Will I ever DO THIS??/

Hi Everyone,
I am writing today for help please!! I am a 47 year old binge eater and I am so sick of this pattern and I cant' seem to break it. EVERY SINGLE DAY I have the best of intentions of starting tomorrow. I'll do real good throughout the day and then I seem to blow my whole program at night. I then feel disgusted and ashamed of my self. Then, I start the cycle over and over again. Same with exercise. I'll do real good for a few days and quit....This time I went so far as to really come up with a food plan, join myfitnesspal and track my food. I want to use meal replacement and also not go below 1200 calories. I am fond of the MediFast type programs. Still, it doesn't matter what program I am on, if I turn to these horrible habits each time. I feel at a total loss today and I just don't know if I will ever be a NORMAL person.

thanks for listening.


  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I used to do this as well and I still struggle with it sometimes. I do awesome during the day and then at night I blow it. Here are a couple things I have tried that are working...
    1) I have to keep some snacks in the house because my husband eats them. I have a seperate cabinet for my snacks so I am not tempted by his when I open it.
    2) I put notes to myself on the fridge and the food cabinet that are motivating and remind me to eat right.
    3) Chew gum, it keeps your mouth busy.
    4) Find a partner either at home or on MFP that you have to report what you eat too. They help keep you accountable during those hard times.

    Hope that helps. You are normal, everyone has motivation issues until you can break them. It helped me to remind myself that I was making excuses for not being healthier. I teach high school, I hate excuses! :heart:
  • lilmonita

    I sympathize with your situation. I had to recieve some serious help when I was going through these issues--psychologically & medically. I had to be seen by doctors for acutely-advanced Anemia. I had to be seen by a Head-Shrinker once/week to "talk." I started keeping a VERY honest journal that NO ONE could get their hands on. I deleted all my "Ana/Mia" bookmarks from my Internet Explorer. I started eating a HUGE (to me it was huge) breakfast to curb my desire for binges throughout the day. When your body doesn't receive enough calories in the early and mid-portion of the day, blood suger/insulin levels will drop. When your body senses that drop it knows it needs to repair that soon. The body knows that the easiest way to do that is simple carbs: candies, breads, etc. By eating a good amount of protein early on in the day and into the afternoon, you should not be having that "binge" desire late into the evening. If you are, it's more-than-likely mental (MINE WAS), and at least then you KNOW you can tell yourself, "I don't need it. I've had plenty."

    Yahoo IM: lilmonita
    AIM: o0olala4uo0o

    E-mail: lilmonita@yahoo.com

    Let me know if ya wanna talk more personally :)

  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079

    I'm a 31 year old binge eater... so if I can do it, so can you. The first thing I want you to do is forget the phrase "starting tomorrow", all that does is give us an excuse to do whatever we want TODAY. Ask yourself if you are really ready to do this. If the answer is no, don't even try. If the answer is yes, then tell yourself that over and over again until you believe it. Then go tell everyone you know. Everyone. Let them hold you accountable. Tell them you are going to lose X pounds by Y date, and tell them how you're going to do it. Have a plan, and let your friends and family help you stick to it.

    When you get the urge to binge, remind yourself of where you want to be, that you are stronger than the food and you won't be beat anymore. If that doesn't work, jump on MFP and ask someone to talk you through it. We will. If you come on and I'm here, send me a message, I promise I'll help you.

    Good luck to you :drinker:
  • lilmonita
    Oh...and ONE more thing: (chgudnitz reminded me)

    When you ARE making goals, remember this: S.M.A.R.T.

    1. Specific – Goals should specify exactly what they want to achieve.

    2. Measurable – You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not: this means either by a hard qunatitative assessment (such as body fat %) or a qualitative assessment (how are the jeans fitting?...how do YOU feel?)

    3. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?

    4. Realistic – Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have? What additional resources are you going to need, and if they cost $$, can you afford them long-term?

    5. Time – When do you want to achieve the set objectives?

    HAVE FUN!!!

