Fitter but not thinner

Since April I have started working out 5-6 times a week, with a mixture of running (as I am training for a half marathon) and resistance training. I have been eating healthily, and generally within calories Monday-Friday, but every weekend, it goes pear shaped (quite literally looking at my measurements!!) I have been playing with the same 3lbs over and over and OVER!!!! And before anyone tries to be nice and say that I might have lost inches, I haven't lost any inches for 8 weeks :o(

I am not overweight, but I would like to lose 14lbs to get back to my personal ideal weight. I know it is achievable for me as I was this weight 1 year ago. I have a new found love for running and working out, so I won't be giving up any time soon, especially as I am fitter and more toned than before.

Someone give me the motivation I need to get me through the weekends!!!!!!

My stats are:

24 years old
GOAL: 140-144lbs

If there is anyone out there in a similar position, I think a few friends in the same boat could really help :o)


  • dorkusmalorkus
    muscle mass? im not a wiz or anything but as long as you're healthier, i say good job!
  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    I have been exercising 3x a week for 6 months. I eat pretty healthy and stay within my calorie budget on most days also. While I am losing inches the scale hasn't changed. I know your frustration. My husband constantly reminds me that I should not care so much about a number. to concentrate more on getting the body I want. He is right. If you continue to work hard toward your ideal figure, you will eventually get where you want to be. Don't give up!
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    It seems like you have your exercise all in hand, but most of the work when it comes to weight loss, is taking control of your food intake. Turn 'generally within calories' to, 'always within calories' during the week, and allow yourself no more than a 300 calorie splurge at the weekend on top of your regular meals. Make it a treat meal, not a treat weekend. If you are working out as much as all that, working off the extra calories should be easy peasy.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Would love to hear comments on this one, as I am in the same boat. I am overweight though (5'2" 175lbs) but I work out 5-6 days a week, for an hour each day, sometimes doing two work outs a day. Have lost no inches and juggle the same few lbs. Lots of strength training too.
  • MeliciousGibson
    VERY similar position.

    Not losing any pounds - not decreasing in measurements. Playing back and forth with the same 3 pounds. I had gotten down to 145 at the end of February, and now I can't get below 150.

    Workout at a minimum 4 days/week - but just added a new strength routine in hopes of stirring things up and dropping a few more pounds. I eat healthy, but not as rigorous as I probably SHOULD in order to lose the actual weight. I've gotten to the point where I just accept my weight and try to do better at the gym. That's my new measurement gauge - can I lift more? Do I have more endurance?

    Age: 38
    Weight: 152 - 155 lbs.
    Height: 5'4"
    Goal weight - 135, but I'd be happy just to get back to 145!
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    I am in a very similar situation, love working out, eating healthy, do great most of the time, weekends are tough because I do like to enjoy life and have drinks, and I have been battling the same 4-6 pounds since the begining of the year, I know I can be 129 -132 because I was this time last year too, if you want to add me maybe we can get through these weekends :smile:
  • JustLena75
    JustLena75 Posts: 114
    Actually, being at 5'10, you are already at a GREAT weight.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I was going through the same routine. It sucks, and I didn't want to hear it either, but if you can continue what you do during the week, through the weekend, I bet you will start to see the lbs drop.

    I've found out that when I work hard all week and then do/eat/drink whatever I want on the weekends, I maintain. As soon as I start to add the workouts and eating proper through my weekends, I lose.

    Perhaps this will be the scenario for you as well. Good luck!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Girl I am in the SAME boat!!!! I started back at this April 1st and started New Rules of Lifting for Women 2x a week and running (2.5-3 miles) 3x a week. I've tried eating high cals I've tried eating 1200 cals. I've lost 2lbs since April 1st (and pretty sure that was from me drinking water again). I was to lose 10lbs. I was 135 June last year so I know I can do it but this is hard and so frustrating. I haven't lost inches either however I do look alot slimmer than I did when I was 135. UGH!!!! So frustrating! BTW I'm 26 5'2 female 150lbs.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I like to use my body as a guinea pig now and then to try out different foods. Unfortunately I got too attached to Japanese candy and other stuff I should have moderated better. In addition to this, I intentionally set my TDEE too low to see the effect it had on losing the final 2% BF. I wasn't surprised that over 2 months I stayed the same. Once I upped my TDEE to what it should be, and substituted for better food choices, my body was being fed adequately and was capable of optimal performance while working out with sustained energy levels throughout the day without the occasional hunger I had.
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Are you sure you're eating enough?
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Actually, being at 5'10, you are already at a GREAT weight.


    Juggling 3 lbs. or so isn't abnormal, especially if you're doing strength training--muscles retain fluid for a bit after working out, from what I understand.

