looking to lose over 100 pounds, anyone else?

Hi there, so I'm a 22 year old stay at home mom. I joined yesterday! I'm looking to change my life forever. I have always been the "fat kid" all through school, and I'm done, I'm almost 250 pounds - I never want to see 300. I am looking to lose over 100 pounds and it be nice to have someone who's trying to do the same thing. This is my first time every trying to lose the pounds. And I don't really know fully on what I am doing and what I have to do. It would be nice to have the motivation and the help!


  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    I am also trying to loose 100+ pounds also! Here if you need encouragement, I'm here. Thank you for adding me! :smile:
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Welcome! I'm trying to lose over 100 too.

    Everyone here is very helpful/informative. . Feel free to add me and feel free to ask questions!
  • I am already friends with you but I wanted to let you know that our stories are a lot the same. I have always been overweight and was already the "fat" friend all through school. I was not comfortable with myself at all. I have always said that I need to lose weight but I never got real serious over it. Well I stepped on the scale and I was 240 lbs, I could not believe it so it was the time for a change my goal is to be 135 but I will be happy if I can get to 160-150 lbs.

    Anyone else please feel free to add me!!!
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    I am already friends with you but I wanted to let you know that our stories are a lot the same. I have always been overweight and was already the "fat" friend all through school. I was not comfortable with myself at all. I have always said that I need to lose weight but I never got real serious over it. Well I stepped on the scale and I was 240 lbs, I could not believe it so it was the time for a change my goal is to be 135 but I will be happy if I can get to 160-150 lbs.

    Anyone else please feel free to add me!!!

    Your story sounds so much like mine! I am around 280 though-time to get my butt in gear! Good luck, I wish you the best! :smile:
  • My goal is 217 pounds. I just started this. :)
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    Other than Diet or Workout for your tummy and belly...how about your breast?..i bets they also need workout,...so u all can use this step to make your boobs looks great...its natural...same like doing workout....just try 1st http://smartbuy1001.blogspot.com/2012/06/breast-need-new-size-cup-bra.html
    What the heck???
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    My goal is 217 pounds. I just started this. :)
    Good luck with your journey!!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Me too!
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    I still have 109 pounds to lose
  • mnskagirl
    mnskagirl Posts: 9
    Everyone is amazing on this site!!!!! I am certainly no pro, however I am here if anyone needs support........ :smile: Blessing to you all!!!
  • XjuliaXannX
    XjuliaXannX Posts: 67 Member
    i don't need to lose 100 pounds any more; But after my first pregnancy i gained over 100 pounds! it was not east to take that weight off but it CAN HAPPEN! i went from 240 pounds to about 135 in about a year and a half. It takes so much dedication but i know that you all can do it! Good luck on all of your journeys to be the best you that you can be (:
  • hulkklogan
    hulkklogan Posts: 77 Member
    My ultimate goal is to get to 220 (I'm 6'3). I started at 363, so I am looking at losing a total of 143 pounds. I'm at 90 lost now and I can tell you it's been an amazing journey. A journey of ups and downs. Of self-loathing and self-discovery. I'm learning who I truly am and what I am capable of and it is absolutely fantastic. I wish you the absolute BEST of luck and great health. The best advice I can give is STAY STRONG!! Do NOT let outside influences work your head into a fit. Do you what you know in your heart is right and follow MFP. You will get there :) Our stories are very similar. I was always the fat kid in the group and got picked on all of the time, by both friends and foes. I used to absolutely hate myself. But I'm learning to love myself and embrace the positives I have. As you lose weight and gain confidence, you will do the same. You will learn what you've likely missed out on throughout most of your life, as I had.
  • HI!! I know how you feel girl! I am a 31 year old, and I became a Stat at Home Mom in December when my son was born. I too need to lose 100 lbs! I have already lost 40 since giving birth, and I STILL have another 100 lbs to go. I would love to have someone to go through this journey with me. I just started on 6/19/12.
  • That is FANTASTIC!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Overall I would like to use over 150 pounds - for right now I am just trying for the first 10 pounds!!
  • Thanks so much everyone who has said something! I wish you all the best of luck in your journeys! Keep working hard for what you want and you will succeed! Anyone have any tips or good workouts for a newbie like me?
  • hulkklogan
    hulkklogan Posts: 77 Member
    Overall I would like to use over 150 pounds - for right now I am just trying for the first 10 pounds!!

    baby steps. I rarely ever think about how much more I have to go.. I just take it day by day. That is the best way to go about it, IMO.
    Thanks so much everyone who has said something! I wish you all the best of luck in your journeys! Keep working hard for what you want and you will succeed! Anyone have any tips or good workouts for a newbie like me?

    Just get out and move. Actually, for people who have a lot to lose, I usually recommend NO exercise for the first 2 months. I know that sounds illogical and crazy, but it's true. Your diet is the vast majority of where your weight loss comes from. Think of it in terms of caloric deficit.. the easiest and most efficient way to create a caloric deficit is to eat less, and eat healthier. Generally speaking, healthier foods are less dense in calories. So, focus on meeting your calorie goal set by MFP for the first month or two.. then get outside! Walking is a key point in getting ready for exercise. Don't go out there and kill yourself thinking you're going to lose TONS of weight because you will burn yourself out and you'll be tired and stop going. Just get out and get used to exercise, get a routine going. 2 miles a day, at least 4 times a week That is key. When you feel like what you're doing is much too easy and you feel like walking is not enough, then you can throw in some light weight lifting (to build up some muscle definition) and some sprinting. Walking will not really kick your metabolism another notch up, but it will help you metabolize fats (which your body will when in a calorie deficit). Sprints and weight lifting will kick your metabolism up a notch.
  • bigoboo1
    bigoboo1 Posts: 13
    Hi I am also trying to loose 100+ lbs! I am awaiting for my sister to join in so that we can meet some friends together. Until then, i will love to get started with some new friends. I forgot to mention that I did sign in before, maybe 6 months or so, but I used my cell phone, which gave me little options of meeting anyone. I thought I was just using this site to count my calorie consumptions. lol! Now that I am using PC, I am able to update my profile and meet new people!
  • bigoboo1
    bigoboo1 Posts: 13
  • bigoboo1
    bigoboo1 Posts: 13
    Walking is a key point in getting ready for exercise. Don't go out there and kill yourself thinking you're going to lose TONS of weight because you will burn yourself out and you'll be tired and stop going. Just get out and get used to exercise, get a routine going. 2 miles a day, at least 4 times a week That is key.
    Thanks for the valuable information. You are correct!