  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Is at night when you are at home or not doing any planned activity? You may be eating due to boredom.

    Try planning your workouts or other activities during this time. Anything to keep you away from the kitchen or drive-thrus. When I start craving those sweets I get up off the couch and start moving. I clean, do laundry, go to the gym, start reading all the forum posts, try on old clothes that used to fit years ago:smile: , anything to keep my mind and hands away from the food.

    If I must eat I make healthy snacks easily available.

    When I grocery shop I buy the baby cut carrots, celery, grapes, etc. I then use the single serving/snack size ziplock bags and put a little of each in the bags. I make a bunch of bags and store them in a big bowl in the fridge. This way I just grab a little bag and a big glass of water and I know I'm not eating way to much. Or I'll buy the big containers of yogurt, separate it into small tupperware so it is ready to go for me and then I separate Cocoa Puffs or crumbled up granola into the snack size ziplocks and mix it all together. It gives me the sweet and chocolate taste I'm craving without going overboard. Also when everything is ready at your finger tips it seems easier to choose the healthier things.

    Those extra small ziplock bags are amazing for me! Just make sure you take the extra time when you get home with the groceries and separate everything into serving sizes. Even with the "bad" foods. Take those cookies and separate them into small packages. It is a lot easier for me to eat 8-10 oreos when there is a full package open in front of me on the couch instead of 2 in a bag that I quickly grabbed from the kitchen and now am sitting on the couch eating the two. I realize then I would need to get up and walk back in the kitchen for another bag to eat anymore and just that little bit makes me realize I really don't need anymore.

    God luck in your journey!
  • halfacerk
    I have the same problem!!!! the best thing you can do is take it day by day, set small goals like to day i will not dig into the halloween candy(mine for the day lol). one step at a time. some days you will fail and others you will thrive good luck you can do it. just keep trying new stratigies we are all here to help!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Oh...and ONE more thing: (chgudnitz reminded me)

    When you ARE making goals, remember this: S.M.A.R.T.

    1. Specific – Goals should specify exactly what they want to achieve.

    2. Measurable – You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not: this means either by a hard qunatitative assessment (such as body fat %) or a qualitative assessment (how are the jeans fitting?...how do YOU feel?)

    3. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?

    4. Realistic – Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have? What additional resources are you going to need, and if they cost $$, can you afford them long-term?

    5. Time – When do you want to achieve the set objectives?

    HAVE FUN!!!


    This "SMART" is part of the "Loss it for Life" book, have you read it?
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Have you ever thought about a trigger for your binge eating? Maybe it's boredom, loneliness, self-sabotage. You need to sit down and really think about why you binge like you do...then you can stop when you find yourself raiding the kitchen and eating ungodly amounts of peanut butter :blushing:

    Just stop yourself and think, "I am better than this. I am not actually hungry and I don't need this food right now. It will only make me feel terrible." Or you can come up with your own mantra so you can inspire yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    I used to do this as well and I still struggle with it sometimes. I do awesome during the day and then at night I blow it. Here are a couple things I have tried that are working...
    1) I have to keep some snacks in the house because my husband eats them. I have a seperate cabinet for my snacks so I am not tempted by his when I open it.
    2) I put notes to myself on the fridge and the food cabinet that are motivating and remind me to eat right.
    3) Chew gum, it keeps your mouth busy.
    4) Find a partner either at home or on MFP that you have to report what you eat too. They help keep you accountable during those hard times.

    Hope that helps. You are normal, everyone has motivation issues until you can break them. It helped me to remind myself that I was making excuses for not being healthier. I teach high school, I hate excuses! :heart:

    Hey Chewing gum does help ALOT...the show Biggest Loser, also said this..I was like yourself for the last 2 months and I was soo unhappy with myself..BUT for the last week Ive been so good and you know what? Ive been feeling sooo good about myself...sooo Please try to stick with it..I know its hard sometimes BUT you will feel better about yourself..............:happy: