i need help!! i cant stop eating!!!

Ive been dieting on and off my biggest problem is that when i get stressed out i tend to eat a lot ....i need motivation but i dont know where to get it from ...i start to diet and in about i week i fall back into my old habits ...if any one can help me or tell me how i can stop eating less please I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!my weight and other problems have me getting fatter by the minute.


  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    try a stressball or eating fruit and veges so when your stressful you would eat healthy.
  • DGHayden
    DGHayden Posts: 21 Member
    It isnt about a diet, it's about changing your life. That means that you need to find a new way to eat healthy foods that you like to eat and can eat for the rest of your life. it isnt about getting skinny and then going back to eating whatever you want. it does not work that way. You have to make the decision that you CAN make a change but more importantly that you ARE going to make a change. Just take it one day at a time. One of my favorite quotes by Karen Lamb is "A year from now you will wish you had started today."
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Try putting a big piece of paper on your fridge and pantry that just says NO. It helps me sometimes at night when i get bored and want to eat while im watching TV. Or if a picture would motivate you, put that up there. Another thing that has helped me is when I want to eat something and i know i dont need it, I ask myself would i still eat it if i was standing in front of the mirror naked? Honestly, when you overcome this problem, you will feel sooooo good. Every time you say no, it builds your will power. You got this!!
  • I know what you mean. I binge for a day ... feel bad and then binge again the next day and feel too full. So I just had some pasta and veal. Yes, yummy but I probably had two portions. Reference my food chart today. I am really full now so I suspect I won't be hungry again for another 5-6 hours. Ways I handle this.... Between now and then, I will probably drink a few glasses of water. I might work out in 5 hours from now. I might take a nap in 6 or 7 hours from now. Each of these techniques works for me.

    Going forward of course, I am going to have to first measure the portions (takes too much time but it must be done), then eat a little more slowly. Have some water along the way. Perhaps take a short walk around the block thereafter. I will be tempted to have the second portion but after one hour, the brain figures out that I am full and I no longer need it.

    Another thing that you might do. Oatmeal. Plain, no sugar. Available to substitute for a meal, lunch and/or dinner. It is a filler and will not add too much calorie wise.

    Finally, given these peculiar eating habits, if you do not eat fruits and veggies, supplement with vitamins. If you do like veggies, try a day of veggies steamed all day. Good luck and HANG IN THERE!
  • jbjujitsu
    jbjujitsu Posts: 9
    How bout this... JUST STOP! I dont mean to sound harsh, but we all, including myself, find excuses for things when we really DONT want to change. Change is HARD. And its always easier just to do the things weve always done. When you are ready, I mean REALLY ready to change, you will.

    If we want something bad enough, we will find reasons. If not, we will find excuses.
  • Renee253
    Renee253 Posts: 16
    It really helps if you carefully log all the calories on your food tracker! Just the act of doing that has helped me greatly! Also try adding more fiber to your diet. You can painlessly do this by getting a powdered fiber supplement to a smoothie or yogurt or just about anything. It helps to fill you up. Also drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day. When you are feeling emotional try meditating to calm yourself. Read inspirational stories about weight loss, make a vision board with cut-outs from magazines of people who look like you want to look, or wearing clothes you would like to wear, or doing things you would like to do. When you are tempted to overeat, look at your vision board and imagine yourself attaining your goals. Visualization is a very powerful tool and can help you to maintain focus on the things you want. Best of luck to you...you can do it!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Ive been dieting on and off my biggest problem...

    Stop right there. Dieting off and on IS the biggest problem. Take it from someone who has been dieting off and on for 40 years. You're body gets SO confused when you yo-yo. Its gets harder to lose.

    Joining MFP is a great start. Use that food diary to PLAN your meals. Dont eat, THEN write it in. Write your whole day in and see how many calories you are eating. Too many? Subtract some things. Too few? Add something. You CAN do this. Its not easy but if you are really determined, you WILL succeed.
  • sarah29uk
    sarah29uk Posts: 1
    I'm exactly the same and it's so soul destroying when you give in and eat something you shouldn't - especially when you've been trying really hard! The only time when I'm not thinking about food is when I'm out walking! I try to go for a lengthy walk every day, and I'm making it so I'm out there longer because I find I'm not hungry when I'm walking. If you need a quick sugary treat try a meringue nest at only 50 calories, team it with some strawberries and you're laughing - a fab low calorie desert that tastes yummy! I'm also a big fan of the Cadbury's Highlights Hot Chocolate, at only 40 calories they cure my craving for chocolate in an instant - and they last longer than a chocolate bar! Good luck :)
  • When you are dealing with a problem like emotional eating, losing weight will be close to impossible UNTIL you tackle your emotional problems head on. For me it has taken a lot of self-exploration, emotional eating self help books, and loving myself where I am before I lose the weight. It has also been a journey that has taken a few years. I am now finally at a place where I am back on MFP without constantly judging myself and my every move. There will be days when I overeat, but by focusing on healthy foods and the macro and micronutrients my body needs most I am feeling hopeful and seeing progress! Feel free to message me if you want book titles or more emotional eating chat from someone who understands.

