
lori_en Posts: 133 Member
Just thought I'd pop in and give a friendly hi!

Only discovered this place yesterday while on a search for a way for me to measure my calorie intake more accurately... and it seems I get a lot more than that, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how much it helps!

I've tried loads of diets in the past that have been short term solutions, but the weight still piles back on afterwards, so this is more about me making a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix weight loss plan! Wish me luck! :)


  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Hi there Lori....im new here too. Working on my fourth day and i agree about the not knowing what you eat part. Wow was i shocked! Ditto on the lifestyle change...diets get me no where and usually just make us fatter. I want to lose the first thirty pounds and then set a new goal of probably twenty more. I have friends on here who have lost weight and really enjoy the site. So welcome aboard...and if you need support I am here to help!!:smile:
  • jaywalker2309
    *waves* hullo :) heh.. u know always got my support :)