NSV - Inch Loss over # on the Scale

So my Weight has stayed the same for 5 weeks... measured myself this morning and I am down 8 3/4 inches. and to think, an elderly woman approached me in the gym last Monday after I just got done doing an intense workout and told me I needed to join weight watchers cause what I was doing wasnt working and that the # on the scale needs to go down. (She asked me about my progress BTW. That's why she knew) I explained to her that I just bought a smaller pair of pants and took a sneak peek at my inch loss and I was down 4 1/4 inches at that time. I also told her I am gaining muscle because of all the strength training. She kept shaking her head no and wouldnt listen to me. I plan on wearing a ribbon cut to 8 3/4 inches and I'm gonna clip it to my shirt where I keep my I.D. card while I wear my new "next size down workout attire. I'LL SHOW HER!


  • She sounds rude and you're awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Look at it this way, if she's a weight watchers fan she'll try and convert you regardless of whether you need it or not. Also, she probably likes you (clearly as she talks to you) so I'm guessing she wants to invite you to come along to their weekly weigh-in sessions...

    And if she was being rude (which sadly some people get like when they get old) then hopefully she didn't mean to be mean and didn't realise what she was doing.

    Anyway, it sounds like you have a good attitude about it - you rock girl! Keep going and let the haters hate - she's probably only jealous :)
  • aleka1961
    aleka1961 Posts: 18
    I like the ribbon idea!!! I think she doesnt know she's being rude. Like they said she probably wants you to join with her. Im kinda old and sometimes i say things and sometimes i sound rude....but i try to correct myself.
    BTW....you look great, keep up the good work.
    just keep on doing what you are doing and the scales will eventually start moving down. If you are losing inches that's what counts. Same thing was happening with me in the beginning but I kept at it and the lbs are finally coming off. And you don't have to join Weight Watchers to lose weight, nothing is wrong with joining Weight Watchers but alot of people lose (including me) with changing my eating habits and exercise. You can do it and don't let anyone discourage you because they are rude (even if they don't mean to be or know they are rude - it is rude!)
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Ewwwweee...don't be her friend! Wear that smaller size proud!
  • Nesha725
    Nesha725 Posts: 18
    I like the ribbon idea!!! Inches counts just as much as pounds!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    You go girl! Weight isn't everything, inches lost is a big deal.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow good job. Yeah that lady is clearly *oldschool*. Show her what's up! In her face!!!!
  • JillianJuliette
    JillianJuliette Posts: 12 Member
    You guys Rock!!!!! Thank you so much for the support & positive comments :) I have seen that lady once since that incident and I found myself flaunting my ribbon around!! LOL! HUGZ!!!
  • Kick the old ***** in the shin. Good for you.The scale is not the measuring stick for me. The way my body feels when im done running 5 miles, the way my body has changed in the mirror and the way my clothes fit are much more the accurate measuring stick in my book.
    Keep up the good work, only you can be the judge of how it makes you feel.
  • elian123
    elian123 Posts: 2 Member
    Way to go! Not everyone shows progress in the number of pounds...I htink I might be one of them!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    <==== my profile picture is before and during. In both pictures Im exactly the same weight and I took them 30 days apart. I took the during picture sunday and right now im wearing a smaller size in clothes.
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