Out. of. control.

I have got to get on track.. I don't know why I seem to have absolutely NO CONTROL and have been eating like crazy. Yesterday there was chocolate cake in the kitchen at work and I had 3 pieces.. didn't want them, certainly didn't need them but couldn't stop myself. I've gained 3 pounds this past week.

I need a kick start or something.. I have got to reel this in. Tips, advice, support - needed!


  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You've got to get your self control under control. I used to be the same way only with ice cream and cheesecake, now I don't even crave the stuff and if it's in the house I do not even taste it much less eat it. But it takes some will power to get to this point. I take my kid to get ice cream and I do take a bite of his but one spoonful is all I eat. Hubby purchase a whole cheesecake and brought it home and I didn't even have one bite of it, before January 2012 I would have eaten the whole damn thing. Find something else to do to get away from the cravings, until you stop eating it you will never stop craving it.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Forgive yourself then FORGET about yesterday ....Today is a new day with no mistakes .... if the weather is good where you are go outside for a walk, if (like here) it's raining dance around to your favorite music.

    Drink lots of water

    You'll get yourself back on track just have to believe that you can :flowerforyou:
  • mpaoce
    mpaoce Posts: 17 Member
    I have had these periods of control-less-ness, too. These are the times that I usually stop inputting my food into MFP. I don't want to know how badly I'm eating. I find that if I make myself log food, I get the control back. I've done the 3 piece of cake thing myself. Next time, make yourself log the 1st piece in then, if there is a 2nd, log it in. I find that seeing it in black and white helps me get my will power back. I then log the next day and just try to do better than the day before. Even if I'm not under my calories, if I'm not over as much as I was the day before, I consider it a step in the right direction. You CAN do it!
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Take the plunge and at home throw out all of the bad food or put it in a seperate cupboard for the family that you dont go in.... at work just forget the cake... in about 8weeks people at work will be commenting on the change, it feels much better than eating the cake and staying the same! trust me, i love the amount of positive reinforcement i get at work!
  • dg72454
    dg72454 Posts: 2
    I know how you feel. It seems like all my good intentions go away when I get home at night. I was at about 230, then lost down to 192. I went on vacation (a cruise; food, food, food) and haven't gotten back on track. Now I'm afraid to get back on the scale. I am pretty active. I run 4-5 miles 4 days a week and swim occasionally. I do push ups in the morning. But, excersie will not keep the pounds off if I am out of control at night!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    The biggest problem is guilt and feeling like you've blown it - you haven't, we are all human!

    Take a step back, remember why you want to lose weight and ask yourself whether that cake, or that chocolate bar, or whatever it is is worth more to you than the reason you are losing weight.

    Start again as soon as you can and forget about the past few days - you cannot change what has been eaten, but you can change what you are going to eat. :) x
  • ovenbird1977
    You are okay. It's okay that you ate 3 pieces of cake. Forgive yourself. There's a sweet little child in there who just wants cake. That's okay. Congratulate yourself that you stopped at 3. You could have had 4, or 10. Regret and shame will not help you succeed. They will only make you unhappy.

    Think about what triggers your little child to want cake. Mine acts out when she is hungry, angry, lonely, tired. When you are feeling like you want to binge, try a hug instead. Or if you're at work, post here, and we will hug you *hugs*!

    If that doesn't help, tell your child that she can have all the cake she wants after she eats something filling and nutritous, drinks a glass of water or milk, and then waits 20 minutes. If you have done all these things and still want cake, you probably are trying to cut down your calorie intake too fast. Cuts over 100 calories per day make your body panic, and make it want to hoard calories.

    Also, I personally always crave sugar for days after I eat somthing with a lot of sugar, like cake. It will make the next 4 days so much harder. But it will be easier. Recognize the cravings for what they are, and have a little less every day until the cravings subside. Practice will help you. Every "out of control" moment is teaching you something.

    Go slowly. You will do this. All you need to succeed is inside you right now.:heart:
  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    You are not alone!! I have been eating out of control as well. I find that when it is close to "that time of the month" I go crazy!! Also, when I'm bored, depressed, anything really!

    I need motivation/support.

    Feel free to add me and maybe we can help each other!!

    Paula :smile:
  • dg72454
    dg72454 Posts: 2
    I know how to beat the craving. Wait; drink water; do something else. But it's wanting to do those things instead of giving in that is the challenge. How do you keep the motivation going in those weak moments????
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I know the feeling. for a long time I would eat extra junk and put on the 60 lbs in 5 years that I had lost and kept of for 2 years. I had lots of changes in that time and didn't stay on track. even though I knew things were bad for me I ate them anyway. then a few weeks back something in my head just clicked and now I'm back on track and down 4 lbs and exercise everyday.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Try having healthier sweet snacks around (I like the chocolate chip rice cakes).

    Prepare yourself for what you will tell yourself when you're in those situations again: "You'll regret it later", "You want to be healthier", "It's not worth it". Just be prepared with motivational mantras for yourself.