Not about fitness just overall health

I was made redundant last September and its hit me really hard.
I managed to jump quickly to another (what I thought stable job) soon after but just before xmas they cancelled my contract (temp worker so no reason)

I managed to get another Temp job at the end of Jan and have been there since then (5 months) however I am still looking for a better job....I really don't enjoy mine its just data entry and its mind numbing, I'm on minimum wage with rent and bills to pay.

I keep applying for jobs, and either getting rejection emails saying I'm not suitable for the job...even though I would say I am or even given a chance for an interview. Or I have an interview and I sum how manage to mess that up.

My confidence has gone...I know look at myself in the mirror and hate everything I see I just cant afford the simple thing like a hair cut to make me feel and look better.

I know its tough out there at the moment I'm just finding it harder and harder and harder to deal with the rejection and its getting me more and more down. Each time I apply for a job I put my heart and soul into and hope 'this is gonna be there one' and then I get a damn generic rejection it just hurts so much.

Help :(


  • jaimesuefit
    I know this is going to sound shallow....but, you're not the only one. There is so much competition right now. I have friends who have been unemployed for over a year and it's really hard for them to keep picking their heads up every day and trying again. Please don't take it so personally. It's really isn't about 'you' as it is about how much competition there is. However, if you let your confidence sink - that will show up in the interview. It's not easy. Hang in there. You're worth it!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    So many going through what you are going through. I cannot tell you how long some of the folks I know have been out of work and here there was just another reduction in force.

    I wish I was near you. I can sure as heck cut hair (my boys will only let me cut their hair, especially the one with the longer hair). Is there someone you know who does a pretty good job?

    As far as income, is there something you can do on the side to generate a little extra cash? My sister in law does some garden stuff on occassion and my niece does some freelance art.

    Anything you're really good at that you can hire yourself out to do?

    My heart goes out to you. :heart: