Too Many Carbs ?



  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Agree with what others have said wholeheartedly - 5'10'' and that weight and activity level NEEDS more caloric intake. You wouldn't expect your car to drive long distance on fumes, so you can't expect your body to either.

    I guess it does beg the question why you want to lose more weight - seems to me like from those stats you don't need to. Gaining muscle and toning is a different thing entirely, and to do that you need to eat an appropriately balanced diet - plus hours of cardio won't do that for you anyway.

    Up your intake of whole grains, nuts, seeds, fats - fats ARE essential, don't fall into the low fat trap. If it's low fat it's generally high sodium and sugar, food companies HAVE to play around with the ingredients as when you remove fat, you also remove taste.

    If you're wanting to work on your muscle definition, I'd say seriously pay attention to your protein intake - the rule most often quoted here is 1g protein per lb body mass per day.

    Good luck!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    I'm guilty of the too much carbs thing also. I overate my carbs by like 130 grams today, which is a whole lot for me.
  • d4rkn3ss06
    d4rkn3ss06 Posts: 57

    ^^ here are a couple of groups of people that should help you with getting some new food ideas!! that being said if you are already underweight you should not be dieting! If you are trying to lower body fat you need to first be at a healthy weight. Your doctor might have not been concern cuz she/he didnt know you are trying to lose weight? Eat more!!! A lot more! and be careful cuz like other have said there are a lot of red flags that hint at a disorder. Good Luck!!! :)
  • oOTaraOo
    oOTaraOo Posts: 29
    My husband also has a lot of protein shakes as he doesn't get the protein from meat like I do. (though I do also have the protein shakes)
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Several other people have already mentioned it, but I think it's important to stress - eating fat is not bad. We in our society have turned "fat" into a bad word. Okay, so we don't like having lots of fat on our bodies... but, our bodies create fat out of other things (yes, like carbs) and not just directly from "fat" that we eat. The processes our bodies use for turning consumed food into fuel/fat is much more complicated than that.

    For years I ate very "low fat." Yes I was able to lose weight doing that for a while, but I wasn't happy. I mean, literally - I wasn't getting some essential nutrients that my body needs, and quite literally my mood was negatively impacted by this. Since I've increased my fat intake (I do eat meat, so some of my fat comes from there, but I also get fat from avocados, coconut milk and coconut, nuts - especially macadamia nuts which are exceptionally good for you - and those sorts of things) I feel healthier mentally as well as physically.

    An added benefit - fats tend to satiate hunger better and keep you feeling fuller longer.

    Please consider increasing your fat intake - you just might feel happier, healthier, and more radiant :-)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    i eat only about maybe 8 grams of fat a day
    I think that is too low, there are fats you have to eat because you can't make them, and fat soluble vitamins that you only get in fat. You may be building up some deficiencies.