    But what someone above said about minimizing the weekend splurge is a good idea. If you can plan ahead, you might be more successful at working this within your calorie budget.
  • ninakale
    ninakale Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds like you know the answer to your problem already, the weekends are killing you, you have to clean up your act there to get the weight off. My issue too, but it is no mystery!

  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Deffo can relate - and I have concrete proof that *for me* I "gain weight" when I work out on low calories.


    In my normal week, I workout anywhere from three to six times a week - dedicated workouts, not cleaning or walking the dog or whatever, but cardio/ weights/ classes/ et cetera. I am always within 30 calories of my weekly average "calorie allowance." (I keep a weekly average spreadsheet so I can keep an eye on trend lines and whatnot. Also because I am a giant dork :P)

    I recently went on vacation to a festival - didn't track bupkis, didn't work out at all, ate what sounded good (this included - truth! - FOUR bacon-wrapped, deep-fried hotdogs slathered in cream cheese over the trip, and SIX chili-cheese pups from Krystle in a single sitting). Came home and was another pound down from my previous lightest weight.

    got back into my usual workout routines and am coming in UNDER my calories... and have gone up THREE POUNDS in the last week.

    But the pants I wore the week before I left are MUCH bigger on me than they were at the lower weight.

    Muscle has a much higher density. My shape is changing. And if my muscle mass is up, and my lean body percentage is higher... Then I'm ok with the scale telling me I'm heavier. It's because I'm gaining muscle and the fat is leaving.

    This is a MAJOR inspiration when I get hung up on the number on the scale:

    I'm 5'9" and 151 - so I completely feel you! But I'd rather be able to kick butt than be skinny. It's all a matter of what you want - if you just want to be thin, stop the working out. You can diet your way to skinny. or you can work your way to being fit. Depends on your goals.
  • twinsies041
    A lot of the time when people are trying to lose the last few pounds they aren't eating enough.
    have you ever looked into your bmr?
    I'm 5'9 and mfp didn't give me enough calories in the beginning.
  • watters87
    watters87 Posts: 48 Member
    Sounds like you know the answer to your problem already, the weekends are killing you, you have to clean up your act there to get the weight off. My issue too, but it is no mystery!


    You are absolutely right! I'm hanging my head in shame...

    Thanks to everyone who has responded, I'll be adding some friends and hopefully I can finally gain control this weekend! It's going to be tricky though as I'm going to Ascot on Saturday, which inevitably involves a whole day of drinking eeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    I’m heavier than you, but in a similar position! When you say it goes pear shaped at the weekend, do you mean because you let yourself have more calories then? That’s what I was doing – having a little drink, a takeaway, snacks ... lol. I figured because I was eating well and working out five days a week that I could afford to have a blow-out at the weekend, but I have sadly realised that I can’t do that. I found I was losing during the week and then after the weekend I was right back to where I started :(

    Unfortunately I have to face it – in order to lose weight I have to be good most of the time and that includes weekends. I’m not going to increase my exercise (I do karate twice a week and weights workouts and calisthenics) but I do have to be more aware of what I am putting in my body more of the time. This is my first time counting calories – I never believed in it before, but I obviously need it!

    Your measurements are great to begin with – so tall, I bet you look lovely at that weight! But as you say you aren’t really overweight to begin with then adding muscle can make you stay the same weight for a little longer, but you’ll be leaner and more toned. Also it can often happen that people don’t initially see a drop in weight even though they’re working out like mad, then all of a sudden it starts melting off them, you just need to hang in there :D

    Keep at the exercise and the healthy eating, but maybe just look at what you’re eating/drinking at the weekends as it all counts!

    Best of luck with it, and with your half marathon x
  • watters87
    watters87 Posts: 48 Member
    OK - i've finally done it - my diary is now open to friends. Hopefully that will hold me more accountable at the weekends!!

    In regards to me eating to little, I think I have the opposite problem hehe. My calorie goal is set to 1660 per day (as per MFP to 0.5lbs per week) and I also eat back my exercise calories. The problem is that at the weekend, I go over by LOADS, a few drinks here and there, eating out etc etc. So even though I do my long run on a Saturday, I can't possibly make up the calories. Friday mornings I weigh the least, Monday mornings I weigh the most! I'd be quite happy to continue in this routine of up down the same 3lbs IF only I was 14lbs lighter!
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    This doesn't mean that you don't need to be more moderate on the weekends, of course, but I suspect a lot of that weight gain on Mondays is water retention--I'm guessing that you probably eat more sodium over the weekend. Alcohol might make you retain a bit of water, too, I'm not sure.

    It does sound like you're stalling yourself out with the weekend benders. It's hard, I know! I get together with several girlfriends every Monday for "girls' night," and historically we eat a lot AND drink a lot. I'm working on ways to allow myself that fun in a more reasonable way. Fortunately, most of my friends are also feeling the need to do the same, so we're in it together!

    Feel free to add me.