Not sure if I'm on the right track

I'm 5'1", 23 years old, and 160 lbs. My goal weight is somewhere between 110-120 lbs. I've been reading various things about TDEE and BMR and changing your goals manually, and I'm very confused by all the numbers and not sure what to make of it.

MFP has my daily calorie intake at 1200 calories. I eat back most of my exercise calories, not always though.

Most of my exercise consists of walking my dog, cardio at the gym or through home workout videos, and weight lifting. I have also started swimming. Combined exercise ends up being about 1-2 hours a day.

I'd appreciate any input/suggestions!


  • missemily1124
    Sounds like you're doing everything right. MFP has you eating somewhere between your BMR (what you burn my just living) and your TDEE (what you burn living the lifestyle you lead). Since you're eating below your TDEE, you are eating less calories than you consume, which will cause your weight to go down.

    Just a word of caution. Since MFP has you eating 1200 calories daily, you are going to want to eat back most, if not all, of your exercise calories. 1200 cal/day is the NET you should be striving for. Anything less could be dangerous to your health (as our organs need at least 1000 calories a day to function). So if you are burning 300 calories working out, and you don't eat them back, your NET caloric intake is only 900.

    Hope this made sense. Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • merisendabills
    thank you!