Hungry all the time?

Hi guys,

I really struggle with weight loss due to thyroid/slow metabolism and follow all the advice about what makes you fuller for longer etc etc, seen dieticians followed their advice blah de blah

But on some days (like today) I just feel hungry all day to the point where it hurts and I feel sicky... Im drinking plenty of fluids, snacking on fruit etc etc but having the odd day where I struggle like mad. Ive been out for a long walk on my lunch hour, busied myself at work with complicated stuff to keep my brain going and still my stomach is growling and aching!

One dietician said its all in my head and I need to get over it... but why on some days am I fine and others I feel like I can eat my own feet?!

Does anyone else feel like this?


  • TurtleTurtle1975
    I definately have days where I am just SO HUNGRY! I'll eat exactly what I ate the day before or last week, but I will be starving! I have no explanation for it and I would politely disagree with the person who told you it was all in your head. I have to admit to usually just giving in to it, logging everything and trying to get in more exercise to make up for it.

    I wonder if it's a vitamin thing? Or our bodies craving a certain nutrient maybe? No idea. We should really track how often we have these days and see if there is a pattern? Maybe it's our cycle, or stress, or the amount/lack of exercise?

    I really have no idea why we feel like this. Maybe someone else will have an answer.
  • tooboogaloodoo
    So im not alone? yuss!

    Yesterday I had to eat something, but was so conscious of the calories at the same time. Like a personal battle with food. The problem is I become disheartened and start to go off target which then can spiral out of control :huh: