
Hi Everyone,
I am 45 and have 50 lbs min to lose. For exercise I have been using the treadmill. I do thirty minutes at a time, at least one time per day and sometime twice a day. I am getting more mileage in every time staying at 30 min but increasing my stride/speed. Also no incline at this point. Any suggestions? Incline, Go slow then up my speed for a certain length of time etc.?? Thanks in advance:)


  • mel5989
    mel5989 Posts: 80
    hello?? any advice for the old lady with the big booty!! hahaha!:flowerforyou:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hey! Sorry....just saw this one.

    What pace are you walking now? I'd work on buildiing up to a decent pace before adding incline, but that's just me. You get in more treadmill time than I do! You'd doing great!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    hi OP!

    You could stick in one session per week that is interval training.

    What you do is jog for a mile to warm up and then up the speed but only run for 400m, then slow down the speed to walking pace, walk for 200m. Repeat five more times. Then warm down by jogging for a mile.

    This sharpens up your speed and gives you variations on your training, it also keeps you fresh and stops you getting bored.
  • petra1961
    petra1961 Posts: 1
    I felt that by using an incline of 8 i can walk at 3.5mph and get a really good workout. :) i dont think its all about how many miles you can cover, but how good your workout is. hope that helps :))
  • Just keep doing what you're doing with walking...if you start going faster than a pace of 3.0 (12min/mile) only do this 2-3 times a week...not twice a day.

    Many overuse injuries are caused by people doing too much too fast. Start out slow, and very slowly build speed and endurance/time. You might feel great now...which is excellent. But a lot of injuries start that way, and 2 weeks later you have an inflamed joint or shin splints.

    Keep it up!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I use the treadmill a lot. I started with just trying to go faster and then longer. I watch tv so that helps me stay on longer. I really did just go up a notch or two as I walked, see how I could handle it. I usually would go from 2.0 to 2.2 to 2.4 etc. When I got mostly comfortable, I would move it up some more.

    Adding incline does help increase your heart rate as well as works our legs. We live in a hilly neighborhood and I really wish I had measured my thighs last year when we got our dog. I know I have lost inches just from walking her a few times a day.

    I just recently got a HRM. I have learned that I stay in the zone better when I increase the incline some, pump my arms and walk a little slower than my fastest. Going at my fastest sometimes made my feet hurt... I have bad feet. So I would rather walk at 3.2 MPH with an incline of 3 to 5 than at 3.5 MPH at 0 incline.

    Just keep taking it further.... more steps, faster speeds, add incline, more time etc.
  • mel5989
    mel5989 Posts: 80
    right now my pace is 2.7 give or twice a day is too much? If I only do it one time a day and idea for another work out? Im considering the 30 day shred.
    My thoughts for the treadmill is to stay at 30 min but increase my speed for a harder workout.
  • mel5989
    mel5989 Posts: 80
    Hey! Sorry....just saw this one.

    What pace are you walking now? I'd work on buildiing up to a decent pace before adding incline, but that's just me. You get in more treadmill time than I do! You'd doing great!

    2.7 pace...thanks :)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    right now my pace is 2.7 give or twice a day is too much? If I only do it one time a day and idea for another work out? Im considering the 30 day shred.
    My thoughts for the treadmill is to stay at 30 min but increase my speed for a harder workout.

    I do not think 30 minutes twice a day is too much! Try working on your pace and endurance before adding any incline. Make sure you're stretching well.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I could be wrong but I was always instructed to have some sort of incline because the treadmill is propelling you forward and having a slight incline is more like "real" walking vs the treadmill doing all the work for you. I run on the treadmill for my short runs and use a 1.5-2.0 incline. I know that you are not asking about running but maybe this works the same way for walkers.

    Good luck on your treadmill adventure. Start slow and listen to your body :)
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    If you're interested, you can try the Couch 2 5K program! I do it on the treadmill just to make myself able to run further, but I know some people who don't follow it exactly, but use it as somewhat of a motivator. Although, it does make you run and idk if you're interested in running as well or if you'd like to continue your walking.

    Either way, keep this in mind: you're moving faster than those people sitting on the couch!!
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    For the past 2 or 3 months, I've only been doing the treadmill. I was walking at 3.3 mph with no incline and my HRM said I wasn't getting into my target heart rate, even though I was sweating buckets. So I started increasing the incline and that totally did the trick. When it starts taking me longer and longer to get to my target heart rate, I just keep raising the incline.
  • mel5989
    mel5989 Posts: 80
    For the past 2 or 3 months, I've only been doing the treadmill. I was walking at 3.3 mph with no incline and my HRM said I wasn't getting into my target heart rate, even though I was sweating buckets. So I started increasing the incline and that totally did the trick. When it starts taking me longer and longer to get to my target heart rate, I just keep raising the incline.
    Thanks, I guess I should buy a heart rate monitor and check it out.