Looking for biker friends....



  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Here is a link to the cycling group. A great bunch of people there. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/361-bicycling-road-and-mountain

    There is also a group for Chicks Who Ride Bikes.

    Happy pedaling to you!

    THANK YOU! I've searched before, but the group search function is not very effective.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'm so pumped to have biking friends. I currently do 20-25 mile rides, but am looking to do a 50 mile tour in the fall. I'm far from professional, but I'm beginning to think I need to invest in some things, like bike shorts.

    Biking is my "get away" from it all. A rough day, and I'll hit the road. That said, I'm semi-self employed and work has not allowed for much free time lately.

    Thanks for all the requests and I'm adding those who said they would be willing - thanks!
  • jckwrmn
    jckwrmn Posts: 4
    Very cool to see so many bike commuters here!

    I am as well, and have been for about 11 years. In the process, I have lost just over 2300 lbs, most of that in the form of a Saturn sedan we don't own anymore since I'm cycling everywhere! :-)

  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Another cycling commuter here unless it is a suite day when I have to be smart.

    I also cycle as recreation doing Audax as a sport, do not look that up it is very addictive, 12 years and still totally hooked.

    Feel free to add me if you want, I am in the UK
  • kepirus
    kepirus Posts: 79
    Well, I'm still recovering from massive knee surgery, and just using my stationary bike to help rehab my knee (practicing getting it to bend repeatedly again), so I'm only going a max of 2 miles at a time, but I go back to the surgeon tomorrow, and hoping I get cleared to actually, authentically ride the bike. I think it still might be a while before I'm brave enough to get out on the road, but it will definitely be a bike when I do! (and I've always wanted to do RAGBRAI, though I think that's a ways off for me).

    Everyone's mileage is inspiring me! :-) It's so good to see other cyclists! Everyone I know on FB runs/jogs.

    And although ideally I love the idea of commuting via bike, I am SO not a morning person, it really deosn't seem like it will ever be a viable option for me (high school teacher - have to be there early).
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    As you can probably tell, I sorta love my bikes. :blushing: I'm currently lusting over a 29er mountain bike, as my 11 year old DS is sort of taking over my somewhat-too-small-for-me 26" wheeled bike. Doing my first century of the Summer this coming Sunday and really looking forward to it.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    You can add me too. I live to ride road bikes in the spring and summer and cyclocross racing in the fall.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    I bike commute to work. People seem to think it is crazy, but I find it one of the best ways to get in my cardio. I hook up my burley and haul my 3 year old daughter to daycare. We sing songs and look for birds and bunnies for 2 miles, then I drop off the burley at day care and ride 2 more miles to work. So it is 8 miles round trip. It also has made my daughter the coolest kid in school. Every day all the preschoolers ask if they can come with us and if they can wear her helmet :)

    time with my daughter
    saves gas and money
    environmentally friendly

    Big win win!

    That is the coolest thing ever!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I bike commute to work. People seem to think it is crazy, but I find it one of the best ways to get in my cardio. I hook up my burley and haul my 3 year old daughter to daycare. We sing songs and look for birds and bunnies for 2 miles, then I drop off the burley at day care and ride 2 more miles to work. So it is 8 miles round trip. It also has made my daughter the coolest kid in school. Every day all the preschoolers ask if they can come with us and if they can wear her helmet :)

    time with my daughter
    saves gas and money
    environmentally friendly

    Big win win!

    This is freaking awesome!!!
  • kevin513
    kevin513 Posts: 1
    Love, love, love, cycling ! I had a cycling accident last July during which I tore my shoulder and ribs up pretty good. I had reconstructive surgery in February and have been in physical therapy for 4 months. I just got the green light to ride again and already have 5 rides and over 120 miles on the books ! I really like the ridiculous amount of calories you can burn while cycling. I'm planning on doing a lot of riding during the month of July to celebrate the Tour de France ! Who's with me ?? I'm new to MFP and would welcome some new like minded friends to support ! Take care, Kevin :)