Time to try again

jeweldog Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there. I'm 40-something trying to lose weight again. I know from previous attempts that keeping a log of food intake and exercise done does really help me keep on track. I've gotten tired in the past of having to keep track of everything and think about this all day long, but without doing this, I've gained all my weight back. I'm ready to try again. I'm going to try this site. I like the food log - looks easy to do.



  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Welcome Jewel, you certainly don't need to be a Kim Peek to remember everything at the end of the day just log it in as soon as you get the chance. I wish you the best of Commitment. :smile:

  • hi and welcome :smile:

    i just joined yesterday but im finding the site easy to use and welcoming so i hope you do too :flowerforyou:
  • :angry: at myself

    I'm starting again today because Nutrisystem would not let me continue on their plan because I have a peanut allergy. Ok I can see they don't want me to "accidently" injes any peanuts and die. So I'm back here trying to track and record everything I put into my mouth. Well for breakfast I eat too items that took 1240 callories of my 1785 callorie goal which leaving me 545 callories to go. So I better get off my duff today and exercise. I may have to cancel an appointment or squeze it in at lunch time.
  • Just recalculated my goal to loosing 50 lbs with a goal of 1 lb a week as recommended, Now I am very happy with the results and today calorie count so far.
  • tesha
    tesha Posts: 1
    my first day on this program. wish me luck.
    i desperately want to get back in shape, I've los the pounds before, so i know it's not impossible, i just lack of discipline when i do lose the weight. it's now or never!
  • :smile:

    GOOD LUCK tesha and GOOD LUCK to ALL Here We can help each other my words of encouragement! Hay no tattling now!
  • Hi All; Welcome to all! I am new too AGAIN!!!! I had success and then fell off the wagon! I am in it this time to WIN!

    We CAN do this!
  • First day on this site. First day on the "new leaf". Posting here but not sure how to find ya'll when I check in again??? I am 51 and wanting to step into second childhood feeling great. Little aches and pains I've never had before are starting to show up!!! My goal is 40 plus lbs to loose. Have lost it several times in my life!!! Would LOVE this to be the last time....... Hope to find you all again.... blessings, T
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