


  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Great advice and I love that website. Check this one out as well

    She has some good ones too. I also found great recipes on low carb friends forum.

    Mother of science! My browser just exploded from the awesomeness! Thanks for the resource!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I say ignore what MFP says and do what works for you...I do.
  • summer_tyme
    summer_tyme Posts: 16 Member
    First of all what are the type of carbs that you're eating? Because I doubt that you'll gain weight by eating fibrous carbs such as veggies. Cut out the refined carbs such as white bread, cereals, pasta. Stick to the fibrous carbs as they are lower in calories & go easy on the starchy carbs like rice, potatoes, corn.

    Like others have said, you don't have to follow what MFP is recommending. Perhaps you're really carb intolerant so instead you can adjust the settings to lets say 25% carbs, 55% protein, 20% fat but first you have to know what are the exact macros you really need.

    I will be the first to admit I gained the weight back because my diet was RIDICULOUS!!! I went crazy just eating whatever I got a notion for!! Lower/Healthier carbs kept the weight off for me for a long time. Your suggestions are how I kept it off but I guess my mindset was different when I was at my ideal weight that now tht I have to lose again....

    How do I adjust my macros on MFP?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Go to goals on the website (not the app), change goals, custom, and set the ratio to 60 fat 35 protein and 5 carbs.

    Also to show a nifty chart at the bottom and net carbs instead of having to subtract (see how lazy I am? Can't even bother to subtract fiber from 20g carbs haha) check this script out. Started using it this week!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I would go with lowER carb. I did atkins 8 years ago, and sticking to 40-50g net carbs SUCKED, so I have been avoiding it for like 4 years now. I tried going by the MFP suggestions and it was just too much. I lost weight the first month, then I gained and lost the same 3 pounds for 2 months. As soon as I cut my carbs down under 100g net per day, the weight started coming off MUCH easier--4.8lbs the first week and ~1.25 pounds a week there after--a total of 11 pounds in 6 weeks.

    I think once you get started and you see the scale moving, you'll get excited and want to keep going.

    40-50? and you were having trouble?

    induction is 20 grams per day... so i dunno what you were doing :P

    My doctor told me that I could skip induction and go straight to maintenance of about 50g per day. I had been diagnosed with IR and it was a test to see if I could control/reverse it with diet. I did such a great job that I lost 15-20 pounds AND got pregnant within the first 2 months. The last month or so was the hardest because I would totally lose it and inhale peanut butter filled pretzels etc in the evening and then feel guilty that I had zero will power. Turns out that my willpower died practically the instant my son was conceived. OB ordered me to eat 200-250g of carbs per day :(
  • summer_tyme
    summer_tyme Posts: 16 Member
    Just asking....what is everyone's thoughts about ketosis?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Love it. Been in ketosis for exactly 23 days now. It's pretty much the medical name for induction phase. I keep failing to drink lots of water, and the breath is bad, but I feel so much healthier and look better, too.

    Been using my suggested calories, too. In fact, I made myself eat almonds, and I'll be making some decaf coffee just so MFP doesn't yell at me.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Oh, and if you are a redditor, there is a keto subreddit.

    Lots of food porn there, good recipes, blogs, NSVs, and SVs to keep you motivated. Take a look at the right side. There's a bunch of useful links.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    change the macro settings to suit your needs. Select custom goals.

    MFP is just a tool, it isn't a plan. People that say "I'm doing MFP" confuse the hell out of me because you can dial in all manner of settings and eat anything.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Don't be afraid of carbs! They are yummy deliciousness!

    Also, you don't have to lower your carbs to lose weight. When lowering carbs, you basically lower your calories bringing you back to a lowered calorie diet anyway.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Don't be afraid of carbs! They are yummy deliciousness!

    Also, you don't have to lower your carbs to lose weight. When lowering carbs, you basically lower your calories bringing you back to a lowered calorie diet anyway.

    some people do need to. have you ever heard of insulin resistance?...and it doesn't ALWAYS lower your calories. I know I am eating more calories while eating lower carb than I did when I was eating low calorie, yet I am still losing weight.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Also, you don't have to lower your carbs to lose weight. When lowering carbs, you basically lower your calories bringing you back to a lowered calorie diet anyway.

    Agreed. Before keto, I lost about 20 lbs just counting calories. But for me having that much freedom made me frustrated when I would eat a few pieces of bread or pasta with my meal, and I would be hungry just a few minutes later. It's like my body CRAVES sugar and starches.

    Best diet option for me. I've broken my addiction to sugar and with the high fat, I'm hardly ever hungry! Good news when you're a boredom eater!