    Someone who tells you to "just stop" clearly has had no experience with emotional eating.
  • abeachlady
    abeachlady Posts: 88
    How bout this... JUST STOP! I dont mean to sound harsh, but we all, including myself, find excuses for things when we really DONT want to change. Change is HARD. And its always easier just to do the things weve always done. When you are ready, I mean REALLY ready to change, you will.

    If we want something bad enough, we will find reasons. If not, we will find excuses.

    So true, so true!

    You should not think of it as a diet. It is a life style change and an opportunity to be healthy. When you decide that is what you want above the unhealthy foods and habits you will do it.
  • wendibartel
    wendibartel Posts: 132
    I am right there with you. I have been so busy planning my wedding, getting married and trying to get life back in check the past two months that I have lost all motivation. I have been overwhelmed and stressed. Add on top of that getting home late because my sons in activities. Makes it difficult to cook and excersise. I am out of energy :(

    I hope that things start looking up for you. Here is one from the slacker. Do a search on crockpot meals they have some yummy meals listed that allow you to eat lots of yummy food.
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    I chew gum. That helps me a lot. It also helps me with eating out of boredom.
  • I try to be aware of what I'm putting in the shopping basket so that there are lots of healthy choices lots of fruit and veg so its always handy if I don't buy high calorie food we cant eat it.

    I also try to make sure that when I'm cooking I only cook enough for that meal so there are no leftovers. its not always easy as we have three kids in the house so lots of pack lunch snacks roaming around the house but I buy different snacks for them and low calorie snacks for the adults.

    Still new to this site but my husband and I really want to be fit and healthy and tracking what I eat here really helps me to be honest with myself about what I eat.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    Try putting a big piece of paper on your fridge and pantry that just says NO. It helps me sometimes at night when i get bored and want to eat while im watching TV. Or if a picture would motivate you, put that up there. Another thing that has helped me is when I want to eat something and i know i dont need it, I ask myself would i still eat it if i was standing in front of the mirror naked? Honestly, when you overcome this problem, you will feel sooooo good. Every time you say no, it builds your will power. You got this!!

    LOL... if I stood in front of the mirror to eat my meals - I would be sooooooo thin and scarred at the same time :) LOVE IT
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
  • Tina1970s
    Tina1970s Posts: 62
    Weight Watchers uses the line - NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS !!!! Try telling yourself that when your tempted :smile:
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    A friend of mine posted this and I have it printed out and taped everywhere in my house:

    :heart: If hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the solution. :heart:

    You need to change how you think. I used to plan my day around when I was going to eat and what I was going to eat. No more! I plan my day as it comes and when I am hungry, I know I am going to eat soon and I make myself busy. Before: I could eat all day long. I could put a whole pizza away like a champ. Now:. I just eat a serving of whatever it is that I am eating and I am done with it.

    Maybe pop a piece of gum in your mouth when you are stressed and find something to keep your hands busy. Get some colored floss/string and make some bracelets, get some clay and make some beads, or just read a book.

    Good luck to you!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    forgive yourself and start over. Guilt will just discourage you. Tell yourself that the failure you are concerned about is so yesterday--or last meall or last hour.. I find that just as keeping an exercise log really motivates me to do just a little more every day or two and reminds me of how much I was able to do just last week, keeping a good food diary ( like at MFP) motivates me to eat just a little better. If I ate 1800 cal today, I will try to just to 1600 tomorrow and give myself a gold star for every success. It is hard but You can do it. Good luck.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    No matter what rout you take to get away from this problem, it all comes down to your willpower- Recognizing when those feelings are arising and actively going against it.

    There have been countless times I picked up *fill in the bad food* looked at it KNOWING I shouldn't eat it...I would start to justify why it's ok to eat it.... but before I could talk myself IN to eating it, i tossed it right in the trash!! Another thing I've done is distract myself with other things that make me happy- like painting my nails or watching a funny comedian on TV or even just stepping out for a walk. The key is to find OTHER outlets besides food and then applying them.

    It is hard, but not impossible! Wishing you luck! :flowerforyou:
  • fitandstrongmommy
    fitandstrongmommy Posts: 81 Member
    you need to look at it not like a diet but a lifestyle change. Sometimes you will have bad days. Plan you meals ahead of time and make sure you have fruit and veggies in the house for when you want a snack