bruises out of nowhere?

Hi all!

So I've been going to the gym almost every day for about 2 months now. now keep in mind that I went from no exercise whatsoever to gym everyday.

Anyway, I recently started noticing bruises on my legs, more so on my calves, and they're not from bumping into stuff or things like that. I read somewhere that you can get bruises from high intensity workouts. I wouldn't call my workouts really high intensity (they are for me because again, I went from nothing to everyday). I usually spend about 30-45 minutes doing cardio, mainly elliptical, and every other day I also do weights.

Has anyone have a similar problem? The bruises don't even hurt when I poke them and they're usually a pale yellow color. I don't know, I probably worry too much :)


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Yeah I have a bruise on my forearm. I don't think I bumped it on anything and I've been working out consistently. Could be the same type of thing???
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes, but in my case perhaps not so weird...I removed my toe nail polish after beginning to run barefoot on wet sand, toe first landing, and my nails were bruised underneath! The bruising was darkest almost black from one side of the nail and got a bit lighter toward the other. This was only on both my big toes. I quickly reapplied fresh nail polish! :smile:
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    guess we all have battle wounds then :)