The weekend is approaching

Hi, I'm new here and so far so good. During the week it has been fairly easy to stay on track because I'm in a routine going to work and going home. As the weekend approaches and me and my family are out and about, I know it's going to be harder to stay on track and even log in the correct calories if we eat out, no matter how healthy I eat Any advice would be appreciated. As a new member, I'm looking for all the friends and support I can get so feel free to send a friend request.


  • Betsnikel
    Betsnikel Posts: 33 Member
    Do you have this app on your phone? That's how I found this site to begin with. But I find it very helpful while I'm out because I can add my foods to my diary and that helps me stay under control. When I have the cold hard facts right in front of me, I behave myself instead of blindly indulging and not really knowing how it will impact me. Good luck!:drinker:
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Hi, I'm new here and so far so good. During the week it has been fairly easy to stay on track because I'm in a routine going to work and going home. As the weekend approaches and me and my family are out and about, I know it's going to be harder to stay on track and even log in the correct calories if we eat out, no matter how healthy I eat Any advice would be appreciated. As a new member, I'm looking for all the friends and support I can get so feel free to send a friend request.
    first thing I thought was Game of Thrones "Winter Is Coming" only "Weekend is Coming" it made me chuckle for a few minutes and then I snapped out of it and got serious.

    The easiest thing to do is also one of the most hardest things to do. Logging the day before the day actually starts. When you do this, you plan for what you're going to be eating and it makes it easier to know what you have left over. Adding things <as you're eating them> also helps to know how much of an accurate track you're taking. Logging while you're eating it or before oyu eat it, is beneficial because you can choose to stop eating it half way through and save half the calories/fat/sugar/carbs ect. The reason why it is hard is because pre-logging is great for the week. Where you have a basic idea of whats gonna go in because it's usually the same thing every day anyway. The weekend, if your weekends are anything like mine, is full of "what do you wanna do today, babe?" "oh I dont know. what do you wanna do?" and this continues on for about 15 minutes and can change after the answer is chosen. I suggest to TRY and log what you can. Lets say you and the fam-bam are deciding to take a trip to..wherever and you're leaving in the morning. If you know Mcdonald's breakfast is in your future, then log it in the night before or morning of. At least you have breakfast taken care of. Keep thinking and planning what you're gonna be doing and know the resturants around the area and the ones you're likely to be eating at. Chili's is close by to destination? Kids love Chili's? You love Texas Cheese fries and wife loves the soup? Then you're likely to go to Chili's for lunch or dinner since its near by. If you want to take the gamble, log it. You can always change it later.

    I'm interested in how everyone else goes about doing this. I honestly do try to keep everything logged in. But if my phone dies when I'm out and about <and it usually does> then I'm stuck trying to remember everything and log it all in during that weekend day, which usually means there are some gaps in my log. It does help on days I am not doing anything that I end up sleeping in until 10 or later, so most of the day is gone already.

    Let me know how that works out for you. Pre-log when you can. It's harder during the weekend, but if you have an idea of whats gonna happen, it'll be easier to make that log.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    My family eats out every weekend. We hit the gym every Saturday morning and complete (what we call dirty cardio) so we are not limited in calories. Just remember if you intake more calories than you burn your body will retain them in a bad way.
    Sundays are easier BUT if it is a heavy day out for you - then make your food worth it. If lunch is pizza then make sure dinner is heavy protein to counteract the heavy carb lunch.

    Happy Weekends!
  • Daisygirl1024
    I agree that if you have the option of downloading the MFP app on your smartphone--do it!!! I just did that yesterday and am very excited to use it! Also, if you don't do this, you may want to keep one of those small memo pads on hand and just write down everything you eat!

    I also agree with the other poster that if you PLAN ahead your meals (or if I know I'm going out--see if they have their menu online and start researching calories so you know what is going to be your best option before you even get there! Even the fast food joints posts their nutritional info online so get familiar with that in case you're ever in a pinch so that you make SMART choices).

    On the weekends, I like to have a high protein breakfast of scrambled eggs with 1/4 cup of shredded cheese (and if you want to splurge once in a while you can have a FEW pieces of bacon)...that will LAST me a LONG time and I may only have a snack before its dinner time, which helps keep the calories down for your weekend dinners with the family!!!

    Good luck!!!