Thanksgiving Challenge - Fitness Check-In ~ Nov 5

NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
edited November 2023 in Challenges
Happy Monday! Yawn...:yawn: My little guy got up at 5:15ish instead of 6ish. Uugh. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON! Glad I got that out of the way!

Yesterday I walked for 2 hours at the zoo. It was about 80 degrees here in Denver and BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, I'm paying with the pain in my ankle today but my boys had fun so that's all that really matters. I didn't end up doing my Biggest Loser dvd because after I got home, entered my lunch, dinner, & walking I had almost 600 calories left for the day! What?!? So, I know I didn't make the best choice but I went for a bowl of ice cream to fill in some of the calories and called it a day. I guess I could have gone for the burrito at dinner instead of the salad! Anyone ever have that happen and if so, what did you do? Just leave the calories or did you try to eat them???

ANYWAY, have a great week filled with lot's of exercise and healthy food choices.
+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Happy Monday! Yawn...:yawn: My little guy got up at 5:15ish instead of 6ish. Uugh. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON! Glad I got that out of the way!

    Yesterday I walked for 2 hours at the zoo. It was about 80 degrees here in Denver and BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, I'm paying with the pain in my ankle today but my boys had fun so that's all that really matters. I didn't end up doing my Biggest Loser dvd because after I got home, entered my lunch, dinner, & walking I had almost 600 calories left for the day! What?!? So, I know I didn't make the best choice but I went for a bowl of ice cream to fill in some of the calories and called it a day. I guess I could have gone for the burrito at dinner instead of the salad! Anyone ever have that happen and if so, what did you do? Just leave the calories or did you try to eat them???

    ANYWAY, have a great week filled with lot's of exercise and healthy food choices.
    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I never have more than a 100 extra calories or so, unless I plan ahead for a dessert or evening out. Don't know how it could happen accidently! -- I'd reach for a dessert as well though.
    Today is 90 minute yoga and 30 minute easy walk - Yeah! My quads need a rest after yesterday's hill interval.
    Cold front comes in tonight -- we'll be able to turn the AC off finally :noway:
  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member
    I have totally been slacking on my Thanksgiving challenge this weekend. It so hard for me to eat right and exercise on the weekends, we always have stuff going on.
    But it's Monday, and I have no more excuses. I will be walking/jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight, I promise!
  • MsSandyE28
    MsSandyE28 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, you all have a week on me... but I'm going to start today!!!

    I'm currently 203 pounds I hope to lose 5 pounds by turkey day!!

    I will work out 60 minutes 5x a week on cardio w/ strength training 3x a week.

    I just found this website so I am so excited to see that it has an active community on it!

    I also have a blog.

    Please check it out! Hope everyone has a happy and safe monday!!
  • :grumble: I can't seem to stick to anything! And I just keep eating! I'd like to start the challenge, I was going to the YMCA 3x a week for about 2 weeks and then my 8 year old got the chicken pocks and things just fell apart. Now I can't seem to get back on schedule. It's so frustrating, and food is my soul food when I get frustrated. UGH! I don't know what to do for a pick me up!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member

    I know how you feel about food. The two things I did when stressed were: smoke or eat dessert. I've given up both for about 3 months now. I still have dessert now and then, but not when I'm stressed. Every time I feel stress, I walk, workout, or have a glass of green tea - depending on the type of stress. You must replace the food with something else - whatever works for you. Most people feel better after a 10 minute walk, but 10 minutes of meditation or sun salutations (yoga thing) should work too. The point is to focus on something other than the stress.
    For those really "tick you off" situations, I push myself until I can't think of anything else but what I'm doing. It's really hard to fixate on whatever stresses you, while doing a handstand :happy:
    You'll get there! Go today, tomorrow will be easier.

  • mollymay
    No time like the present, right? I am challenging myself to lose 2 lbs a week so 6 lbs by turkey day. I think its doable. mabe a challenge is what I need to give me a little motivation. Plus my brother is getting married the saturday after thanksgiving, so there is even more motivation.

    My goal: 152 by turkey day.

    Exercise goal: just starting out.. so I will begin by taking the stairs at work. I will work up from there.
  • mamatusa
    Morning everyone!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Well, as girls say, Aunt Flo came to visit this weekend, so no workouts for me this weekend. My girfriend and I took our boy's fishing off the Huntington Beach Pier, so we walked a little while the boys fished, I didn't make it to the gym this morning, but tomorrow I will be back on track!

    Have a great day!

    Tracey :o)
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    80 degrees. You bum! lol.
    To go out for my early morning walk this morning, I put on my comfortable flannel guy pants, and wore my big poufy orange ski coat, with toque and gloves, and the coat zipped up at the neck.
    Feeling good this morning. Didn't lose anything on the scales today, but the cold air did wonders waking me up and getting the circulation going (you have to walk fast to keep warm :bigsmile: )
  • Marywilldiet,
    Thanks for the motivation! I know what I have to do to reach my goals. It's the "doing it" part that gets in the way! I need to stop making excuses! WAY TO GO for you! It sounds like you've really worked hard! People say one day it will just become a habit to work out and feel great. No one wants to feel big and bloated! Thanks for the advice! Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    Oh my, just checking in after a weekend of craziness. My husband plays semi-pro football and I decided to roadtrip 10 hours to his playoff game in Pennsylvania this weekend. Eating on the road was not good. I only went over 600 calories each day, but got absolutely no exercise as we were in the car all day. I was so exhausted when I finally got home last night that I just collapsed. My husband thought he was being sweet by setting the alarm clock late so I could get some extra sleep. I was very appreciative, but that meant I missed my spin class this morning. BUMMER! So now I have to go and work out tonight, boo...

    On the brightside, they won their game and have advanced on to the national championship next week which is in Las Vegas! I booked my trip this morning... it will be a 48 hour whirlwind trip!

    I've gotten myself back on track calorie-wise today, and I'm going to try and bring more stuff with me this weekend so I won't be tempted by things like the hot dogs at the concession stand!
  • serenity1272
    Well this is the 1st day of the 2nd week of the Womens Boot Camp I joined here in Oregon. It was interval day...yea:grumble: so I have been up at 5 and we work out from 5:30-6:30 m-f... I ate really bad yesterday and man did I feel it, so I went right back to the good stuff today. I am not going to weigh myself until boot camp is over. I have this week and one more. Then I am going to sign up for the one from November 26th-Dec 14th. That way I can't be horrible for the whole Thanky Thanky weekend....weigh in on Monday. I started at 250 and have about 120lbs to lose but I am doing it slow and steady...burn baby burn....tomorrow is more interval training, Wednesday is a LONG hike up lots of hills then who knows what torture they will devise for us :tongue:
    All I know is that I LOVE the support and warm wishes and reaching out that is on this site...I have told everyone that I have come in contact with about it....even our trainer!!! (hope your not on here Keith) :blushing: