
Hey..Im new to this site. I dont have it all figured out yet but it looks pretty simple. I have a question about the calories I am required to intake... it says 1200 a day but then it adds back what I just exercised off...this doesnt make sense to me. Shouldnt I just eat whats left of the 1200 instead of adding back the exercised cal? confused? Anywho great to meet all of you!...Crystal


  • minus10
    minus10 Posts: 8 Member
    You need to eat 1200, so if you exercise you have that many more to equal 1200. Not sure if that makes sense.
  • tzvishear
    the program figures out how many calories you need to maintain a desired weight. after you say how much you want to lose in how many weeks it calculates how many less calories you should eat in a day. if you exercise you will be burning off calories so in order to keep your body from going to starvation mode and lot lose weight you should add in the exercise calories.
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    gotcha.. thanks for the quick I guess I need to start eating some