as it once did. i am thinking i may have gained muscle playing sports and thats why i am not losing anymore. what do you guys think


  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    Open your diary
  • mazasmusings
    mazasmusings Posts: 74 Member
    I've found that there are a lot of factors involved in this kind of thing. Sometimes it is muscle gain. Sometimes when you go to college, it's what's being put into your body. If your school uses a major food service company, the ingredients they are using may not be as nutritious as they seem because of added preservatives, etc. Most places like Sodexo have moved toward using healthier ingredients, but by contacting your food service provider, you should be able to better understand what you're putting into your body.
  • Open your diary

    My diary is open to my friends.
  • I've found that there are a lot of factors involved in this kind of thing. Sometimes it is muscle gain. Sometimes when you go to college, it's what's being put into your body. If your school uses a major food service company, the ingredients they are using may not be as nutritious as they seem because of added preservatives, etc. Most places like Sodexo have moved toward using healthier ingredients, but by contacting your food service provider, you should be able to better understand what you're putting into your body.

    I still live at home and never ate on campus.
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    Well those of us who are not your friends cant really give you suggestions or even our opinions because we cant see what you are eating. That can be a major factor.
  • I am opening my diary to the public for the weekend