New to this..needs inspiration!

Hi I just joined.. I am hoping to get inspired to lose the weight. At 47 I need to take control of my life and stop letting food lead my way.. Any advice or tips would be great!


  • fuzzyhatquilter
    just remember that you are WORTH IT.

  • dirtlover1
  • htalexander
    The thing I see repeated on here the most, and has truly helped me is to eat as natural as possible...think single ingredient...lean meat, fruit, veggies, and whole grain... try your best to stay away from the boxed and canned things. excersise, or get moving in some form everyday...and if you mess up, like I have several times, just start fresh the next day =) friend me if u want!
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    Hi I just joined.. I am hoping to get inspired to lose the weight. At 47 I need to take control of my life and stop letting food lead my way.. Any advice or tips would be great!

    Chia Seeds
    Portion Control
    Lots of love and support
    Have fun with it and remember, you are not alone!
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Just remember it takes time and you will have some bad well as lots and lots of good days.

    Add me if you would like. :)
  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    Totally agaree with what was said about forgiving yourself for screwing up every once in a while. Try to focus on what you have accomplished - not what you havent accomplished. We all didn't gain weight over night, so we won't lose it over night. Good luck! Add me if you wish :flowerforyou:
  • Oretexan
    Oretexan Posts: 108
    Welcome to MFP! You will get lots of advice - remember that most of it is just people's opinions and not fact. This is a great tool. Good luck!
  • Karenkimberly
    Karenkimberly Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You will get lots of advice - remember that most of it is just people's opinions and not fact. This is a great tool. Good luck!

    These words could not be truer!!! MFP is like a family. You take some things to heart and you blow other things off. All in all, you will receive lots of encouragement. Add me if you like.